Arpaio's Obama probe finds 'national security threat'
[Arpaio's Obama probe finds 'national security
threat': Hawaii found to be bogus birth-certificate factory] "Phoenix – After
determining earlier this year there is probable cause to suspect the document
released by the White House as Barack Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery,
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said today he believes his Cold Case Posse’s
investigation should be advanced to the federal government..."
Arpaio's Obama probe finds 'national security threat'
Ac 2:23, Mt 13:41, 2 Co 6:14
It's a Fake
Calls Congress to move on eligibility
Vid: 'Every document surrounding Obama plagued with problems'
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "I'm surprised you haven't brought up Michelle Bachmann's accusations about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration."
I did silly.