Anti-Creation Courses
Fantastic Archaeology and Pseudoscience
Some people reshape the past away from the credible work of professional scientists in order to validate their beliefs in extra-terrestrials, in the occult, or in the historical and material truth of sacred texts. Students will learn to recognize a pseudoscientific claim, particularly about the human past involving archaeology.
Evolution and the Creationist Challenge
Evolutionary theory and tenets of present-day anti-evolutionists with emphasis on providing students with the skills to articulate the theory of evolution as it applies to the biological sciences.
Special Topics in Psychology: Witchcraft, Alien Abduction, and Spirit Possession—Irrational Behavior?
Students learn to evaluate the basis for beliefs in context and then figure out which ones still lacking [sic] credibility based on sound reasoning and evidence. Among the topics covered are witchcraft, alien abduction, evolution vs. creationism, repressed memories of abuse, and multiple personality disorder.