Bathroom Bill
The Sodomite Left wants to "express themselves" and relieve themselves near your wife and daughter--again.
[Hartford, Conn., April 27, 2011. Christian Newswire] "A "Transgender Bill" passed by the Judiciary Committee on April 5 is headed for a vote in the House of Representatives. This "Bathroom Bill" would extend sexual discrimination laws to people who disagree with the
gender they had at birth or disagree with expressing themselves as a single gender and would allow them access to places where they would make other people uncomfortable or worse.
Men in Women's Bathrooms and Showers: This bill would permit men, sexually attracted to women, but disguised as women, to use women's bathrooms, locker rooms and showers in Connecticut. Unlike homosexuals, many transgendered men are sexually attracted to women. They express their gender identity in a skirt while, at the same time, they are attracted to, date and marry women. Though definitions are fluid, the transgender community commonly refers to these men as "male lesbians."
Parents/School Boards Cannot Object to Getting "gender'cked" in the Classroom: This bill would prevent parents and Boards of Education from regulating any form of gender expression in the classroom, counselor's office, gymnasium, school locker room, etc., by employees or students. Gender expression can take many forms and is based solely on how a person desires to express themselves..." Full text: Will CT Allow Men in Bathrooms with Our Mothers, Daughters... Grandmothers? Deut 22:5, Mt 19:4.
If you'd like to leave this thread quickly and never look back I understand.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Well what do you propose? Transvestites exist..."
They must all be sent away.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "This isn't God's country..."
God owns this planet and this nation (Jer. 25:12–33, Ps 24:1).
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "...[Y]ou agree with thought-crime, serpentdove?"
Your heart needs scrubbing bubbles® (Ac 8:22).
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "This country was established as decidedly secular..."
This country was founded by religious Christians and Jews.
America Founded to be Free Not Secular by Dennis Prager
Also see:
Jews and the Founding of America by Rabbi Ken Spiro
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Oh yes SD, I'm so convinced."
[Israel's Bible Bloc by Dennis "Avi" Lipkin Alias Victor Mordecia] "...[T]he wimps and the comfortable Europeans stayed in Europe. Those ready to fight for God and their personal freedoms endangered their lives by crossing the Atlantic to the Americas.
...[T]here were Jews living in America virtually from Day #1. There had been Jews on the ships with Christopher Columbus who saw sailing into the unknown future as preferable to burning at the stake of the auto-da-fe in Spain.
Many of the early Spanish colonists were conversos pretending to be Christians. But not far behind these Jews came the Spanish Inquisition to ensure that there were no Jewish heresies in the Spanish colonies, even though there were no Moslems anywhere in the Americas and no threat of Islamic invasion.
So when Jews began to be burned at the stake in Mexico City, the Jews would move northward toward Monterrey. When the Inquisition made it to Monterrey, the Jews went further north into Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and California. They always kept their Judaism or Jewish ethnicity as secret and always tried to stay a step ahead of the Church Inquisitors.
...Without dwelling too much more on the Jewish role in America, there is one piece of history that must be recounted. General George Washington, leading the American colonists in what seemed almost as an impossible battle against England's' King George III, entered the Jewish synagogue in Philadelphia on Yom Kippur, 1777, telling the Jews in no uncertain terms that he was desperate for cash, that he could not pay the revolutionary soldiers. He asked the Jews of Philadelphia on the holiest day of the year for Jews, to go home immediately and return to the synagogue with all the gold they could muster. (The Jewish religion forbids the handling of money or gold on Yom Kippur, so this was a big deed for the Jews to do what Washington asked them to do).
Led by Jewish leader Haim Solomon, the Jews returned with what was in those days $30 million in gold bullion. Some say today that would be worth $30 billion. But the fact is that the Jews saved Washington and the American Revolution on that day. By the way, the US Government never repaid the Jews of Philadelphia...
God says in the Bible "I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you." (Genesis. 12:3 and Numbers 24:9). This has been a guiding rule for the Christians of America who received the Jews as welcomed brothers and sisters from virtually the first day of colonization in the British Americas.
It was now the turn of the Jews to bless George Washington and the American Revolution. And the Jews have blessed America ever since. I believe that there is this symbiotic relationship between the Jews and Christians which as made America the greatest country in the world. And it is clearly to be seen that all those countries that bless the Jews are the most prosperous and happy nations in the world, and conversely, those countries that curse the Jews are most accursed and miserable of all.
So the Jews have always been an integral part of the American people from Day 1. America was always the land of unlimited dreams. If you worked hard, you would be rewarded for your work. You were free to serve God any whichever way you wished and it was no one's business. You built up the land and with it you were built up (Lipkin, pg. 77-79)."
California ‘Bathroom Bill’ Mandating Schools to Allow Boys in Girls’ Restrooms Approved By Assembly
Germany gets third gender on birth certificates
Homosexuality is: forbidden (Lev. 18:22), considered an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24), punishment for (Lev. 20:13), unclean (Rom. 1:24, 26, 27).