Abortion doctors charged with murder
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Forgive me if this is "thread hijacking", but there will be victims along the way to true liberty."
Don't get your knickers
in a twist like ZooAnimal (Jn
"I'm just pointing out a FACT of life. In unison, let's all shake our heads in disgust and continue to do nothing about it."
Have you seen this site
You can encourage everyone you know to
sign a life pledge.
If they keep sending us liberals, they will loose again and again.
We won't vote for the lesser of evils. We won't vote for evil
period (Pr
"I wish people would wake up and smell the stale coffee and realize that they can't win on one issue while ignoring or allowing the encouragement of other God-less behaviors (homosexuality, recreational drug use, pornography), life just doesn't work that way."
We share the word of God with others (Heb
That changes all other things (Ps 11:3, Jn 10:10).
Evils of Evolution
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Just of of curiosity sd, when you ask someone to "Please pass the Cheerios", do you end it with Scripture?"
Of course.
We're on a mission from God." ~
Jn 6:30,31
Elwood, Blues Brothers
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Abortion is not murder."
Deut 24:16
doctors charged with murder