If you reprobates won’t leave me alone, I’m going to have to
move and not share a forwarding address with you.
I no longer have a gate to keep unwanted visitors out—my
husband’s adulteress has that now.
I made it clear in court that I did not want my new
address shared with my betraying husband or his family.
Somehow, you all decided that it was a-okay to share my information.
Last year, my dog barked at my pagan mother’s house; so, I
went over to shut him up. I had not been warned that Judas
junior, his daughter, would be there. I didn’t think it was too much to ask to be advised if she would be near.
Apparently, it was.
This year at Christmas I was advised that the betrayer would
be near again. You all had your Christmas celebration next door.
I closed my blinds and kept my dog inside.
Today, when I was finally able to let light in again,
my serial adulterer mother (Rom. 7:2, 3) brought his daughter back over to
I’ve been clear that as long as she has a relationship with my adulterous husband, she will not have one with me (Lk 17:3).
said, “He’s my dad.”
I said, “He’s my husband.”
I have not spoken with her—nor will I while that monster
lives. When he dies and I am relieved to be a widow (Rom.
7:2, 3), I am
happy to speak with her. She saw no value in implementing church discipline which likely
could have saved my husband’s soul (Mt 18:15–20). She held his hand
all the way to hell (Prov. 2:16–19).
If you God-haters would simply admit that you’re not
Christians, then I can remind you: Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16).
Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30).
Believe (Mk 9:23).
I won’t pretend that you are spiritual family (Ro 8:13).
You live according to the flesh; and will therefore will die eternally (Ro
8:13). This is what we call in the Greek—a no brainer (1 Jn
I am called to live in the world but not of the world (Jn
17:16). I do not cast my lot with adulterers (Ps
26:4-5, 50:18b).
You hippies created a culture that dishonors marriage (Jer.
16:2). You’ll give an account (Heb 13:4, 1 Pe 4:5).
My evil mother attempted to hide the fact that my husband’s
daughter has found some chump to marry (Ru 1:14–18). Had it not been for
her concubus’ dementia who let it slip out (Jn 4:18), I would not have known.
I have made it clear that I wish to know nothing about my
husband’s daughter. Yet, somehow you all have managed to slip
her goings-on into conversation with me. Do you fancy
yourselves peacemakers? Is 48:22
You revealed that her daddy sent her to Jesuit Central so she
could educate
herself more fully in the ways of Satan. It was like pulling
teeth to ensure that she and her brother (Lk 15:12, 1 Co 5:1, Eph 5:12) went to a
Christian school (1 Kin. 15:11, 26, Pr 22:6).
My husband of course tried to put an end to that as money is one of
his gods. Try as you might—you can get the Van Anne out of
the Catholic environment; but, you can’t get the Catholic out of the Van Anne
(Jud 11).
You stand for everything I stand against.
The holidays should have made that clear.
Don’t knock on my door and call me mom.
Your new and improved mother sleeps with my husband nightly.
You had nothing to say about that (Pr 31:9). I expected more from one
who named the name of Christ (1 Co 5:11-13); but, you were wiser than God
(Pr 3:5).
If you have a questions about what shoes go with what
handbag, ask her. You’re the same age—you'll have a lot in
Recently, I texted my husband asking him to stop bothering my mother. I hired a man to protect me from him. He can speak with him.
He replied, “I’m not your husband” (Rom. 7:2, 3). He divorced me.
I guess that makes you two illegitimate (2 Tim. 3:2). Good luck with that (Deut. 23:2).
Tonight, I asked your grandma’s concubus if he even
remembered his wife’s name (Mal. 2:14–16, Rom. 7:2, 3).
He replied, “It’s fuck you.”
Move over Sophocles (Ingraham). Ps 11:3. That's your dad in 30 years (Ps. 49:19, Ga 6:7).
You said you saw real progress in me. I don’t know
who you would have me become (Ps 39:2–3, 101:2–7, 1 Jn 2:15). My husband married me as an
unbeliever (Gen. 2:18–24). When I became
a Christian, he had no more use for me (Is 66:5, Jn 15:20, 25).
Did he tell you about the judge that he called me before? Mt 10:7. Just before destroying our family, she had ruled in another case. After her ruling their 14-year old boy blew his brains out (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10). These are the people with whom you've aligned (Lk 11:23).
Don’t (Ps 27:10) come near me (Pr 4:23) again (Pr 17:25).