Are Jesus’ Words
Treated As Scripture?
[Are Jesus' Words Treated As Scripture? by Steve Ham] "I can’t begin to count how many times in my life I have heard people refer to Jesus’s words along with mentioning the red printing in the Bible. In fact, I can remember my own father getting so angry with these statements and always reminding me that Jesus is the Son of God and every word in the entirety of Scripture is His. We need no red letters.
Jesus (God incarnate) walked among us upon this earth and in His three short
years of recorded ministry He taught, performed miracles, and made an impact on
this world that shouts of His authenticity as Christ the Messiah. During His
earthly ministry, Luke 10 records Jesus instructions to the disciples on the
practicalities of evangelism. We are to do the Lord’s work and wherever
received, to be worthy of the wage given. These words in Luke 10:7 are later
repeated in today’s verse from 1 Timothy 5:18. Paul referred to what the
Scriptures had to say about the matter and referenced both the words in
Deuteronomy and the words of Christ in Luke 10.
While we can clearly see that the words of Jesus whether red or black are truly
Scripture, we must take it further than this. In John 1:1, we read that in the
beginning was the Word and further in the chapter, we read that the Word created
all things, is light and life, and became flesh and dwelt among us. This clear
reference to Jesus also references His very act of creation in the beginning. If
we want to know the first words of Jesus Christ that are truly Scripture, the
reference we are looking for is Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning . . .” Are
Jesus' Words Treated As Scripture? Ham.
Have you heard people refer to themselves as a "red letter Christian"? Some older OT Bibles put Jesus' words in red which can be helpful. Do you put more emphasis on Jesus' words in scripture. Who inspired Moses to write "In the beginning..." (Ge 1:1).
Is the Bible a book to be explained or a book to be believed (Rogers)?
"Since Jesus is the Christ direct quotes from Him are of special interest to me in the context of the totality of scripture."
The more we study the more we get to know him. I had been studying the Bible for
some time, then my pastor said something that did not sound like the man I was
coming to know.
It opened a whole can of worms.
We still differ but I pray the Holy Spirit will bring clarity to us both. But, I
was right by the way (2
Cor 13:11,
2 Pe 3:9).
Jesus' Words Treated As Scripture?