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Inspired Scripture
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"You read other books. This book will read you." Adrian Rogers
These are written that
you may believe that
Jesus is the Christ, the
Son of God, hand that
believing you may have life
in His name.
(Jn 20:31, NKJV).
So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine." (Jn. 8:31, NASB).
"The biggest division between Christians is no longer between one denomination and another but between those who accept the Bible as the inspired word of God and those who do not." ~ J. Sidlow Baxter
Charles Haddon Spurgeon said, “The turning point of the battle between those who hold the faith once delivered to the saints and their opponents lies in the true and real inspiration of the Holy Scriptures.”
This is the dividing line: the inspiration of the Word of God. If the Bible is not an infallible standard of truth, Spurgeon continued, “we are at sea without a compass, and no danger from rough weather without can be equal to the loss within.”
"The Bible is not such a book as man would write if he could because it condemns him or could write if he would because it surpasses him." ~ Louis Chafer
"Diocletian (244-311) called in all of the copies of the word of God that there were--burned them and erected a monument and he said said [“Extincto nomene Christianorum”] (the name Christian is extinguished). Diocletian is gone and I am preaching the word of God." ~ Adrian Rogers
"Men lie to get out of trouble not in trouble." ~ Adrian Rogers
The cults try to twist it. The liberals water it down. The humanists ignore it.
So-called Christians claim they love it but don't study it. Some people have enough dust on their Bible to write with their finger 'damnation'. ~ Adrian Rogers
Have you ever heard the
excuse: People can
interpret the Bible in a
variety of ways, you cannot
be sure what it says."?
This statement is false.
Every Bible verse means
exactly what the author
intended it to mean. It is
for us to discover what that
is. The real questions
should be--which hermeneutic
do you use?
All Scripture is given by
inspiration of God, and is
profitable for doctrine, for
reproof, for correction, for
instruction in
righteousness, that the
man of God may be complete,
thoroughly equipped for
every good work (2 Tim.
3:16-17, NKJV).
No portion of scripture is
included accidentally. Jesus said:
"For assuredly, I say to
you, till heaven and earth
pass away, one jot or one
tittle will by no means
pass from the law till all
is fulfilled (Mt 5:18)."
The scriptures are full and
sufficient (Lu 16:29,31), an
unerring guide (Pr 6:23; 2Pe
1:19), written for our
instruction (Ro 15:4),
intended for the use of all
men (Ro 16:26), nothing
should be taken from, or
added to them (De 4:2;
12:32). One portion of
scripture is to be compared
with another (1 Co 2:13).
Ignorance of the scriptures
is man's source of error (Mt
22:29; Ac 13:27). Christ
enables us to understand
(Luke 24:45). The Holy
Spirit enable us to
understand (Joh 16:13; 1Co
2:10-14). No prophecy of, is
of any private
interpretation (2Pe 1:20).
Everything should be tried
by the scriptures (Isa 8:20;
Ac 17:11). They should be
the standard of teaching
(1Pe 4:11.29. Mere hearers
of scriptures deceive
themselves (Jas 1:22).
Torrey, R. (1995, c1897).
The new topical text book :
A scriptural text book for
the use of ministers,
teachers, and all Christian
workers. Oak Harbor, WA:
Logos research Systems, Inc.
Excerpt John MacArthur's The Character of God's Word
The Inspiration of Scripture by John MacArthur
"'Internal proof' is the term used to describe the Bible's divine origin. The fact that forty different authors from several different countries, sharing almost no mutual acquaintance, wrote sixty-six books in three different languages over the course of two thousand years, yet produced essentially one book with one clear message is strong evidence that God was behind the writings of Scripture. Though some books were historical, others prophetical, some devotional, and still others ethical, yet the writers created one unified text. Its shared thoughts about God, man, sin, eternal punishment, and the mode of salvation are all strong proofs that the book is a revelation from God (1001 Surprising Things You Should Know About God, MacGregor, Prys, pg. 230)."
Recommended reading:
order or read online
How to Make Your Bible Come Alive (right click, open) by Adrian Rogers
Click to view
"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work (Ti 3:16-17, NKJV)."
* The Bible is inspired by God (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21).
* The Bible is made up of 66 different books that were written over 1600 years (from approximately 1500 BC to AD 100) by more than 40 kings, prophets, leaders, and followers of Jesus. The Old Testament has 39 books (written approximately 1500-400 BC). The New Testament has 27 books (written approximately AD 45-100). The Hebrew Bible has the same text as the English Bible's Old Testament, but divides an and arranges it differently.
* The Old Testament was written mainly in Hebrew, with some Aramaic. The New Testament was written in Greek.
* The books of the Bible were collected and arranged and recognized as inspired sacred authority by councils of rabbis and councils of church leaders based on careful guidelines.
* Before the printing press was invented, the Bible was copied by hand. the Bible was copied very accurately, in many cases by special scribes who developed intricate methods of counting words and letter to insure that no error had been made.
* The Bible was the first book ever printed on the printing press with moveable type (Gutenberg Press, 1455, Latin Bible).
* There is much evidence that the Bible we have today is remarkably true to the original writings. Of the thousands of copies made by hand before AD 1500, more than 5,300 Greek manuscripts from the New Testament alone still exist today. The test of the Bible is better preserved than the writings of Caesar, Plato, or Aristotle.
* The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls confirmed the astonishing reliability of some of the copies of the Old testament made over the years. Although some spelling variations exist, no variation affects basic Bible doctrines.
* As the Bible was carried to other countries, it was translated into the common language of the people by scholars who wanted to know God's Word. Today there are still 2,000 groups with no Bible in their own language.
* By AD 200, the Bible was translated into seven languages; by AD 500, 13 languages; by AD 900, 17 languages; by AD 1400, 28 languages; by 1800, 57 languages; by 1900, 537 languages; by 1980, 1,100 languages...
Pamphlet: How We
Got the Bible
Increase Your Confidence in the Reliability
of the Bible How We Got the Bible will
inspire your students with the stories of
early Bible translators. This time line of
key people and events in the history of the
Bible shows ancient writing materials, such
as stone and clay tablets, leather scrolls,
papyrus, early hand copied books, and more.
Features people who gave their lives to
translating and printing the Bible,
including William Tyndale, John Wycliffe,
King James, Erasmus, and Johann Gutenberg.
Size 8.5" x 5.5". Fits in a Bible cover.
Unfolds to 33" long. Also available as a
laminated or unlaminated wall chart, and a
10 pk of pamphlets, and a PowerPoint
Click to view
Why Trust the Bible? pamphlet
Is the Bible an ancient document that has been tampered with? Has it
been edited many times over the centuries and now is filled with
Bible was written by approximately 40 different authors over a
period of around 1500 years. Each writer wrote with a different
style, from a different perspective, to a different audience, for a
different purpose. We should expect some minor differences. However,
a difference is not a contradiction..." full text:
Does the Bible contain errors, contradictions, or discrepancies?
"More than ninety-nine percent of the variants in the New Testament
are not even noticeable when the text is translated; of the
remaining differences, none affects any vital aspect of the
Christian faith...In two-million-plus pages of biblical text, there
are between 200,000 and 400,000 variations in working or
spelling...What the skeptics don't clearly communicate to their their sheer insignificance of these variants.
Most of the 400,000 variations stem from differences in spelling,
word order, or the relationships between nouns and definite
articles--slight variants that are easily recognizable. After minor
spelling errors and slight variations in word order are factored
out, there is more than 99% agreement between all of the known
manuscripts of the Bible! Of the remaining variants, none affects
any crucial element of the Christian faith..." full text: Why Trust
the Bible?
Click to view
The Gospels: "Lost" and Found
Who really wrote the Gospels? Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John? Or were
they written by people who were utterly unconnected with the
eyewitnesses as some books and TV shows claim? Were they written
centuries after Jesus’ death and resurrection, long after Jesus’
followers had died? Were there gospels that were included in the New
Testament—and later removed?
Extra-biblical sources: Is there any confirmation of Biblical events from written sources outside the Bible?
Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
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