A Golden Opportunity: Creation Evangelism


Next February, approximately 5,000 athletes from more than 80 countries will arrive in Vancouver, Canada, with dreams of winning gold at the 2010 Winter Olympics. At the same time, approximately 450,000 spectators are expected to descend on the city.

Creationist evangelists will be there, too. Since 2000, Answers in Genesis (the parent of Answers magazine) has helped organize large-scale evangelistic outreaches at the Olympic Games. For the Sydney games, for example, AiG partnered with Gospel Literature Services (GLS) to translate and print 500,000 evangelism booklets in 15 different languages. The booklets answered the biggest “stumbling block” questions about God and the Bible. Several churches were started as a result of the outreach.

Please pray for the upcoming evangelistic outreaches, that God’s Word will accomplish great things for God’s glory.

For information on how you can support the printing of material, including a booklet for the Olympics called The Gold Rush—Vancouver, or to get involved personally, visit www.answersworldwide.org.
