Anti-choicers Hate Women


We love women (Pr 31:8). We don't want anti-lifers murdering them in the womb (Pr 8:36).


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Not everyone believes that a clump of cells that have the potential to become a human being is already a human being."


You can lie to yourself but God knows your heart (Jer 17:9).


"So you think that if I disagree with you..."


Who cares what I say? What does God say? Jer 1:5


"...I must be 'lying to myself'?"


You don't fool God (Deut 17:9). 


"How insanely self-righteous is that?"


You can convince yourself of anything. That doesn't make it true (2 Tim. 2:15; Jas. 1:18). Christians respond to the word of God (Jn 14:6).


"Does rape matter?"


Deut 24:16


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Let's face it, libs are the real anti-choicers'. They want to intrude on every aspect of your lives and dictate how you live, what you eat, what you say, what you drive, what you smoke..."

They want the government to have more control of people's lives (Ge 11:3-4). We want the individual to have more control of his own life (Jn 8:36).


Response to comment [from a Jew]: "Even though I'm pro-choice..."


Do you respect the choice of the baby who wants to live?  When the implements move toward the baby in the the womb, he moves away from them in terror.  He chooses to live.


"...I respect the right of other people to be opposed to abortion."


Do you think that makes you honorable? Pr 23:7, 8:36. Do you respect other people who want to lynch blacks or kill Jews?


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "You aren't God..."


God is the creator (Isa 40:28). I am his creation (1 Sa 3:19. 2 Co 5:17).

I agree with him (Jer 1:5). We (Mt 25:21) tell others what God says (Mk 16:15) so that they may live life more abundantly. You (Eccl 10:2) come to: steal, kill and destroy (Jn 10:10).


"...and neither is your Bible."


God's word is true (2 Tim. 2:15; Jas. 1:18).

You claim to be a Christian. What does "Christian (other)" mean to you? Ga 5:9


"I'll tell you what it doesn't mean. It doesn't mean that I worship the Bible as if it were the voice of God."



Inspired Scripture


"If you're really interested in what I believe, I'd be happy to share."


Why don't we chat again when you are interested in what God has to say. 2 Chr. 36:15, 16; Psa. 95:8–11 Heb. 3:8, 15; 4:7. Prov. 1:22, 24–31; Prov. 29:1; Rev. 9:20, 21


"But so far as I can tall from your posts, what you're interested in is passing judgment on everyone else's beliefs..."


Pr 31:9


Response to comment [from a Jew]: "Anti-choicer [sure] talk about abortion as though it were entirely the result of "sluts" having sex."


Crisis pregnancy workers don't run around calling young mothers sluts. They offer help.


"A great many of the women who have abortions are poor married women who would not be able to provide for a child."


So it's better to kill the child? Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10. Laws come from God not man (Ex 20:13). We obey him (Ac 5:29) not child-killers like yourself (Pr 23:7).


"The so-called "crisis pregnancy centers" are complete and utter frauds. None of them comes even remotely close to providing enough help to provide for even one child from birth to maturity."


So it's better to kill the baby? Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10.

Is Obama right or wrong when he refuses to torture the enemy to gain information?

Is he right or wrong when he opts to kill him instead by drone?


Anti-choicers Hate Women