[For The First Time Ever A Snake
With Legs Has Been Discovered, Proving The Bible To Be True That The Serpent
Originally Had Legs | | Walid Shoebat] “When Eve screwed up
and spoke to the snake in the Garden of Eden, it had legs. This is what the
Bible tells us. Now scientists have described what they say is the first known
fossil of a four-legged snake (which was hidden for decades) that stunned
scientists (of course)—and is definitely igniting controversy. The world’s first
4 legged known snake discovered in Brazil, proves that snakes walked on foot,
instead of crawling on their bellies. This is exactly what the Bible declared in
Genesis 3:14, that snakes had legs. Here is the photo of the fossil showing
obvious legs:
“Looks like a snake to me,” says Jacques Gauthier of
the Peabody Museum of Natural History at Yale University. “The long body and
reduced limbs, along with the bony supports in the pelvis for lymph hearts to
pump blood back to the heart, are consistent with being a snake,” he says…” Full
For The First Time Ever A Snake With Legs Has Been Discovered, Proving The Bible
To Be True That The Serpent Originally Had Legs
Special Report: Amazing “Ark” Exposé Answers in Genesis
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Oh no, controversy in evolution...
"Regardless if it was a beast of
the field, the serpent was indeed a land animal and capable of locomotion in the
Garden of Eden and in the field..." Full text:
Did the Serpent Originally Have Legs?
Walid Shoebat is a Vatican
puppet by the way (2 Co 2:11, 11:14 ).
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