Evolution: Fact or Fiction by Adrian Rogers
[Edited Sermon Notes] Did God make man or did man make God? Is man the special creation of almightily God or is God a figment of man’s imagination? 1 Ti 6:20
Evolution: Nothing + time + chance = everything. It's a fairy tale for adults.
Why I reject the theory of evolution:
1. For logical reasons
a. Well-trained scientists do not believe
b. Not founded on observation
c. Wholly unsupported by facts
2. Evolutionists do not have answers for:
a. The origin of life
b. Fixity of the species
c. The fossil record
d. The Second Law of Thermodynamics
e. Certain properties that exist which have nothing to do with "survival of the fittest"
2. Moral reasons
a. People are an accident
b. The depraved have believed
3. Theological reasons
a. No first parents
b. No paradise
c. No fall
c. Atonement collapses
"If Genesis 3 is a myth then John 3 is a farce. You must be born again." ~ Adrian Rogers
Edited sermon notes Evolution: Fact or Fiction by Adrian Rogers
Fact or Fiction (MP3 right click and 'save target as' to download) Adrian
Rogers http://vananne.com/evolutionvscreation/01%20Evolution_%20Fact%20or%20Fiction_.mp3