Alarm Bells in School: Perspective

A recent study of U.S. high school biology teachers yielded some surprises—and rang alarm bells—for evolutionists.1 More than one in ten biology teachers advocate teaching creation or intelligent design in a positive light. Even more striking, 60 percent claim a reluctance to endorse either evolution or creation.

More than 1 in 10 biology teachers believe creation should be taught. Nearly 60% of biology teachers are reluctant to endorse evolution.

Evolutionists were outraged that some teachers dare consider creation valid, but they missed what may be the bigger issue: fear of open discussion. Many teachers prefer not to address the topic to avoid controversy in class.

On the other hand, mandating the teaching of creation would be counterproductive, since most non-creationists would misrepresent the creation position, either intentionally or out of ignorance. With the current state of public education, it is ultimately up to Christian parents and churches to train young people in a biblical understanding of origins, while highlighting the grave problems with evolution.


  1. Michael B. Berkman and Eric Plutzer, “Defeating Creationism in the Courtroom, But Not in the Classroom,” Science (January 2011): 404–405.