Adderall a Miracle Drug to College Students: Highly Addictive Nature Ignored
"MEDIA ADVISORY, May 14 /Christian Newswire/ -- Adderall
is a drug widely reported to increase alertness, concentration and overall
cognitive performance, while decreasing fatigue -- but it is also a drug widely
abused across college campuses. During final exams time and throughout the year,
students are consuming this highly addictive drug in order to study, as well as
in many cases to lose weight due to the loss of appetite realized when Adderall
is taken.
Prescribed on a regular basis to treat ADHD and ADD, Adderall is being sold and
handed out in mass quantities to individuals with no prescriptions. The problem
is getting worse and Kimberly Dennis, M.D., Medical Director at Timberline
Knolls Residential Treatment Center, wants to spread the word about the harmful
effects of this drug..." Full text:
Adderall a Miracle Drug to College Students: Highly Addictive Nature Ignored
The Greek word for sorcery,
pharmakeia (from which we get pharmacy) always refers to drugs, which were
commonly associated with false religions. Although many people think drugs were
invented twenty-five years ago, they have actually been around for centuries.
Drugs were used in the practice of occultic sorcery.
If you were to read a description of the Baal worship of the Canaanites, you
would find many similarities with what is going on in Satan worship today.
Little has changed. Drugs, sex, and black magic are still a part of religious
perversion. Prophets like Isaiah and Ezekiel and ancient writers like Aristotle
and Polybius speak of the relationship between witchcraft and drugs. In the end
times, the religion of Satan will be associated with sorcery (Rev. 9:21). Drugs
today are a big part of stimulating Satanic religious experience. When faith in
magic replaces trust in God, the result is idolatry.
The flesh not only defiles man's relationship to himself through sexual sin, his
relationship to God through religious sin, but it also devastates his
relationship with others..." Full text:
Liberty in Christ: Walking by the Spirit Part 2 by John MacArthur
Sign of the times.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "We really need to better constrain the evaluation for AD/HD [Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder] and increase behavior normalization along with drug treatment rather than just shoving drugs down children's throats."
The kids have D.D.D. (discipline deficit disorder [Doug McBurney]). Mark 7:9–13.
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "Do you really have any idea what you're talking about?"
The Satanist defends the drugs. Imagine that.
What do you love about our drug-addicted society, Granite?
Response to comment [from a Christian] “…[Y]ou seem to be saying the fault is on
the parents…”
When we depart from God’s word and God’s plan, trouble ensues. Parents should
not abdicate their responsibilities of raising their kids in the fear and
admonition of the Lord (Pr 22:6; Eph 6:4).
“I have ADHD.”
It’s over diagnosed. I don’t know what you have.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: “Such prayers are not heard because
wicked people don't pray.”
You think atheists are the only wicked people?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: “Your idea of God's Word and God's
plan could be very different from your neighbor…”
There aren’t versions of truth (Jn 14:6). Every verse of scripture means exactly
one thing—what the author intended it to mean.
a Miracle Drug to College Students: Highly Addictive Nature Ignored