Astronomy Confirms the Bible

[An excerpt: The Universe Confirms the Bible by Jason Lisle] “Today, the reliability of the Bible is being increasingly attacked. Can we really trust the Bible in our modern age of technology and science? As we have seen, science is not an enemy of the Bible. On the contrary, modern science has been able to confirm much of what the Bible teaches about astronomy. Many of the biblical teachings which would have been difficult to believe in the past (such as an expanding universe) are now accepted in science textbooks. This is an important lesson to learn. Ideas in secular science can change from time to time, but the Bible has demonstrated itself to be consistently true without the need for change.

Although much of secular astronomy has come to line up with the Bible, there are still a number of differences. What are we to do when the current consensus among scientists is at odds with the teachings of Scripture? Have we learned the lesson of history? Are we going to reject (or modify our “interpretation” of) the straightforward teachings of Scripture in light of the latest secular scientific claims? Or shall we trust that the Bible will prevail again as it always has in the past?

It may help to remember that our modern age is just another point in history. Future generations (should the Lord delay His return) will no doubt look back at our time as we look back to cultures of the past. Will students in some future classroom look back with amusement at some of the “scientific” beliefs and misunderstandings of our time, the same way we smile at the scientific mistakes of ancient cultures? Will they learn about the “Great Folly”—the nearly universal belief in the big bang and molecules-to-man evolution which reigned during the 20th and early 21st centuries? Perhaps future Christians will wonder at the rampant compromise so prevalent in our time: Why did Christians of the past compromise with the secular ideas of the big bang and billions of years?

In the next chapters, we will explore points of disagreement between the straightforward teachings of the Bible and the current opinions of the majority of astronomers. If the Bible really is the Word of God, as it claims to be, then it cannot fail. Inevitably, the secular opinion will collapse, and the Bible will again be vindicated in each of these points of disagreement…” full text:
The Universe Confirms the Bible by Jason Lisle.

“The heavens declare creation and science confirms it.” Jason Lisle

Response to comment [from a Jehovah's Witness]:  "Arians believed that Jesus himself was "made" or created by God. And moving these words into verse 3 makes the verse say that Jesus could not have been made."

Christ is the uncreated (1Co 11:3; Eph 1:22; Col 1:18) creator (Jn 1:3,10; Col 1:16). 

"False Teaching about the Trinity:

Modern Example: Mormonism - Jesus was a created being and the Spirit-brother of Lucifer, who became a god. Mormonism teaches that there are many gods and we too can become gods.

Modalism (also Sabellianism, Modalistic Monarchianism):
Modern Example: United Pentecostal Church - "Jesus only", there is only one God who manifests himself in three modes. God is essentially playing different roles and the assumption is that in the Old Testament he revealed himself as the Father, in the New Testament God reveals himself as Jesus, and in the church-age as Holy Spirit.

Arianism (Dynamic Monarchianism):
Modern Example: Jehovah's Witnesses - Denying the deity of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Jesus was a created being adopted by God, and the Holy Spirit is simply the power of God or a force..."  full text:

All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made [John 1:3].
"The Lord Jesus Christ is the Creator. Not only did He exist before Bethlehem, but He created the vast universe including the material out of which man constructed Bethlehem. All things were made by Him; He is the instrument of creation. Nothing came into existence without Him."
McGee, J. Vernon: Thru the Bible Commentary. electronic ed. Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 1997, c1981, S. 4:372

Astronomy Confirms the Bible