Abortion doctor convicted of 1st degree murder
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "This
thread is a good example of why this story
hasn't gotten the attention it deserves.
Instead of focusing on the heinous crimes
committed (killing living, near term babies
after they were delivered), the pro-life
crowd use it as a way of furthering their
Have you seen
Gosnell's victims? Pr 8:36
"...[W]hen talking about Kermit Gosnell, the
focus should be his crimes and not the
political agenda he is associated with."
He's a murderer (Gen.
9:5, 6; Num. 35:16–21, 30–33; Deut. 17:6).
Do you think we should let other murders go?
Num. 35:31
"Gosnell was convicted of murder, and rightfully so. Thunder's Muse was wondering why the case didn't get the coverage it deserved, which is what I explained."
Are you willing to look at the pictures of victims? They are available online. Why don't you take a look at them? Pr 8:36
[Are you willing to look at the pictures of
victims? They are available online. Why
don't you take a look at them? Pr
"...The fetus was late term (3rd trimester,
viable, with a working cerebral cortex),
making the abortion not okay in the first
place...] "...The fetus was late term (3rd
trimester, viable, with a working cerebral
cortex), making the abortion not okay in the
first place..."
When is an abortion "ok"?
Now you know why the
media didn't follow it either.
Pr 8:36
Kermit Gosnell Won’t Appeal, Avoids Death
Nu 35:31
"Is he pro-life now?" ~ Michelle Malkin
Response to comment [from a Satanist]:
You are concerned
about the shedding of innocent blood,
Satanist? Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10
If that is true why do you support laws that
protect a woman's choice to murder her own
child? Pr 6:17, 8:36
doctor convicted of 1st degree murder