Alone Again, Naturally

[Alone Again, Naturally By Dominique Browning ] "One cold, misty autumn morning, I slipped and fell. I was on my way out to do errands, the mossy wooden deck on the north side of my house was slick with dew, I was in a hurry, I skidded, and both feet flew out from under me.

As I fell — danger signs flashing in my brain: falling! falling! — I curled up to protect my head, landing squarely on my tailbone. Pain lighted up my spinal cord. My brain joggled in its cradle. Bright lights dazzled my eyes.

I lay there for a minute or three, gasping in pain. Then the old control center kicked in: “Move.”

Like a computer running through settings during start-up, I wiggled my legs and my arms and moved my neck. Everything was working. Still, the pain in my tailbone was intense.

“You must get up,” I said to myself. But there was another voice in my head, the one cowering behind the control center.

That voice was whimpering and scolding. “This is what happens when you live alone,” it said. “You fall, and there is no one to help you up. If you don’t pick yourself up, you could lie here for three days, maybe even two weeks, before anyone finds you. Lucky you aren’t paralyzed.

“It is not good to live alone...” Full text:
Alone Again, Naturally

"Marriage..." ~ Priest, Princess Bride.

Is it better to be married or alone? Ge 2:18 Pr 18:22


Alone Again, Naturally