50,000 workers and students protest attack on unions at Wisconsin state capitol


Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "Notice how the corporate media has barely been covering this massive outburst of working class sentiment--while pathetic rallies of a few dozen pea partiers get prime time coverage."


Workers of the world unite?

Do you agree with Obama that we should redistribute wealth from the "makers" to the "takers"? "When you spread the wealth around it's good for everybody ( Obama)."

Why would you want someone else's money?
Ex 20:15. Do you believe that you are entitled to money someone else has earned? Col. 3:5, 1 Tim. 6:9–11, Hab. 2:9, Ps. 39:6.

Are you lazy?
Prov. 6:9–11, 19:15, 21:25, 22:13, 24, Judg. 18:9.


Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "Obama never said that..."


His exact words are in quotes.


"...[But yes I agree we must redistribute wealth or our economic system will fail."


You are convinced of this. I am not.

When you depart from godly principles (
Ex 20:15), do you believe you will be blessed by God?

God is pro-work (
Ge 2:5,7). If people would like to sit on the couch and eat bon bons all day, that is their business. Do you think such people will have good lives? Prov. 12:24, 18:9, 19:15, 20:4, Eccl. 10:18. Do you think it is wise to resist the temptation to be taken care of?


50,000 workers and students protest attack on unions at Wisconsin state capitol