1.     To produce the fruit of patience
Rom. 5:3; James 1:3–4; Heb. 10:36
2.     To produce the fruit of joy
Ps. 30:5; 126:5–6
3.     To produce the fruit of maturity
Eccles. 7:3; 1 Pet. 5:10
4.     To produce the fruit of righteousness
Heb. 12:11
5.     To silence the devil
Job 1:9, 10, 20–22
6.     To teach us
Ps. 119:67, 71
7.     To purify our lives
Job 23:10; Ps. 66:10–12; Isa. 1:25; 48:10; Prov. 17:3; 1 Pet. 1:7
8.     To make us like Christ
Heb. 12:9, 10; 1 Pet. 4:12–13; Phil. 3:10; 2 Cor. 4:7–10
9.     To glorify God
Ps. 50:15; John 9:1–3; 11:1–4; 21:18–19; Phil. 1:19–20
10.     To prevent us from sinning
2 Cor. 12:7, 9–10
11.     To make us confess when we do sin
Judg. 10:6–7, 15–16; Ps. 32:3–5; Hos. 5:15; 6:1; 2 Chron. 15:3–4
12.     To chasten us for our sin
1 Pet. 4:17
13.     To prove our sonship
Heb. 12:5–6
14.     To reveal ourselves to ourselves
Job 42:6; Luke 15:18
15.     To help our prayer life
Isa. 26:16
16.     To become an example to others
2 Cor. 6:4–5; 1 Thess. 1:6–7
17.     To qualify us as counselors
Rom. 12:15; Gal. 6:2; 2 Cor. 1:3–5
18.     To further the gospel witness
Acts 8:1–5; 16:25–34; Phil. 1:12–13; 2 Tim. 4:6–8, 16–17
19.     To make us more than conquerors
2 Cor. 2:14; Rom. 8:35, 37
20.     To give us insight into God’s nature
Job 42:5; Rom. 8:14–15, 18
21.     To drive us closer to God
1 Pet. 4:14; 2 Cor. 12:10
22.     To prepare us for a greater ministry
1 Kings 17–18; John 12:24
23.     To provide for us a reward
Matt. 5:10–12; 19:27–29; Rom. 8:16–17; 2 Cor. 4:17
24.     To prepare us for the kingdom
2 Thess. 1:5; 2 Tim. 2:12
25.     To show God’s sovereignty
Rom. 8:28; 1 Cor. 10:13; Ps. 66:10–12; Gen. 45:5–8; 50:20
Willmington, H. L.: Willmington's Book of Bible Lists. Wheaton, Ill. : Tyndale House, 1987