Bathing daily is a "white people thing"
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "When I served in the Navy in the 1950's, if you did not shower everyday you were taken to the shower and they used the scrub brushes to clean you."
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Prediction: within 10 years, increasingly devolved hipsters will develop an affectation for not bathing in order to smell "authentic" and "Euro.""
~ Parliament
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "French are white and they are well known as not to take bath too often. They use perfume to kill the odor."
Rubber Duckie
Sesame Street
Ps 51:2
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Ack no Rubber Duckie song! I was doing fine! I was enjoying and or being provoked to thought and - and - and - you boobie trapped me SD! Now my brain is broken again. Sigh did you do that on purpose?"
I wouldn't
do that.
It's a small world
~ Disney