A Thread For Mr. TH
"A loving human parent doesn't cast their child off for ever..."
You were created to live forever somewhere (Pr 16:4; Re 4:11).
"...[N]or would they wish or consign their offspring to a hopeless place..."
God loves you (2 Pe 3:9) but he will live without you (Ps 22:3; Jn 17:11, De 32:4; Isa 45:21).
"Law without penalty is only advise." ~ Adrian Rogers
"...[W]hether they became a 'prodigal son' or otherwise."
There are prodigal sons
and there are prodigal pigs.
2 Pe 2:22 J. Vernon McGee"[W]hy would God only give
this one fragile physical existence in order to work things out in relation to
an eternal destiny?"
You were created for God and his purposes. You don't
get a second chance.
No Purgatory
If you were given a thousand more years on this earth, is it more likely that
you'd choose him?
That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might
feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us [Acts
"This phrase “feel after him” has the idea of groping after Him. Man is not
really searching for the living and true God, but he is searching for a god. He
is willing to put up an idol and worship it. Man is not necessarily looking for
the living and true God, but he is on a search." McGee, J. Vernon: Thru the
Bible Commentary. electronic ed. Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 1997, c1981, S.
"You will never be more intimate with God than you want to be." ~ Woodrow Kroll