Ask Knight II
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "...It would be nice to be able to know if one of your posts was responded to. In fast moving threads if you make a post you have to scan through all the new posts to see if yours was responded to. That isn't a problem if you are interested in reading everything but sometimes you are involved in a specific conversion and don't need to read the rest. I'd be nice to know if you were responded to and even nicer if you could go straight to that response."
Most forums operate this way. You used to be
able to click the email link and go right to
the post that was in response to you.
Now, if you'd like to know if there is a new
post you have to go old school--put the
display into hybrid mode and look for the
new yellow dots.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "kmonmey, At the Edit Options page you might try setting the "Thread Display Mode" option to threaded. May help."
It won't help his
but it might help to find new posts.
"Thanks for the tip. I can see how that would be helpful but I'm finding it confusing to use. And I couldn't get it to show the entire conversation."
You're just now
noticing these changes?
2 Thess 2:11
Also, you can go to your own recent
posts--right click, open in new window--to
see if there was a reply.