"Reclaiming" the culture is a pointless, futile exercise.  I am convinced we are living in a post-Christian society--a civilization that exists under God's judgment...God has abandoned this culture to its own depravity...God's purpose in this world--and the church's only legitimate commission--is the proclamation of the message of sine and salvation to individuals, whom God sovereignty redeems and calls out of the world.  God's purpose is to save those who will repent of their sins and believe the gospel--not to word for external corrections in a morally bankrupt culture...Scripture predicts times exactly like these (2 Tim. 3:1-5, 13), (Pg. 12, MacArthur).


Nearly every kind of guilt can now be off-loaded.  We live in a no-fault society (pg. 20)...


But assume for the moment that the problem is sin rather than sickness.  The only true remedy involves humble repentance, confession (the recognition that you deserve the chastening of God because you alone are responsible for your sin)--then restitution, and growth through the spiritual disciplines of prayer, Bible study, communion with God, fellowship with other believers, and dependence on Christ (pg. 27).


Victimism obviates the conscience...if nobody shoulder any blame for society's ills, where does the guilt lie?  With God? (pg. 29) 


From a Biblical perspective [counseling] can be spiritually destructive.  It fails to address the real problem of human sinfulness.  It feeds the worst tendencies of human nature.  It engenders the most catastrophic form of denial--denial of one's own guilt...those who refuse to acknowledge their sinfulness actually place themselves in bondage to their own guilt.  "He that covereth his sins shall not prosper:  but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy" (Prov. 28:13, KJV).  "If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us.  [But] if we confess our sins, He is faithful and rightoeous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from unrighteousness" (1 Jn. 8-9). 


Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners!  Jesus specifically said He had not come to save those who want to exonerate themselves (Mk. 2:17).  Where there is no recognition of sin and guilt, when the conscience has been abused into silence, there can be no salvation, no sanctification, and therefore no real emancipation from sin's ruthless power (pg. 34).


Satan's strategy is to corrupt, desensitize, and if possible kill our consciences.  The relativism, materialism, narcissism, secularism, and hedonism of today's western world help him mightily toward his goal (J. I Packer, pg. 35).


[T]he work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness, and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them" (Rom. 2:14-15, emphasis added)...

[M]ultitudes today respond to their conscience by attempting to suppress it, overrule it, or silence it...The annoying warning signals may be gone, but the danger certainly is not; in fact, the danger is greater than ever...even the most defiled conscience will not remain silent forever.  When we stand in judgment, every person's conscience will side with God, the righteous judge.  The worst   sin-hardened evildoer will discover before the throne of God that he has a conscience with testifies against him (pg. 38).


The conscience is privy to all our secret thoughts ad motives.  It is therefore a more accurate and more formidable witness in the soul's courtroom than any external observer...[P]eople who have ruined or desensitized their consciences...[c]an such people really sin without remorse or scruples?  I so, it is only because they have ravaged their own consciences through relentless immorality and lawlessness.  They certainly weren't born devoid of any conscience.  The conscience is an inextricable part of the human soul.  Though it may be hardened, cauterized, or numbed into apparent dormancy, the conscience continues to store up evidence that will non day be used as testimony to condemn the guilty soul...


[The conscious] is a register to record what we have done in exact detail (Jer. 17:1).  It is the accuser that lodges a complaint against us when we are guilty, and a defender to side with us in our innocence (Rom. 2:15).  it acts as a witness, giving testimony for or against us (2 Cor. 1:12).  It is the judge, condemning or vindicating us (1 Jn. 3:20-21).  And it is the executioner, smiting us with grief when our guilt is discovered (1 Sam. 24:5)...Ill thoughts and motives may escape the eye of a human counselor, but they will not escape the eye of conscience.  Nor will they escape the eye of an all-knowing God (pg. 39-40).