Arizona Teachers Against Ethnic Studies Programs
[Why These Teachers Matter and Why Every Teacher
Should Care by Kristel Foster] "The 11 Ethnic Studies teachers, standing
up for their students and against injustice in Arizona...Standing up
against HB2281, to keep one ethnic studies program in TUSD,
matters....Teachers have to start protecting what we know is right,
refusing to do what is wrong, and take back our profession..."
Full text
Are these teachers in Arizona right? They are being called
racists because they believe that all students should be treated as one
race--the human race (Ac
17:26). Should students be separated by
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Fixed it for you [the white race]. Basically, this is what it comes down to."
Are you a supporter or La Raza?
Mexican students are being taught to hate America in public schools (La
Raza approved
Is this a good thing?
"As a former "Mexican" student I can say that is simply not true, SD."
Attorney General Tom Horne, AZ says differently.
He said on Bill Bennett's program today that Mexican students are being
encouraged to hate this country. Their parents in most cases are unaware
of this. It is another example of the failure of a godless public school
Do you believe in American exceptionalism? Should public schools be
teaching this?
"...If Tom Horne said it it must be true. How exactly are Mexican
students being taught to hate America?"
Ethnic studies courses do not tend to be
pro-America and her values.
When Obama had the opportunity to discuss the Judeo-Christian values of
our nation at the recent "memorial service," he chose to promote Native
American paganism. Most of the victims were Christians.
Why do you think
he would do this?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Once again, I fixed for you
[pro-white conservative]..."
I got it the first time.
Do you hate white people?
"Nope - love em."
Do you hate conservatives?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...If Tom Horne said it it must be true. How exactly are Mexican students being taught to hate America?"
Ethnic studies courses do not tend to be
pro-America and her values.
When Obama had the opportunity to discuss the Judeo-Christian values of
our nation at the recent "memorial service," he chose to promote Native
American paganism. Most of the victims were Christians.
Why do you think
he would do this?
[American values] "Specifically which values are those?"
American values are, as Dennis Prager put it:
'In God we Trust', Liberty and E pluribus unum, Latin for 'out of many,
one'. They are not European values of: secularism, equality
and multiculturalism.
Response to comment [from other]: "Just goes to show you, serpentdove will..."
Ad hominem.
"How do you still not know..."
Ad hominem.
"What type of assimilation are you referring to?"
We do not care where you come from, once you're here: learn English, accept our American values, and pursue happiness.
Can a nation survive when it teaches its young
people to hate its values? Is assimilation a good thing or a bad thing?
political party gains power by keeping certain people groups down?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "You don't like equality? Wow, That explains a lot."
That's correct. You and I have the right to pursue happiness. We do not have a right to happiness.
[We do not care where you come from, once you're here: learn English, accept our American values, and pursue happiness.] "Why don't you get over yourself for crying out loud? Do you just hate everyone and everything?"
No. I like the English language, Judeo-Christian
ethics (not theology), and happiness.
You do not?
[Do you hate conservatives?] No. I love them too, I just disagree with much (certainly not all) of that ideology. I can love white conservatives and still believe that brown and black and red people who may be liberal or libertarian or apolitical should still be able to value and learn about other cultures or ethnicities (even white conservatives can do that - and should do that, I think).
Can you learn about other cultures or ethnicities from white conservatives? Why do you say "...[E]ven white conservatives can do that...". And why the 'white conservative' comment in the first place? Ac 17:26.
Response to comment [from other]: [Are you a supporter or La Raza? Mexican students are being taught to hate America in public schools. Is that a good thing?] "I see you're trying to revive that Ol' Christian Bigot Spirit."
Who believed that Christians are bigots? Ac 17:26.
"Most Christians have left that kind of foolish thinking behind..."
Were they bigots before or after they believed Ac 17:26?
"...[M]aybe you should do the same."
I believed Ac 17:26 then and I believe it now. What should I leave behind?
"Leave that to Rush and like company."
I do not listen to Rush.
Response to comment [from other]: "What does Judeo Christian ethics have to do with America?"
Our nation was founded on Judeo-Christian ethics.
Freedom Ribbon
Response to comment [from other]: "Perhaps you've yet to realize the world doesn't revolve around you."
Ad hominem. Who cares about me? The world is sustained and upheld by Jesus (2 Pe
"Oh that's right. Jesus was a white, English speaking American."
Do you dislike white, English speaking Americans?
Not sure why you took issue with the earlier statement (e.g. boarders, language,
cultural values). Perhaps you could clarify.
Response to comment [from other]: "The bible supports racism and slavery."
Because the Bible speaks of slavery, it does not mean that
it endorses slavery.
Does the Bible condone slavery? Why doesn't the Bible condemn slavery? Why did
God allow people to keep slaves?
"You should abandon your bigot mindset immediately, and stop cherry picking verses to cover your tracks."
Ad hominem.
Teachers Against Ethnic Studies Programs