Bammy Sez: Put A Black Man In Every Classroom!
A Black Male
Teacher for Every Student!
By John Bennett
Our education secretary, Arne Duncan, offered the following bizarre claim: "I
think all of our students benefit from having a black male in the classroom."
Black males represent only one out of every 50 teachers, and that's a major
social problem, according to the federal government. The solution is de rigueur
racial preferences and more government spending. With that solution in mind, the
federal government is now going to devote untold resources to a program called
the TEACH Campaign.
The goal of the program is to "increase the number, quality, and diversity of
teachers in the classroom." The methods employed are described only in warm and
fuzzy terms, such as "trying to recruit more African-American men to go into
teaching straight out of college." The premise of the program is that black
students, especially black males, would benefit from a black male role model in
the classroom. While there may be some minimal short-term benefit to such an
approach, the long-term implications are exceptionally troubling.
The significance of this program is that one racial group is slowly gaining the
right to choose to associate with members of its own racial group in the
educational system. Duncan has said, "We need more men of color in our schools."
The "of color" designation refers only to Hispanics and blacks, for the purposes
of the TEACH program. Whites and Asians don't count. The federal government is
not advocating racial matching of teachers and students for the benefit of
whites and Asians. The mere suggestion would be treated as a racist absurdity.