"And Then The end Will Come"!
Response to comment [from a other] "...Question is "The END" of what?"
"'The end'
refers to the final, excruciating birth pangs...This is how Christ characterizes
the time of Great Tribulation (John MacArthur)..." Full text:
Mt 24:14, 24:8 MacArthur, McGee
I saw your site. Do you have a "statement of faith" page? Pinko Commie? That's
not promising.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "John MacArthur is of those who "Serve not The Messiah but their own belly, for with good words and fair speech they deceive the hearts of the simple." (Rom 16:18)..."
John MacArthur is a fine servant of the Lord. He teaches the word of God verse
by verse.
"As Paul closes this great letter to the Romans he gives much space to personal
greetings. We might well wonder why. Why would God choose to include a lengthy
list of names?
The answer may be simply that in these names we sense more clearly what it means
to practice a by-faith righteousness in Christian community. Paul did not
write theory. He shared what he himself practiced. And the proof is that he
knows and loves such a diverse group of persons so well. There are women and
men, both of whom are viewed as fellow workers in Christ. There are Greek
names and Jewish names. There are simple folk and city officials, the likely
poor and the undoubtedly rich. All these, together, are united in Pauls heart
and mind. All these are brothers and sisters, bound to the apostle by ties of
God-inspired love. In these last chapters of Romans he urges us to have the same
love for those who in our day are, in Christ, brothers and sisters of our own.
Key verses. 16:2527: He is able.
Personal application. Build your own community of love.
Key concepts. Saint Acts 9. Church Ephesians 3. Brothers Acts 9..." Richards,
Larry: The Bible Reader's Companion. Wheaton, Ill. : Victor Books, 1991, S. 752
"...[I] am of the brethren of The Messiah, a son of The ONE and ONLY TRUE GOD (Spirit), Father (Creator) of ALL...Father Help! and HE does...[sic]"
You need help
What cult or 'ism do you belong to?
Jn 1:1
"Simply, Faith will not create a system of religion for Faith IS Family!"
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Heb 11:1).
"[I] have my portion in The Family of GOD..."
Based on what?
"Father Help! and HE does..."
Do y'all wear
yellow shirts?
"Faith IS Family!"
A family in
yellow shirts? White shirts? What cult or 'ism do you belong to? Why don't you
have a statement of faith on your website?
"And Immersion in, of, by and thru The Holy, Set Apart, Spirit!"
What do you think about Jesus?
"Father Help! and HE does..."
"Or check into
a psycho ward, which ever comes first, huh?"
~ Jack Burton
1 Cor 14:33,
Pr 15:29
"Faith IS Family."
"China is
...I don't even know what the hell that means." ~ Jack Burton Tit 3:3
"'[J]esus' is the transliteration of the pagan [L]atin catholic 'iesus', a name which they gave to one head of their three headed pagan god less than 600 years ago."
The Bible is
true (Jas
"...[T]he story of man is a story of paganism. It's a story of rebellion. But it
is also a story of promise..." Full text:
Paganism and Promise: Genesis 11:10-32 Grace to You
Inspired Scripture
"...[E]xperience should be The Teacher!"
Bad idea (Jas
[The Responsibilities of the Church: Preaching, Part 2 Grace to You] "...[i]n
the 1960's in no less a place than Van Nuys, California, a movement was born
that has swept evangelical from pillar to post...evangelicalism from pillar to
post. I like to call it experientialism. It was called the Charismatic Movement,
1960 and the Episcopalian Church right down here in Van Nuys, California under a
rector by the name of Dennis Bennett. There was an explosion of interest in the
revival of the expressions of quote/unquote "Christianity" that were
characteristic of the early twentieth century in what was called the Azusa
Street Meeting, when people broke into tongues and claimed healings and visions
and all of that.
Experientialism basically said, "Truth comes through experience....Truth comes
through feeling God...Through getting visions...Getting touched...Hearing
prophecies.. Signs.. Wonders.
The Charismata and the church faced the dangerous, dangerous season of
experientialism where all of our spiritual experience becomes authoritative. As
one lady said to me one time after I had spoken, she said, "I really don't care
what the Bible says, I know what Jesus told me..." Full text:
The Responsibilities of the Church: Preaching, Part 2
Grace to You
"Quite obvious that you have never "experienced The Messiah and The Power that raised Him from among the dead"!"
We have
fellowship with likeminded believers (Psa.
55:14; Psa.
119:63; Amos
3:3; Mal.
3:16; Matt.
17:4; Matt.
20:2528; Matt.
23:8; Mark
10:4245; Luke
22:32; Luke
24:1315; John
13:34; John
15:12; John
17:11, 2123; Acts
1:14; Acts
2:1, 42, 4447; Acts
17:4; Acts
20:35; Rom.
1:12; Rom.
14:14, 10, 1316, 1821; Rom.
15:17; 1
Cor. 1:10; 1
Cor. 10:16, 17; 1
Cor. 12:13; 1
Cor. 16:19, 20; Gal.
2:9; Gal.
6:2, 10; Eph.
2:1422; Eph.
5:2, 19, 30; Phil.
1:3, 5, 27; Phil.
2:1, 2; Col.
2:2; Col.
3:16; 1
Thess. 4:18; 1
Thess. 5:11, 14; Heb.
3:13; Heb.
10:24, 25; Heb.
13:1; Jas.
5:16; 1
Pet. 2:17; 1
Pet. 3:8, 9; 1
John 1:3, 7; 1
John 3:14; 1
John 4:7, 8, 1113).
Fellowship-- two fellas one gospel ship (Ac
Whatcha think about Jesus?
Jn 1:1
"'Jesus' is the "imag"ined name pagan Catholicism and her harlot Christian daughters gave to one head of their three headed pagan god less than 600 years ago"!
What do you
think about him? Jn 1:1.
Liar, lunatic or Lord? C.S. Lewis.
"'[J]esus' is the "imag"ined name
pagan catholicism and her harlot christian daughters gave to one head of their
three headed pagan god less than 600 years ago"!
Multiplied millions have been killed and enslaved by pagan catholics and
christians in the name of their gods, and so it is that "The Way of Truth is
evil spoken of" because of them."
"Come Out of her, MY people!""
"Woah, back it
up, back it up. Beep, beep, beep." ~ George Costanza
"...[T]he distinction is there, between the temporal and the eternal, as well as
the physical and the spiritual, the Bible does not teach that the temporal,
physical world is something to be inherently devalued or downgraded. On the
contrary, the physical creation is something God declared to be inherently good.
Even in its fallen state, creation is full of God's glory from sea to sky, and
He has a purpose for it, even though a temporary one.
...[W]hile the Bible makes a distinction between the physical world and the
spiritual world, it does not teach that the physical world is any less real, or
less significant than the spiritual world. On the contrary, both the seen and
the unseen, the physical as well as the spiritual are of God, their mutual Maker
and Sustainer (pg. 97, Overman)."
"Father Help! and HE does..."
Do you abuse drugs or alcohol?
"Your avatar most certainly reveals who and what you are!"
Don't hate me because I'm beautiful (Ro 1:7,Ps 1:3; Jer 17:8).
"...[F]oolish talk..."
Is it foolish to discuss Jesus? Who is he? Jn 1:1. What will you do with him? :smokie:
"...[T]he ball is, as it were, in our court. God has invaded human history and reality. Jesus Christ has died on our behalf, is risen, and is now supervising events on earth toward an end that he will certainly bring to pass, to the glory of God...(pg. 82, Willard)."
"Father Help! and HE does..."
No doubt (Jn
8:44, Eph 6:12).
"...The faithful will not create a religion..."
Are you opposed to all religion--including what God commanded? Mt 15:4. Are you opposed to true religion? Matt. 5:148; Matt. 6:134; Matt. 7:129; Matt. 22:3640; Acts 10:34, 35; Rom. 8:118; Rom. 10:113; Rom. 12:121; 1 Cor. 13:113; Gal. 5:2225; 1 Thess. 5:1523; Jas. 1:27; Jas. 2:826; 2 Pet. 1:59; Jude 20, 21.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "How can you have a Church on a rock without religion?"
Jesus is the
rock (2
Sam. 22:32, 47; 23:3; Psa.
18:2; 31:2; 40:2; Isa.
17:10; 32:2; Matt.
16:18; 1
Cor. 10:4.).
A Scriptural Response to: Biblical Evidence or Catholics St. Joseph
You can build on him (1
Cor. 10:4) or stumble on him (1
Pet. 2:8). He'll be a stepping stone (Ps
18:2) or stumbling stone (1
Cor 1:23,
Luke 20:18)." ~ Adrian
"You can not build upon a lie, for a lie never was and never will be!"
What do you think about Jesus? Jn 14:6
"If you attribute to me that which you have posted again, then i will have to report such..."
It's in your
Rev. 12:10
"You are the "natural man" for you have already proven yourself to be a liar and deceiver..."
Proof please
[You can build on him (1 Cor. 10:4) or stumble on him (1 Pet. 2:8). He'll be a stepping stone (Ps 18:2) or stumbling stone (1 Cor 1:23, Luke 20:18)." ~ Adrian Rogers] Derowr quote: "You can not build upon a lie, for a lie never was and never will be!" [I] never posted such!
The quote is exact.
"[Y]ou have proven yourself to be but a deluded, sad, sick being..."
Proof please
"[Y]ou had posted: [You can build on
him (1 Cor. 10:4) or stumble on him (1 Pet. 2:8). He'll be a stepping stone
(Ps 18:2) or stumbling stone (1 Cor 1:23, Luke 20:18)." ~ Adrian Rogers] [A]nd
[I] responded:
"You can not build upon a lie, for a lie never was and never will be!""
That's correct.
"For you have proven yourself to be but a deluded, sad,
sick being who more than likely has it's portion in and of the perversion that
is of this wicked evil world and it's systems of religion..."
Proof please.
"You quoted the following: Originally Posted by derowr [You can build on him (1 Cor. 10:4) or stumble on him (1 Pet. 2:8). He'll be a stepping stone (Ps 18:2) or stumbling stone (1 Cor 1:23, Luke 20:18)." ~ Adrian Rogers] "You can not build upon a lie, for a lie never was and never will be! i never posted such! you had posted in comment #73 of this thread: [You can build on him (1 Cor. 10:4) or stumble on him (1 Pet. 2:8). He'll be a stepping stone (Ps 18:2) or stumbling stone (1 Cor 1:23, Luke 20:18)." ~ Adrian Rogers] and i responded: "You can not build upon a lie, for a lie never was and never will be!" enuf said! For you have proven yourself to be but a deluded, sad, sick being who more than likely has it's portion in and of the perversion that is of this wicked evil world and it's systems of religion! "Come Out of her, MY people!" Father Help! and HE does..."
I see why
you're banned.
Eph 4:14