All the issues I have to work out with Christianity
We live in a
world filled with sin weary souls. Jesus says come onto me and I'll give you
rest. Focus on him (Mt 11:28-29).
Understand the weariness of bearing and the weariness of being (Ge 3:19).
He is the only one who can relieve you from the double-barreled burden of life.
Our Only Vision by Dr. Michael Youssef
Also see:
War of Worldviews
What is a Biblical Worldview?
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Why not deal with them one at a time?"
The pagan
heathens will offer you a Band-Aid (Jude
11, 1 Tim. 6:3–5 ).
Response to comment [from other]: "[C]hallenging the Golden Rule is like challenging Mom and Apple pie - you can't do that."
How are you
doing with that Golden Rule?
Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye
even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets [Matt. 7:12].
"...Don’t lift out the Golden Rule and say that you live by it. Understand what
the Lord is talking about. Only as we “ask, seek, and knock” are we able to live
in the light of the Golden Rule." McGee, J. Vernon: Thru the Bible Commentary.
electronic ed. Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 1997, c1981, S. 4:41
"Only perfect men never fall short of the ideal--but now no one can say that they don't know what the ideal is."
standard is perfection (Mt 5:48).
Are you a good person? Living Waters