"Now how does a deceived person know he’s deceived? How can we spot such a person? Let me give you some keys, and I want you to think these through. Now not everybody in these keys that I’m going to give you is really deceived but these are good indicators that someone might be deceived. If you want to spot someone who’s deceived look first of all for someone who’s seeking feelings, blessings, experiences, healings, angels, miracles, why? Chances are they’re more interested in the by‑products of the faith than they are the faith itself. They’re more interested in what they can get than the glory God can get, they’re more interested in themselves than in the exaltation of Christ.

Secondly, if you’re looking to see who might be deceived look for people who are more committed to the denomination, the church, the organization than to the Word of God. Their kind of Christianity may be purely social. I’m a Presbyterian, well I’ve been a Baptist all my life, I’m a Lutheran, I belong to the whatever. More committed to the organization than they are to the Lord and His Word.

Thirdly, look for people who are involved in theology as an academic interest. And you’ll find them all over the colleges and seminaries of our land. People who study theology, write books on theology, absolutely void of the righteousness of Christ. Theology for them is intellectual activity.

Fourthly, look for people who always seem stuck on one over emphasized point of theology. This is the person who bangs the proverbial drum for his own little area, some crazy quirk. And it usually is not some great divine insight, they’d like you to think that they are so close to God they have a great divine insight no one else has, the fact of the matter is they’re seeking a platform for the feeding of their ego. Watch for people with a lack of balance.

And one other thought. When you look for somebody who might be deceived look for someone who is overindulgent in the name of grace. Overindulgent in the name of grace. Lacks penitence, a true contrite heart, so forth."  End. quote.