Response to comment [from other]: [Barack Obama Sees Worst Poll Rating Drop in 50 Years]
We know that God sets over nations the "basest of men" (Da 4:17). Obama fits the bill.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Government] " your expense and mine."
I wonder about the expenses. Since we will be paying for liberal's healthcare, do we get to insist that they practice healthier living? We know the costs of care will rise with risky behavior such as homosexuality. Do we get to re-criminalize homosexuality if for nothing else--cost cutting measures?
We choose to live as God intended which lowers our
risks of disease and death--and we get to pay the bills for those who choose to
live otherwise? (Jn 10:10). They know they are incompetent which is
why they want those who are competent to pay for them. What they do to
each other privately, the do to us all publically (Ro 1:27).
Obama Sees Worst Poll Rating Drop in 50 Years