American Sniper Movie
['American Sniper's' Fake Baby Mocked by Critics, Moviegoers by Mia Galuppo ] "American Sniper opened to a record $105.3 million over the long Martin Luther King Jr. weekend in North America. In addition to that achievement — as well as its six Oscar nominations, including a best picture mention — critics and moviegoers also are talking about something else when discussing the Clint Eastwood-directed war biopic: that fake baby..." Full text:
'American Sniper's' Fake Baby Mocked by Critics, Moviegoers
Navy SEAL's dad: Obama sent my son
to his death
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Note the tweet of support of the movie by Hanoi Jane (Seymour) Fonda. She should apologize to the families of all of the men and women who died in Vietnam and the returning soldiers who she spit on before she comments on any war movie."
I heard
she became a Christian. Maybe the
apology will be forthcoming.
Vets protest ‘traitor’ Hanoi Jane
Fonda at Maryland appearance [pics]
I don't
tend to go to these movies.
A road in
my town (my former town
is named
Danny Dietz
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Supposedly, this was the reason her marriage to Ted Turner ended. Turner is hardcore anti-Christian."
That tends
to happen (Jn 15:18). If you receive
Christ after marriage but your
spouse remains unregenerate, you
have a one in five chance of making
it (Riley).
I like the
way one man proposed to his love:
Will you agree to take second place
in my life?
That man's
a keeper.
Lk 14:26
Recommended reading:
'Til Faith Do Us Part: How
Interfaith Marriage is Transforming
by Naomi Schaefer Riley
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Hanoi Jane should have been tried and executed for treason. I don't believe that there is a statute of limitations on that crime. Let God forgive her, I want justice served for the American boys who were killed, imprisoned under barbaric conditions and are still missing in action because of traitors like her."
she's true blue
then she won't mind paying for her
crimes against the US.
If you're
not willing to do the time, don't do
the crime (2 Tim. 3:4).