Airports Opting Out of TSA
[Sanford Airport to opt out of TSA screening By Marva
Hinton] "The backlash continues over those new TSA screening measures, and now
one Central Florida airport has decided to go with a private security screening
Orlando Sanford International Airport has decided to opt out from TSA screening.
"All of our due diligence shows it's the way to go," said Larry Dale, the
director of the Sanford Airport Authority. "You're going to get better service
at a better price and more accountability and better customer service."
Dale says he will be sending a letter requesting to opt out from TSA screening,
and instead the airport will choose one of the five approved private screening
companies to take over..."
Full text
Should other airports follow suit? Should the TSA be defunded? Should airlines
be in charge of their own security?
Response to comment [from other]: "Yes on all three. Airlines should be in charge of their own security and responsible of failures to keep it (of course, that would be insurable). The TSA should be defunded. It's always good to shut down another search mill, Big-Brother agency."
Airlines have an interest in keeping people and
equipment safe. I'm sure they'd do a
better job. El Al does.
Is America ready to allow
profiling yet.
"America might be ready for profiling, for warrantless searches, and for any other police state fascistry. That doesn't make the fascistry any less thuggish."
An airline has no right to profile when it is a proven
security tactic? Would you prefer
living or being politically correct?
Jn 10:10.
Should airlines put luggage (and
Muslims) through decompression chambers?
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Yeah, everyone knows that terrorists are unable to make themselves look like normal people...."
How does one look "normal"? What is "normal" to you?
Interviews help to identify terrorists.
"...And there are no "American-looking" terrorists, um?"
Do you think many terrorists have gotten past former
Israeli military members who are employed by El Al? Maybe you're right--the
white shorts, Hawaiian shirt, and camera hung around the neck fools them every
"If we do it, the terrorists will just adapt..."
Then security adapts.
"...and then there's one more bit of obtrusiveness we have to do..."
You prefer a rectal exams? Are you aware that
explosives cannot be detected internally by these full body scanners? Do think
it's wise to treat every American like a criminal at the airport?
"...except now it's racist as well as useless..."
You're projecting again. Aren't you the one who
believes man came from an ape-like being?
The Bible-believer knows we are one race, one blood (Ac
17:26). Still don't get the difference between
race and religion? ethics and ethnicity?
Ge 16:12.
Response to comment [from other]: "They are making the right decision if they can keep their passengers safe. What form of security they employ has yet to be determined. If they adopt the Israeli model with success, others might follow."
It's called "security theater". TSA gives the appearance of security not real security. The Israeli model is proven.
"The idea that its racism to profile is nonsense, what you are looking for is behavior not race."
Judge a man not by the color of his skin but by the
contents of his character.
What countries have you visited? Who packed your bags today? Did it
leave your possession at any time? Why are you traveling to Timbuktu?
"People have been so brainwashed as to think they are standing up for civil rights by not acknowledging patterns."
If you do not recognize patterns in this world, you cannot be wise (Prager).