Be An “Aunt Lois”: Publisher’s Pen by Dale T. Mason

Is there an “Aunt Lois” in your life? A relative who stands out for her generosity and Christlike character?

When I was a child it was Aunt Lois who baked nearly a thousand cookies every Christmas and gave a big boxful to every niece and nephew who showed up at her home. It was Aunt Lois who always gave each of us a birthday present and card to remind us that she loved us.

And it was Aunt Lois and Uncle Curtis who sponsored our family into the National Geographic Society in the late 1960s. Back then, you couldn’t buy National Geographic magazine at newsstands. You had to subscribe, and you couldn’t subscribe unless you were initially sponsored. We felt very special.

In spite of its blatant evolutionary bias, that beautifully illustrated magazine was one of several things God used to fan in me a burning desire to know the truth about nature and our universe—and to help spread it to the whole world! Aunt Lois’s gift of that magazine is part of the reason I serve as publisher of Answers—refuting evolution instead of promoting it.

A few weeks ago, as I was thinking about Aunt Lois’s gift, it struck me that subscribers often call Answers the “Christian National Geographic.” I sat down late that night and made a list of loved ones my wife and I could be Aunt Lois to this year. We bought about a dozen gift subscriptions and within days started hearing heartfelt thank-yous. It’s wonderful to know that—several times over the next year—families we love will receive this creation-based worldview magazine. And God may use it to inspire other young people to dedicate their lives to spreading the truth!

I’m sure Aunt Lois never expected it, but God used her gift to fan a flame in a very ordinary kid. Can you be “Aunt Lois” to someone, too?

All for Him,

Dale T. Mason, Publisher

P.S. We are praying for at least 5,000 more sponsored (gift) subscriptions than last year. Simply note “AUNTLOIS” when you order, and we’ll reduce the price for your gift subscriptions by $5 each! . . . Let’s join together to reach the ones you love!

“God’s Word—starting with the history in Genesis—is critical to understanding our modern world, sometimes in surprising ways. For example, Genesis gives us insight into hot current issues, such as global warming, or scientific puzzles, such as the distribution of life in Madagascar. I hope this issue will encourage you, more than ever, to turn to the authority of God’s Word in every area of life.”

Ken Ham, President/CEO, Answers in Genesis–USA