Those Waskily Behemoths That Died Out Long Before Man

Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "The fact a creationist was unaware of carbon dating being limited to a few thousand years is sort of funny."

You atheists out there keep using the same "catch ya" tactics without ever exploring the evidence.  You may want to explore the findings of the R.A.T.E. scientists.  It will challenge your view if you are willing to have your view challenged.  Young earth creationists love C-14.:

"The RATE scientists are convinced that the popular idea attributed to geologist Charles Lyell from nearly two centuries ago, “The present is the key to the past,” is simply not valid for an earth history of millions or billions of years. An alternative interpretation of the carbon-14 data is that the earth experienced a global flood catastrophe which laid down most of the rock strata and fossils.... Whatever the source of the carbon-14, its presence in nearly every sample tested worldwide is a strong challenge to an ancient age. Carbon-14 data is now firmly on the side of the young-earth view of history..."  Full text:  Doesn’t Carbon-14 Dating Disprove the Bible?

Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "You don't have the right to lecture anyone on exploring the evidence and challenging thinking when you post a link that says this:

'When a scientist’s interpretation of data does not match the clear meaning of the text in the Bible, we should never reinterpret the Bible. God knows just what He meant to say, and His understanding of science is infallible, whereas ours is fallible. So we should never think it necessary to modify His Word.'

People cannot believe the Bible and be good scientists?  Your bias is showing. 

We still have freedom of speech but we know liberals are working on destroying that too (Jn 10:10). 

Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "I'll presume insolence and repeat this once more:  Other elements like uranium have half lives that are over 4 billion years old. Carbon is not used to measure rocks older than 20,000+ years old."

"[R]adiometric dating is based on uniformitarian assumptions assuming naturalism is true in the first place! There are a number of factors that could affect the accuracy of these measurements: the amount of cosmic rays in accordance with the sun’s activity (since the strength of the earth’s magnetic field has gradually been decreasing), which would affect the production of Carbon-14. Also, most scientists refuse to take into account a global flood that would have greatly affected the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. Please see: Dating in Conflict and What about carbon dating?

We can use other forms of radioactivity to make measurements of systems that are much older, however. For example potassium-40 has a half life of 1.3 billion years, uranium-238 has a half life of about 4.47 billion years, and thorium-232 has a half life of 14 billion years. Since these materials are created inside the fiery cores of stars by nuclear burning, we can measure the abundance of these parent-nuclei compared to the abundance of the daughter nuclei into which they decay to determine the age of old rocks, as well as the ages of some stars in which the abundance of these heavy elements can be measured. And not surprisingly, the ages we get all are consistent with other age determinations. The age of the earth, when determined this way, agrees well with the age of the sun, i.e. about 4.5 billion years. The ages of the oldest systems in our galaxy comes out to be about 10-13 billion years, in agreement with stellar evolution estimates, etc.
There are some key assumptions about many dating methods that are often overlooked. For example, radiometric dating uses these two things: 1) the amount of a given element, both parent and daughter in a sample at a given time; and 2) the half-life of a given radiometric decay rate at a particular point in time in a lab environment. However, to extrapolate into the unknown past requires three main unprovable assumptions.

1.Initial conditions—it is assumed that when the rock was formed only the parent element (e.g. Potassium, Uranium, etc.) was present, and there was no daughter element (e.g. Argon, Lead) present;
2.Closed system—it is assumed that within any given sample, no parent or daughter elements ever entered or left the sample;
3.Constant Rate—it is assumed that the rate of radioactive decay has remained constant.

What evidence is there that any or all of these three assumptions are true?..."  Full text:

"You mean to say civilizations that sprouted up 8,000 years ago around the Nile and Tigris in order to secure fertile land experienced traumatic floods? Truly unimaginable."

That's the point.  You cannot image a catastrophic worldwide flood because your worldview will not allow for it.  Yet, overwhelming evidence points to just that.


In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood by Dr. Walt Brown

Response to comment [from an atheist]:  [Bias]  "The Bible is not a science book, and there are plenty of people who are good scientists because they recognize this fact."

And there are plenty of people who believe the Bible--and are good scientists.  The Bible is not a science book yet it gets science right each and every time.  It takes men time to catch up with what God said all along.  The Bible has never been proven wrong scientifically no matter what the secular humanists tell you.    

[Bias]  "And you're totally objective."

I believe the Bible.  You do not.  These biases shape our respective worldviews.

Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "I wouldn't waste my time on serpentdove, if I were you. The only thing keeping his arms from going further into his ears, is his shoulders."

Then you are open to investigating creation science?

Response to comment [from an athiest]:  [Bible gets science right]  " long as you ignore several of the most important scientific disciplines."

Show us where the Bible got science wrong.

Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Why does this have "Jurassic Park" written all over it?"

Can we make dinosaurs like Jurassic Park?  Unlikely:

"People around the world have been asking if scientists could really resurrect these robust reptiles from DNA extracted from a preserved insect allegedly more than 100 million years old.

The answer is No!

Despite the hype, Jurassic Park is fiction. Scientists have not yet found dinosaur DNA in any amber-preserved insects. But if they did, even evolutionists admit that the DNA, a notoriously unstable molecule, would be too degraded to carry a complete dinosaur genetic blueprint..."  Full text:  Are Dinosaurs Alive Today?

Response to comment [from an atheist]:  [Bible wrong]  "Genesis 1. It starts early."

Show us where Genesis 1 is wrong.

"The point of what I said was to point out they hypocrisy of you accusing atheists of uncritical thinking..."

When did I accuse atheists of uncritical thinking?  I accuse them of bias.

"...when you post a link which flatly denies the possibility of questioning the Bible."

I do not deny the Bible.  You do.  I have a bias.  You have a bias.  I admit mine.  You have yet to. 

I do not know a Christian who has not questioned the Bible.  Most have put all questions to God (Isa 1:18).  After thousands of questions, they realize that God's word is true and the Bible can be trusted.  We stand on the sure foundation of God's word.  You stand on the shifting sand of science.

[When did I accuse atheists of uncritical thinking?]  "Right here:  SD Quote:  "You atheists out there keep using the same "catch ya" tactics without ever exploring the evidence..."

Paul Harvey might ask:  "Where is the rest of the story?..."  This atheist, GeneCosta, mocked a Christian for not knowing that "carbon dating [is] limited to [testing for] a few thousand years."  Then, he made a truth claim:  the earth is old because you can "effectively measure objects" (in his example measuring for uranium) which according to him "has a half life of 4.5+- years". 

He did not submit:  1.  What scientists test for uranium or 2. The fact that "radiometric dating is based on uniformitarian assumptions assuming naturalism is true in the first place..."  In other words, his "facts" are based on theory.  He, and other like him, leave that part out.  Dating methods argue for the young earth creationist.  He gave half of the story.  I called him on it.  

"...[Y]ou imply that we are not willing to have our views challenged, which is the same thing."

Some are willing to have their views challenged.  Some are not. 

"I undoubtedly do possess a number of biases, but you have been unable to find one so far."

I have a pretty good idea that you trust man's opinion over God's word.

"In order for that to be a bias of mine, you would have to demonstrate that I hold my position of denial for reasons which are not fair to the Bible..."

That is between you and God.

"But on the contrary, I hold the Bible to the same proof standards that I hold any other document."

I would too.

"That's not a bias, that's fairness."

I agree.  God asks us to reason with him (Isa 1:18).  He can meet any challenge that you can pose.

"You are the one with a bias, because you elevate the Bible above any other book or opinion."

From an informed view, that's true.

"Well, the link you posted says that you shouldn't [question the Bible]."

We ask questions and finally decide for ourselves what is true.  The quote comes from a person who has decided that the Bible is true.  Christians are accused of never having asked tough questions.  They are accused of having a blind faith.  From those I have met, this is simply not true.  I suppose it is possible.  It just has not been my experience.  

"Do you put all questions to God?

I do put all questions to God.  When the Lord's spirit indwells the believer, he becomes more like Christlike--glory to glory (2 Cor 3:18).  We become like our idols or we become like Christ.    

"Or are there any [questions] that you feel secure answering yourself?"

A walk with the Lord is trust in him.  Pride is relying on your own thinking or believing that you can live your life without him.  It is top on God's list of hated things (Pr 6:16-19).  I trust him more than I trust myself, if that is what you are asking.

I am confident with the rock solid answers that God has provided in his word but there are things that God simply won't tell us until we get home to heaven.  I'm ok with that. 

Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "So far, he [God] hasn't even shown up for the debate."

He says he has.  He gives every person enough light.  It is for them to respond to light given.  They have an internal witness (Ro 2:15), an external witness (Ps 19:1) and the scriptures so men are without excuse (Ro 1:20).

Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "I don't think I've said I think you haven't [investigated claims of secular science]."

You began your argument with ""I wouldn't waste my time on serpentdove, if I were you. The only thing keeping his arms from going further into his ears, is his shoulders."  Maybe you had no point to make? 

"I will say, though, that if you have, I think you've either not understood the science properly..."

Since I believe in young earth creation, I cannot understood science properly?  

"...or you're letting your bias get the better of you."

So young earth creation cannot be correct and anyone who believes the Bible must be wrong?  What is your evidence?  Do you assume that young earth creationists have not considered the claims of naturalistic evolution?

We are still waiting for you to make a point.  Is it biases you wished to discuss?  So far you only attempted to poison the well--"Don't listen to SD".   

Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "[W]hy should anyone listen to you where science is concerned?"

You are free to ignore the science. 

"You accept as factual the existence of paranormal entities and phenomena; this makes you at best mistaken..."

You exclude the possibility of the supernatural.  Who is being close-minded?

["Then you are open to investigating creation science?"]  "Is that akin to investigating the paranormal?"

I'll take that as a "no".  So who limits the science?--excluding the possibility of the supernatural.

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "Science isn't able to deal with the supernatural."

True, so our conclusions do not need to be limited to naturalistic observations (Jn 20:29).  People should consider the claims of the Bible.

Response to comment [from other]:  "Serpent Dove, will you at least agree that the vast majority of scientists who work in the relevant fields don't support the young earth paradigm?"

Ad Populum (appeal to common belief).  Which field?  Are you interested in what everyone believes (Ex 23:2) or are you interested in the truth?  (Jn 14:6).

Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "Secular science concludes that diseases are caused by microbes. Non-secular science concludes that diseases are caused by evil spirits."

Ad Absurdum (appeal to ridicule).

"Christians, Jews, and non-religious scientists have contributed to the germ theory over the past 150 years. The basic history of the germ theory is given in many texts, most often giving credit to the experimental work of Pasteur, Lister, and Koch. However, the role of worldview, and the fact that many of these scientists were Christian and creation biologists, is often left out.."  Full text:  Creation and the Germ Theory:  How a Biblical Worldview Encouraged the Concept that Germs Make Us Sick

"Secular science concludes that insanity and mental illness are the result of physical anomalies in the brain. Non-secular science concludes that insanity and mental illness are the result of demonic possession."

"Darwinism not only influenced the Nazi attitude toward Jews, but other cultural and ethnic groups as well. Even mental patients were included later, in part because it was then believed that heredity had a major influence on mental illness (or they possibly had some Jewish or other non-Aryan blood in them), and consequently had to be destroyed. Poliakov notes that many intellectuals in the early 1900s accepted telegony, the idea that ‘bad blood’ would contaminate a race line forever, or that ‘bad blood drives out good, just as bad money displaces good money’.  Only extermination would permanently eliminate inferior genetic lines, and thereby further evolution.

Darwin even compiled a long list of cases where he concluded bad blood polluted a whole gene line, causing it to bear impure progeny forever. Numerous respected biologists, including Ernst Ruedin of the University of Munich and many of his colleagues such as Herbert Spencer, Francis Galton, and Eugene Kahn, later a professor of psychiatry at Yale, actively advocated this hereditary argument. These scientists were also the chief architects of the German compulsory sterilization laws designed to prevent those with defective or ‘inferior’ genes from contaminating the Aryan gene pool. Later, when the ‘genetically inferior’ were also judged as ‘useless dredges’, massive killings became justified. The groups judged inferior were gradually expanded to include a wide variety of races and national groups. Later, it even included less healthy older people, epileptics, both severe and mild mental defectives, deaf-mutes, and even some persons with certain terminal illnesses.

The groups judged ‘inferior’ were later expanded to include persons who had negroid or mongoloid features, Gypsies, and those who did not pass a set of ingeniously designed overtly racist phrenology tests now known to be worthless.  After Jesse Owen won four gold medals at the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games, Hitler chastised the Americans for even permitting blacks to enter the contests.

Some evolutionists even advocated the view that women were evolutionarily inferior to men. Dr Robert Wartenberg, later a prominent neurology professor in California, tried to prove women’s inferiority by arguing that they could not survive unless they were ‘protected by men’. He concluded that because the weaker women were not eliminated as rapidly due to this protection, a slower rate of evolution resulted and for this reason natural selection was less operative on women than men. How the weak were to be ‘selected’ for elimination was not clear, nor were the criteria used to determine ‘weak’. Women in Nazi Germany were openly prohibited from entering certain professions and were required by law to conform to a traditional female role..."  Full text:  Bad Blood Theory

"Secular science does not allow for intervention by supernatural/paranormal entities and phenomena. Allowing for intervention by supernatural/paranormal entities and phenomena is integral to non-secular science."

“It is ridiculous to argue that a supernatural explanation is wrong because it cannot be explained by natural causes...Consider the argument I’m critiquing: “(A) A supernatural explanation is wrong because (B) it is not explained by natural causes.” Since (B) is essentially synonymous with (A), the argument is circular. It concludes that all things must be explained by natural causes (A) by simply assuming that all things must be explained by natural causes (B). This is not a good argument. So, my assertion that such an argument is ridiculous is valid...'"  Full text:  Must Science Exclude the Supernatural?

"And there it is!"

  Move over Sophocles (Ingraham).

Response to comment [from other]:  "The great thing about science is that the evidence is available for me to scrutinize directly or indirectly..."

And I would suggest you do just that.  The evidence points to young earth creation.

Response to comment [from other]:  "...[Y]ou need to be willing to honestly listen to the testimony of science."

Young earth creationists are not lacking for any evidence to vindicate their position.  But again that is not the issue.  Biblical authority is the issue.  


Young Earth

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "Whether God created the world in 7 days or 4 billion years is largely immaterial..."

God created a "very good" world with bloodshed and death?  No.  It does matter what we believe:

"...[A]bout 200 years ago some scientists developed new theories of earth history, which proposed that the earth and universe are millions of years old. Over the past 200 years Christian leaders have made various attempts to fit the millions of years into the Bible. These include the day-age view, gap theory, local flood view, framework hypothesis, theistic evolution, and progressive creation.

A growing number of Christians (now called young-earth creationists), including many scientists, hold to the traditional view, believing it to be the only view that is truly faithful to Scripture and that fits the scientific evidence far better than the reigning old-earth evolutionary theory.

Many Christians say that the age of the earth is an unimportant and divisive side issue that hinders the proclamation of the gospel. But is that really the case? Answers in Genesis and many other creationist organizations think not..."  Full text:
 Why Shouldn’t Christians Accept Millions of Years?

Response to comment [from other]:  "The examination and study of the earth provides overwhelming evidence that the earth is billions of years old."

Here are a few reasons why Christians should not accept "millions of years":

"...1.The Bible clearly teaches that God created in six literal, 24-hour days a few thousand years ago. The Hebrew word for day in Genesis 1 is yom. In the vast majority of its uses in the Old Testament it means a literal day; and where it doesn’t, the context makes this clear.

2.The context of Genesis 1 clearly shows that the days of creation were literal days. First, yom is defined the first time it is used in the Bible (Genesis 1:4–5) in its two literal senses: the light portion of the light/dark cycle and the whole light/dark cycle. Second, yom is used with “evening” and “morning.” Everywhere these two words are used in the Old Testament, either together or separately and with or without yom in the context, they always mean a literal evening or morning of a literal day. Third, yom is modified with a number: one day, second day, third day, etc., which everywhere else in the Old Testament indicates literal days. Fourth, yom is defined literally in Genesis 1:14 in relation to the heavenly bodies.

3.The genealogies of Genesis 5 and 11 make it clear that the creation days happened only about 6,000 years ago. It is transparent from the genealogies of Genesis 5 and 11 (which give very detailed chronological information, unlike the clearly abbreviated genealogy in Matthew 1 and other chronological information in the Bible that the Creation Week took place only about 6,000 years ago.

4.Exodus 20:9–11 blocks all attempts to fit millions of years into Genesis 1. “Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath of the LORD your God; in it you shall not do any work, you or your son or your daughter, your male or your female servant or your cattle or your sojourner who stays with you. For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day; therefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day and made it holy” (Exodus 20:9-11).
This passage gives the reason for God’s command to Israel to work six days and then take a sabbath rest. Yom is used in both parts of the commandment. If God meant that the Jews were to work six days because He created over six long periods of time, He could have said that using one of three indefinite Hebrew time words. He chose the only word that means a literal day, and the Jews understood it literally (until the idea of millions of years developed in the early nineteenth century). For this reason, the day-age view or framework hypothesis must be rejected. The gap theory or any other attempt to put millions of years before the six days are also false because God says that in six days He made the heaven and the earth and the sea and all that is in them. So He made everything in those six literal days and nothing before the first day..."  Full text:
  Why Shouldn’t Christians Accept Millions of Years?

Response to comment [from other]:  "Is SnakeBird trying to suggest that there was no slavery in the US prior to Charlie [Darwin]?" 

I made that point that an evolution-based belief system (not new to America--it goes back to ancient Greece) leads to racism. 

The U.S. Constitution called blacks three-fifths of a person (Article 1, Section Two).  Slavery is not biblical (Ex. 21:16).  The American Constitution regulated the ownership of human beings (Enyart).  But the Bible says we are one race--the human race.  We are one blood (Ac 17:26).   

Response to comment [from Christian]:  "You can't pick up the tool and say that some fields are acceptable for inquiry (medicine) and others aren't (the origins and evolution of life) just because you don't like where the evidence take you."

I agree and who does that?  Young earth creationists like where the evidence leads.

"The glaring flaws in AiG have been pointed out..."

So you dismiss anything from Answers in Genesis? 

"Their "evidence" for a young earth and against ToE has been shown to be bunk, however."

What does Answers in Genesis get wrong?

Response to comment [from other]  "[Answers in Genesis] starts with a predetermined conclusion..."

If someone believes the Bible, are they not permitted to examine empirical data?

"Oh what a delightful surprise. An AIG link. How utterly unexpected."

Do you dismiss anything from Answers in Genesis?  Are all the PhDs lying?

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "Their methodology is backwards."

How does their scientific method differ from that of other scientists?  Did you the one who invented the scientific method, Francis Bacon, was himself a Bible-believing Christian?  Because it he invented it, do we toss it? 

Response to comment [from an atheist]:  [Supernatural]  "What is your explanation for this dismal level of performance?"

Science does not test for the supernatural.

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "[S]tarting with the "theory" and trying to find observations that confirm it instead of starting with observation and trying to find a theory that explains it...It has nothing to do with whether or not the scientist is a Christian but how he goes about doing science."

If a student has a math teacher who says that he may look in the back of the book to solve his problem but he must show his work, what is wrong with looking at the back of the book?  If the student wants to be sure he is right, he looks at the answer first and then solves for the problem.  Is is more honorable to rip out the answer section and throw it away on principal?  What does it matter how the student got to the answer--he got to it.   

The next day in class, should student A (who submitted four pages of work and got the answer right after looking at the answer key) be rebuked by student B (who submitted four pages of work but got it wrong because he did not look at the answer key)?  The former student did as he was told and got it right.  The latter student did not take advantage of the opportunity and instruction and got it wrong.  We have an answer key in the Bible.  We can use it.  In fact, we are encouraged to use it.  The answers (Ge 1:1) have been there all along.

Bob Enyart gave an example of Christian astronomer, Johannes Kepler, who would not give up an apparent contradiction in his observations of the natural world.  Enyart used the analogy of a Christian giving up thinking when it comes to Bible study.  We should study discrepancies where we see them, is his point. 

But I think it is also a good reminder to take a look at the Bible once in a while.  If science differs from God's word, then it is the science that is wrong not God's word and we must keep looking:

"Kepler, known as the father of modern astronomy, helped science advance beyond centuries of error. He refused to ignore the apparent contradictions between observation and theory. Aristotle had argued that the sun and planets orbited around the Earth, which he believed stood motionless.  He had also determined, wrongly, that orbits formed perfect circles. Aristotle reasoned these circular orbits not based primarily on observation but he intuited it.  Simply, he thought it should be so and therefore declared the orbits circular. For many centuries careful plotting of the inner planets yielded problems for Aristotle's theory on orbits. Observation and theory seemed at odds...

...Kepler believed his eyes and not the incorrect notes in his science books, not the erroneous ideas others had taught him. He found an eight-minute discrepancy in arc between the actual orbit of Mars and predictions based on Aristotle's theoretical model.  He could have merrily ignored that apparent discrepancy, chalked it up to difficulty in astronomical measurements, and went on to obscurity as a non-achiever.

Kepler, though, would not ignore the apparent inconsistency. Imagine his wife calling, "Johann, would you forget those eight minutes and come to bed!" Rather, he pursued it relentlessly until that particular difficulty yielded its hidden truth. Planets did not move in circular orbits as Aristotle deemed. Planets travel in elliptical orbits around two foci. Thus the Christian astronomer Kepler discovered the first of his three laws governing the motion of the planets and thereby fathered modern astronomy...

...Kepler would never have discovered truths in physics and astronomy if he had handled apparent contradictions the way many Christians do ¾ by glibly explaining them away..." Full text The Plot: An Overview of the Bible by Bob Enyart

"[I]t isn't science."

The problem is, naturalism uses circular reasoning.  Take distant star light for example:

"It is perfectly acceptable for us to ask, “Did God use natural processes to get the starlight to earth in the biblical timescale? And if so, what is the mechanism?” But if no natural mechanism is apparent, this cannot be used as evidence against supernatural creation. So, the unbeliever is engaged in a subtle form of circular reasoning when he uses the assumption of naturalism to argue that distant starlight disproves the biblical timescale..."  Full text:  Does Distant Starlight Prove the Universe Is Old?

"[Y]our answer key analogy breaks down...have been checked and found not to match reality..."

You have it backwards.  If you put your trust in naturalistic evolution, your faith is unjustified:   

"Let’s listen in on a hypothetical conversation between a biblical creationist (C) and an evolutionist (E) as they discuss some recent scientific news headlines:

E: Have you heard about the research findings regarding mouse evolution?

C: Are you referring to the finding of coat color change in beach mice?

E: Yes, isn’t it a wonderful example of evolution in action?

C: No, I think it’s a good example of natural selection in action, which is merely selecting information that already exists.

E: Well, what about antibiotic resistance in bacteria? Don’t you think that’s a good example of evolution occurring right before our eyes?

C: No, you seem to be confusing the terms “evolution” and “natural selection.”

E: But natural selection is the primary mechanism that drives evolution.

C: Natural selection doesn’t drive molecules-to-man evolution; you are giving natural selection a power that it does not have—one that can supposedly add new information to the genome, as molecules-to-man evolution requires. But natural selection simply can’t do that because it works with information that already exists.

Natural selection is an observable process that is often purported to be the underlying mechanism of unobservable molecules-to-man evolution. The concepts are indeed different, though some mistakenly interchange the two...


...Darwin developed not only the idea of the evolution of species but also the idea of chemicals-to-chemist evolution!...Darwin actually observed—finches living on different islands feeding on different types of food having different beaks...It cannot be overemphasized that no one has ever seen one kind of plant or animal changing into another different kind. Darwin did not observe this, even though he proposed that it does happen...

...There is no demonstrable evidence for the big bang, and chemical evolution has failed miserably in spite of evolutionists’ attempts to create living systems in the laboratory. Similarities in the structure found in living systems can be interpreted better as evidence for a common design rather than a common ancestry. In spite of billions of fossils being found, there are no unquestionable fossils that show a transition between any of the major life-forms.

Natural selection (done in the wild) and artificial selection (as done by breeders) produce enormous varieties within the different kinds of plants and animals. It has proved an impossible feat, however, to change one kind of creature into a different kind of plant or animal. The so-called “kind barrier” has never been crossed. Such evolution has never been observed. This has been pointed out by none other than evolutionary Professor Richard Dawkins, who confidently asserted in an interview that evolution has been observed but then added, “It’s just that it hasn’t been observed while it’s happening...”  Full text:  Hasn’t Evolution Been Proven True?

Response to comment [from Christian]:  [Enyart/Kepler] "What does that have to do with the topic?" 

Response to comment [from other]:  "Oh, come on, you should know by now that quoting Pastor Bob, or Walt Brown, gets you extra credit."

You dismiss any of Pastor Enyart or Dr. Walt Brown's work, too? 

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "Whatever mechanisms (creationism, evolution) and timeframes (6 days, 4 billion years) that God employed in the creation of the world are not linked to our Christian faith..."

What we believe matters (see earlier post day "yom" is day, etc.).  Creation is linked to our Christian faith.  It is the foundation of our Christian faith.  If you doubt God in this area, you will begin to doubt him in other areas too and Satan will gain a foothold in your life.  You can believe God.   

A few more reasons why Christians shouldn't accept "millions of years":

"...5.Noah’s Flood washes away millions of years. The evidence in Genesis 6–9 for a global catastrophic flood is overwhelming. For example, the Flood was intended to destroy not only all sinful people but also all land animals and birds and the surface of the earth, which only a global flood could accomplish. The Ark’s purpose was to save two of every kind of land animal and bird (and seven of some) to repopulate the earth after the Flood. The Ark was totally unnecessary if the Flood was only local. People, animals, and birds could have migrated out of the flood zone before it occurred, or the zone could have been populated from creatures outside the area after the Flood. The catastrophic nature of the Flood is seen in the nonstop rain for at least 40 days, which would have produced massive erosion, mud slides, hurricanes, etc. The Hebrew words translated “the fountains of the great deep burst open” (Genesis 7:11) clearly point to tectonic rupturing of the earth’s surface in many places for 150 days, resulting in volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Noah’s Flood would produce exactly the kind of complex geological record we see worldwide today: thousands of feet of sediments clearly deposited by water and later hardened into rock and containing billions of fossils. If the year-long Flood is responsible for most of the rock layers and fossils, then those rocks and fossils cannot represent the history of the earth over millions of years, as evolutionists claim.

6.Jesus was a young-earth creationist. Jesus consistently treated the miracle accounts of the Old Testament as straightforward, truthful, historical accounts (e.g., creation of Adam, Noah and the Flood, Lot and his wife in Sodom, Moses and the manna, and Jonah in the fish). He continually affirmed the authority of Scripture over men’s ideas and traditions (Matthew 15:1–9). In Mark 10:6 we have the clearest (but not the only) statement showing that Jesus was a young-earth creationist. He teaches that Adam and Eve were made at the “beginning of creation,” not billions of years after the beginning, as would be the case if the universe were really billions of years old. So, if Jesus was a young-earth creationist, then how can His faithful followers have any other view?

7.Belief in millions of years undermines the Bible’s teaching on death and on the character of God. Genesis 1 says six times that God called the creation “good,” and when He finished creation on Day 6, He called everything “very good.” Man and animals and birds were originally vegetarian (Gen. 1:29–30, plants are not “living creatures,” as people and animals are, according to Scripture). But Adam and Eve sinned, resulting in the judgment of God on the whole creation. Instantly Adam and Eve died spiritually, and after God’s curse they began to die physically. The serpent and Eve were changed physically and the ground itself was cursed (Genesis 3:14–19). The whole creation now groans in bondage to corruption, waiting for the final redemption of Christians (Romans 8:19–25) when we will see the restoration of all things (Acts 3:21, Colossians 1:20) to a state similar to the pre-Fall world, when there will be no more carnivorous behavior (Isaiah11:6–9) and no disease, suffering, or death (Revelation 21:3–5) because there will be no more Curse (Revelation 22:3). To accept millions of years of animal death before the creation and Fall of man contradicts and destroys the Bible’s teaching on death and the full redemptive work of Christ. It also makes God into a bumbling, cruel creator who uses (or can’t prevent) disease, natural disasters, and extinctions to mar His creative work, without any moral cause, but still calls it all “very good.”

8.The idea of millions of years did not come from the scientific facts. This idea of long ages was developed by deistic and atheistic geologists in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. These men used antibiblical philosophical and religious assumptions to interpret the geological observations in a way that plainly contradicted the biblical account of creation, the Flood, and the age of the earth. Most church leaders and scholars quickly compromised using the gap theory, day-age view, local flood view, etc. to try to fit “deep time” into the Bible. But they did not understand the geological arguments, and they did not defend their views by careful Bible study. The “deep time” idea flows out of naturalistic assumptions, not scientific observations.
9.Radiometric dating methods do not prove millions of years. Radiometric dating was not developed until the early twentieth century, by which time virtually the whole world had already accepted the millions of years. For many years creation scientists have cited numerous examples in the published scientific literature of these dating methods clearly giving erroneous dates (e.g., a date of millions of years for lava flows that occurred in the past few hundred years or even decades). In recent years creationists in the RATE project have done experimental, theoretical, and field research to uncover more such evidence (e.g., diamonds and coal, which the evolutionists say are millions of years old, were dated by carbon-14 to be only thousands of years old) and to show that decay rates were orders of magnitude faster in the past, which shrinks the millions of years to thousands of years, confirming the Bible.

...These are just some of the reasons why we believe that the Bible is giving us the true history of the world. God’s Word must be the final authority on all matters about which it speaks—not just the moral and spiritual matters, but also its teachings that bear on history, archaeology, and science.

What is at stake here is the authority of Scripture, the character of God, the doctrine of death, and the very foundation of the gospel. If the early chapters of Genesis are not true literal history, then faith in the rest of the Bible is undermined, including its teaching about salvation and morality. I urge you to carefully read the other chapters in this book. The health of the church, the effectiveness of her mission to a lost world, and the glory of God are at stake..." Full text:
  Why Shouldn’t Christians Accept Millions of Years?

"...["L]literalist" arguments were used by the Inquisition to pass judgment of Galileo that his findings were contrary to the interpretation of Scripture in Joshua and Psalms."

I would like to take the opportunity to dispel a common myth about Galileo:

"The last inquisition period is known as the Roman Inquisition and it was established in 1542 when Pope Paul III established the Holy Office as the final court of appeals in all trials of heresy. This group was made up of cardinals and other officials whose task was to maintain and defend the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church. This group played an important role in the Counter-Reformation, and it was also this body that condemned Galileo for “grave suspicion of heresy” and banned all of his works in 1633 for teaching that the sun was the center of the universe and that the earth rotated around it. In 1965 Pope Paul VI reorganized the Holy Office and renamed it as the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and it remains in effect today..." Full text:  What were the Inquisitions?

"...Galileo, a Christian, was not the martyr of science he has been made out to be; instead, his arrogance and the envy of his colleagues (as well as politics) likely led to his trial. Unfortunately, the Galileo myth is so ingrained that historical facts are often overlooked. (By the way, and as is not commonly known, Galileo’s ideas were not in opposition to the Bible, as is sometimes believed, but to the Ptolemaic astronomical belief of an earth-centered universe; as such his main opposition came from the scientific establishment of his day and the Roman Catholic Church had made the error of adding Ptolemaic theories to its theology...)"   Full text:  News to Note

Response to comment [from other]:  "[H]e [Galileo] was correct..."

Yes, we know that.

"And isn't it easy to blame the Roman Catholic Church for Galileo."

You do not hold the Roman Catholic Church accountable for the inquisition?  How kind of you.  

"While the accused heretics were on strappado or the rack, inquisitors often applied other torture devices to their bodies. These included­ heated metal pincers, thumbscrews, boots, or other devices designed to burn, pinch or otherwise mutilate their hands, feet or bodily orifices. Although mutilation was technically forbidden, in 1256, Pope Alexander IV decreed that inquisitors could clear each other from any wrongdoing that they might have done during torture sessions.

Inquisitors needed to extract a confession because they believed it was their duty to bring the accused back to the faith. A true confession resulted in the accused being forgiven, but he was usually still forced to absolve himself by performing penances, such as pilgrimages or wearing multiple, heavy crosses.

If the accused didn't confess, the inquisitors could sentence him to life imprisonment. Repeat offenders -- people who confessed, then retracted their confessions and publicly returned to their heretical ways -- could be "abandoned" to the "secular arm" [source: O'Brien]. Basically, it meant that although the inquisitors themselves didn't execute heretics, they could let other people do it.

Capital punishment did allow for burning at the stake. In some cases, accused heretics who had died before their final sentencing had their corpses or bones dug up, burned and cast out. The last inquisitorial act in Spain occurred in 1834, but all of the Inquisitions continued to have a lasting impact on Catholicism, Christianity and the world as a whole..."  Full text: 
Torture and Punishment During the Spanish Inquisition

"I am at least happy that my former church has learned something over the years.."

To teach a different Jesus, a different gospel and a different way of salvation?  Thanks, but no thanks.


"...a process which seems foreign to many fundys here."

Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Do you dismiss anything not from AiG? Are all the other PhD's lying?

So you will believe only the scientists that agree with you?

Response to comment [from other]:  [Do you dismiss anything from Answers in Genesis? Are all the PhDs lying?] "Yes, and yes."

Ok.  Then we disagree.  I do not think that they are all lying.

"AiG lies and misrepresents. It is an evil group. There I said it. Evil, bad etc."

Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "Like the discoveries of the skeletons of those "giants in the earth"..."

When scientists can smell the soft tissue cells of a dinosaur that supposedly died over 70 million years ago, you've got to ask if they may have gotten the dates wrong.

"There is also physical evidence that dinosaur bones are not millions of years old. Scientists from Montana State University found T. rex bones that were not totally fossilized. Sections of the bones were like fresh bone and contained what seems to be blood cells and hemoglobin. If these bones really were tens of millions of years old, then the blood cells and hemoglobin would have totally disintegrated. Also, there should not be “fresh” bones if they were really millions of years old. A report by these scientists stated the following:

A thin slice of T. rex bone glowed amber beneath the lens of my microscope ... . The lab filled with murmurs of amazement, for I had focused on something inside the vessels that none of us had ever noticed before: tiny round objects, translucent red with a dark center ... . Red blood cells? The shape and location suggested them, but blood cells are mostly water and couldn’t possibly have stayed preserved in the 65-million-year-old tyrannosaur ... . The bone sample that had us so excited came from a beautiful, nearly complete specimen of Tyrannosaurus rex unearthed in 1990 ... . When the team brought the dinosaur into the lab, we noticed that some parts deep inside the long bone of the leg had not completely fossilized ... . So far, we think that all of this evidence supports the notion that our slices of T. rex could contain preserved heme and hemoglobin fragments. But more work needs to be done before we are confident enough to come right out and say, “Yes, this T. rex has blood compounds left in its tissues.”
Unfossilized duck-billed dinosaur bones have been found on the North Slope in Alaska. Also, creation scientists collected such (unfossilized) frozen dinosaur bones in Alaska.30 Evolutionists would not say that these bones had stayed frozen for the many millions of years since these dinosaurs supposedly died out (according to evolutionary theory). Yet the bones could not have survived for the millions of years unmineralized. This is a puzzle to those who believe in an “age of dinosaurs” millions of years ago, but not to someone who builds his thinking on the Bible..." Full text:  What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs?


Evolution vs Creation

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "Evangelical fundys in the US like to pick on the Catholic Church..."

What you call picking on the Catholic Church I call fighting for a return to the word of God as our authority (Ps 138:2).  Roman Catholics pervert the teachings of scripture and they must be challenged on it.       

Response to comment [from other]:  "So here we have the Bible, a book, or rather a series of books, written several thousand years ago and based on oral history and tradition. We do not have the original documents. The book has been translated into thousands of languages, and there are often several versions in each language. This book is considered the word of God by many here...[W]e can review and analyze the universe from many different ways and in many different manners.  Yet, we are to ignore what we find about the universe when it conflicts with the book?...The God as put forth by many of those here has no confidence in His creation. It makes God seem less in my eyes."


How We Got the Bible

"Is the Bible an ancient document that has been tampered with? Has it been edited many times over the centuries and now is filled with errors?"

Why Trust the Bible?

Ever wondered why there are so many different versions of the Bible?

Bible Translation Comparison

Inspired Scripture

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "You are trying to make an imagined barrier in the way in which genetic "information" changes over time...There is no such thing as a "kind"."

Don't let facts get in the way: 

"Can Mutations Produce New Information?...Actually, scientists now know that the answer is “no!...Mutations do not work as a mechanism for the evolutionary process...Not even one mutation has been observed that adds a little information to the genome. "  Full text:  Is There Really a God?

Response to comment [from other]:  "Please tell us what you understand by "information" in this context."

Information in genetic mutations which are studied at the molecular level.

"More total nonsense from AiG.  Ken Ham and Jason Lisle, consistently misrepresent science in order to get a pay check."

We know.  Anyone who submits anything which does not affirm your naturalistic worldview is evil (your words not mine:  29 Oct 09, 08:58 AM ).  I've met both of these men.  They seem pretty honest to me--no evil mustaches.  Why are we speaking about them anyway?  You have already said that you will dismiss anything that they say.     

"Maybe serpentdove can be more explicit in his definition..."

We were discussing a few things from Answers in Genesis regarding mutations producing new information (see:  Is There Really a God?/Can Mutations Produce New Information?) and it discusses the "kinds" that PB disputes as well.

"AiG misrepresents and lies for Jesus. It is not worthwhile using that site to support anything other than your gullibility."

Ad hominem.

"They may be smart guys but that doesn't mean either of them are contributing to science in any meaningful way...Walt Brown...he used as references in his chapter on out-of-place fossils..."

Ad hominem.   Did you go to M.I.T.?

Response to comment [from an agnostic]:  "Would you please tell me what you understand information to be in this context..."

Types of genetic mutations in DNA include:  Point mutations, Inversion mutations, Insertion mutations, Deletion mutations, Frame shift mutations.


"...The biblical perspective on change within living things doesn’t require that new information be added to the genome as pond-scum-to-people evolution does. In fact, we expect to see the opposite (loss of genetic information) due to the Curse in Genesis 3. Biblically, we would expect mutations to produce defects in the genome and would not expect mutations to be adding much, if any, new information.

Observations confirm that mutations overwhelmingly cause a loss of information, not a net gain, as evolution requires.

Mutations, when properly understood, are an excellent example of science confirming the Bible. When one sees the devastating effects of mutations, one can’t help but be reminded of the Curse in Genesis 3. The accumulation of mutations from generation to generation is due to man’s sin. But those who have placed their faith in Christ, our Creator, look forward to a new heaven and Earth where there will be no more pain, death or disease."  Full text:  Are mutations part of the “engine” of evolution?

Response to comment [from an agnostic]:  "It seems at first that you were arguing that such mutations could never lead to a gain in information. Now it seems as though you're saying that there's a requirement for net gain of information vs loss. What is it? We need to be on the same page to discuss this lucidly."

It would seem "molecules to man" evolution is a weak theory.  I trust the Bible's account of origins:

"Pond-scum-to-people evolution teaches that, over time, by natural causes, nonliving chemicals gave rise to a living cell. Then, this single-celled life-form gave rise to more advanced life-forms. In essence, over millions of years, increases in information caused by mutations plus natural selection developed all the life forms we see on Earth today.

For molecules-to-man evolution to happen, there needs to be a gain in new information within the organism’s genetic material. For instance, for a single-celled organism, such as an ameba, to evolve into something like a cow, new information (not random base pairs, but complex and ordered DNA) would need to develop over time that would code for ears, lungs, brain, legs, etc.

If an ameba were to make a change like this, the DNA would need to mutate new information. (Currently, an ameba has limited genetic information, such as the information for protoplasm.) This increase of new information would need to continue in order for a heart, kidneys, etc. to develop. If a DNA strand gets larger due to a mutation, but the sequence doesn’t code for anything (e.g., it doesn’t contain information for working lungs, heart, etc.), then the amount of DNA added is useless and would be more of a hindrance than a help.

There have been a few arguable cases of information-gaining mutations, but for evolution to be true, there would need to be billions of them. The fact is, we don’t observe this in nature, but rather, we see the opposite—organisms losing information. Organisms are changing, but the change is in the wrong direction! How can losses of information add up to a gain?

What does the Bible Teach?...

...From a biblical perspective, we know that Adam and Eve had perfect DNA because God declared all that He had made “very good” (Genesis 1:31). This goes for the original animal and plant kinds as well. They originally had perfect DNA strands with no mistakes or mutations.

However, when man sinned against God (Genesis 3), God cursed the ground and the animals, and He sentenced man to die (Genesis 2:17; 3:19). In essence, God withdrew some of His sustaining power and no longer completely upheld everything by His awesome power.

Since then, we would expect mutations to occur and DNA flaws to accumulate. The incredible amount of information that was originally in the DNA has been filtered out, and in many cases lost, due to mutations and natural selection.

At the time of Noah’s Flood, there was a genetic bottleneck where information was lost among many land animals and humans. The only genetic information that survived came from the representatives of the kinds of land-dwelling, air-breathing animals and humans that were on the Ark.

Over time, as people increased on the earth, God knew that mutations were rising within the human population and declared that people should no longer intermarry with close relatives (Leviticus 18). Why did He do this? Intermarriage with close relatives results in the possibility of similar genetic mutations appearing in a child due to inheriting a common mutation from both the father and mother. If both parents inherited the same mutated gene from a common ancestor (e.g., a grandparent), this would increase the possibility of both parents passing this mutated gene along to their child.

Marrying someone who is not a close relative reduces the chances that both would have the same mutated gene. If the segment of DNA from the mother had a mutation, it would be masked by the father’s unmutated gene. If the segment of DNA from the father had a mutation, it would be masked by the mother’s unmutated gene. If the genes from both parents were mutated, then the mutation would show in the child. Our all-knowing God obviously knew this would happen and gave the command in Leviticus not to marry close relations..." Full text: 
Are mutations part of the “engine” of evolution?

Response to comment [from a wiccan]:  "No evil mustaches?"

To quote Jukia:  "AiG lies and misrepresents. It is an evil group. There I said it. Evil, bad etc." [29 Oct 09, 08:58]. 

He/she believes that the numerous sources for young earth creation at Answers in Genesis are all lying and misrepresenting their findings.  I do not.    

Response to comment [from an agnostic]:  "I'm not going to read the Declaration of Independence every time I ask you what country you come from. You dig?"

You just now getting Happy Days on T.V. there? [England]. 

"It seems at first that you were arguing that such mutations could never lead to a gain in information. Now it seems as though you're saying that there's a requirement for net gain of information vs loss. What is it?"

Which mutation of those that I posted were you interested in discussing?  Point mutations, Inversion mutations, Insertion mutations, Deletion mutations, Frame shift mutations.

"I am asking what your claims are--do none of those mutations add new information, or do they add new information, but in the incorrect proportion for evolution to proposer..."

Please clarify what mutation you are speaking of (Point mutations, Inversion mutations, Insertion mutations, Deletion mutations, Frame shift mutations).  Young earth creationists claim that "molecules to man evolution" is impossible.  I agree with them.  

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "Based on what."

Based on the evidence.  I know you believe we have a blind faith.  We do not.  Someone said that "faith is not created by reasoning--but neither is it created without it."

Response to comment [from an agnostic]:  "...talking about all manner of mutations."

Here is some additional brief (and very boring) information on types of genetic mutations:   

Types of genetic mutations:

The DNA strand contains instructions on how to make proteins. Every three “letters” code for a specific amino acid, such as TGC, ATC, GAT, TAG and CTC. Many amino acids together compose a protein. For simplicity’s sake, to illustrate concepts with the DNA strand, we will use examples in English. Here is a segment illustrating DNA in three-letter words:

The car was red. The red car had one key.
The key has one eye and one tip.

Point mutations

Point mutations are mutations where one letter changes on the DNA sequence. A point mutation in our example could cause “car” in the second sentence to be read “cat”:

The car was red. The red cat had one key.
The key has one eye and one tip.

With this point mutation, we lost the information for one word (car) as well as changed the meaning of the sentence. We did gain one word (cat), but we lost one word (car) and lost the meaning of one phrase. So the overall result was a loss of information.

But many times, point mutations won’t produce another word. Take for instance another point mutation, which changes “car” not to “cat” but to “caa”:

The car was red. The red caa had one key.
The key has one eye and one tip.

With this point mutation, we lost the information for one word (car) as well as the meaning. We did not gain any new words, and we lost one word and lost the meaning of one phrase. So again, the overall result of this point mutation was a loss of information, but even more so this time.

Point mutations can be very devastating. There is a children’s disease called Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS) or simply progeria. It was recently linked to a single point mutation. It is a mutation that causes children’s skin to age, their head to go bald at a very early age (pre-kindergarten), their bones to develop problems usually associated with the elderly and their body size to remain very short (about one-half to two-thirds of normal height). Their body parts, including organs, age rapidly, which usually causes death at the average age of 13 years.

Not all point mutations are as devastating, yet they still result in a loss of information. According to biophysicist Lee Spetner, “All point mutations that have been studied on the molecular level turn out to reduce the genetic information and not to increase it.”

Inversion mutations

An inversion mutation is a strand of DNA in a particular segment that reverses itself. An inversion mutation would be like taking the second sentence of our example and spelling it backwards:

The car was red. Yek eno dah rac der eht.
The key has one eye and one tip.

With inversion mutations, we can lose quite a bit of information. We lost several words from, and the meaning of, the second sentence. These mutations can cause serious problems to the organism. The bleeding disorder hemophilia A is caused by an inversion in the Factor VIII (F8) gene.

Insertion mutations

An insertion mutation is a segment of DNA, whether a single base pair or an extensive length, that is inserted into the DNA strand.

For this example, let’s copy a word from the second sentence and insert it into the third sentence:

The car was red. The red car had one key.
Had the key has one eye and one tip.

This insertion really didn’t help anything. In fact, the insertion is detrimental to the third sentence in that it makes the third sentence meaningless. So this copied word in the third sentence destroyed the combined meanings of the eight words in the third sentence. Insertions generally result in a protein that loses function.

Deletion mutations

A deletion mutation is a segment of DNA, whether a single base pair or an extensive length, that is deleted from the strand. This will be an obvious loss.

In this instance, the second sentence will be deleted.

The car was red. The key has one eye and one tip.

The entire second sentence has been lost. Thus, we have lost its meaning as well as the words that were in the sentence. Some disorders from deletion mutations are facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) and spinal muscular atrophy.

Frame shift mutations

There are two basic types of frame shift mutations: frame shift due to an insertion and frame shift due to a deletion. These mutations can be caused by an insertion or deletion of one or more letters not divisible by three, which causes an offset in the reading of the “letters” of the DNA.

If a mutation occurs where one or more letters are inserted, then the entire sentence can be off. If a t were inserted at the beginning of the second sentence, it would read like this:

The car was red. Tth ere dca rha don eke yth
eke yha son eey ean don eti p.

Four new words were produced (two of them twice): ere, don, eke, and son. These four words were not part of the original phrase. However, we lost 14 words. Not only did we lose these words, but we also lost the meaning behind the words. We lost 14 words while gaining only four new ones.

Therefore, even though the DNA strand became longer and produced four words via a single insertion, it lost fourteen other words. The overall effect was a loss of information.

A frame shift mutation can also occur by the deletion of one or more “letters.” If the first t in the second sentence is deleted, the letters shift to the left, and we get:

The car was red. Her edc arh ado nek eyt hek
eyh aso nee yea ndo net ip.

Five new words were produced: her, ado, nee, yea, and net. However, once again, we lost fourteen words. So again, the overall effect was a loss of information, and the DNA strand became smaller due to this mutation.

Frame shift mutations are usually detrimental to the organism by causing the resulting protein to be nonfunctional.

This is just the basics of mutations at a genetic level..." Full text:  Are mutations part of the “engine” of evolution?

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "You have to be able to see the evidence in order to ignore it."

I have seen the evidence on both sides (over 30 years of indoctrination of naturalistic evolution) and I find the evidence for young earth creation more compelling.  

"You need to choose wisely what you choose to put your faith in. Especially in areas where that faith can be checked against reality."

I have made the wisest choice.  I believe the Bible.  Your faith is nothing new.  Ancient Greek pagans believed as you:

  1. "...[The apostle Paul] ...was speaking to the Greek philosophers—the Epicureans and the Stoics. What did they believe about life? Did they have a different understanding of life compared to the Jews? It is well documented that these Greek philosophers were evolutionary-based in their thinking. Let me explain.

    Many people today have the wrong idea about evolution. They think Charles Darwin invented this theory. But this is simply not true. Darwin did popularize a particular view of evolution, but evolutionary ideas go way back in history.

    The Epicureans taught that everything on the earth had evolved directly from the material of the earth itself. They didn’t see any purpose in nature. For them, sensuous pleasure was the chief good of existence. The Stoics were pantheistic in their beliefs. Pantheism is just another form of evolutionism. Thus, the general thinking of the Greek culture was evolutionary. At the same time, however, they practiced idolatry. They believed in gods, but even the gods themselves evolved from some primordial substance..." Full text:  The Cross—foolishness!

"You need to learn to look for facts outside of your comfort zone."

The moment I graduated from college, I began to do just that.  I found that I needed an education based in reality.    

"You are trotting out outdated, debunked, and valueless "arguments" against evolution that you don't understand."

It takes more faith to believe in evolution than to believe the Bible's account of origins.  

"Easy to say, hard to support."

It's not hard to support.  There is overwhelming evidence for young earth creation. 

"Whatever AiG says it should be."

Ad hominem.  They have a variety of sources which are credible.  It's your worldview not the science. 

[Young earth creation] "[T]hat isn't how real science is done."

Young earth creationists are real scientists.


Can creationists be “real” scientists?

What’s the best “proof” of creation?

"Do you ever use your own words..."

Yes, I use my own words.  I also cite the sources that I think best answer the issue at hand.   

[Ad hominem] "Your misuse of that phrase has already been pointed out."

Alleged Certainty.

["It's your worldview not the science."]  How would you know?

That is a statement of my belief:

"People often make the statement: “If there is so much evidence that God created the world and sent a global cataclysmic flood, then surely all scientists would believe this.” The solution is given here in 2 Peter 3. It is not simply a matter of providing evidence to convince people, for people do not want to be convinced. We read in Romans 1:20 that there is enough evidence to convince everyone that God is Creator, so much so that we are condemned if we do not believe. Furthermore, Romans 1:18 tells us that men “suppress the truth in unrighteousness.” It is not a matter of lack of evidence to convince people that the Bible is true; the problem is that they do not want to believe the Bible. The reason for this is obvious. If people believed in the God of the Bible, they would have to acknowledge His authority and obey the rules He has laid down. However, every human being suffers from the same problem—the sin which Adam committed in the Garden of Eden—a “disease” which we all inherit. Adam’s sin was rebellion against God’s authority. Likewise, people everywhere today are in rebellion against God, so to admit that the Bible is true would be an admission of their own sinful and rebellious nature and of their need to be born again by cleansing through the blood of Christ.

It is easy to see this “willing ignorance” in action when watching debates over the creation/evolution issue. In most cases, the evolutionists are not interested in the wealth of data, evidence, and information the creationists put forward. They usually try to attack creationists by attempting to destroy their credibility. They are not interested in data, logical reasoning, or any evidence that points to creation or refutes evolution, because they are totally committed to their religious faith called evolution..." Full text: 
Creation, Flood, and Coming Fire

Response to comment [from agnostic (from England)]:  "Uh, are you taking the mickey? ...I said all so that you would stop confusing the issue about types of mutation."

I'm sorry.  I did not know that I was confusing the issue of mutations, adding fuel to the fire.  Was I barking up the wrong tree?  I thought I was addressing the relevant points of interest if one is evaluating whether the theory of evolutions holds any weight, passes the smell test.  I didn't mean to beat a dead horse.   Was I close but no cigar?    Come hell or high water, I'll try to answer your question.  Let me get a cup of Joe and try to cut to the chase:

"It is well known that mutations can lead to loss of flight or sight. In this fallen world, it is not surprising to find examples of deterioration. The principle of entropy describes the probability of obtaining various distributions (gas molecules, amino acids, animal populations, how well teeth are lined up, etc.) under randomizing conditions. The possible ways of storing in DNA the information as to how a liver functions, for example, are vastly smaller than all the possible incorrect encodings. Thus, mutations can indeed destroy information. But one cannot simply argue the converse. For example,

if the temperature of a piece of wood is steadily raised, it will be converted into water and CO2. Cooling these molecules from a high temperature does not create wood (thus, wood was not formed in this manner!)

a house perched on a steep slope can eventually fall apart and roll down the mountain. A collection of rubble balanced on the same slope will not roll down and create a house (nor will the rubble roll back up the hill and create a house).

stretching a rubber band back and forth quickly in a specific direction will generate heat. But warming a rubber band will not duplicate the movements.

Mutations are inherently destructive processes, they can destroy a functional structure by producing one of many non information-containing portions on a DNA strand. The opposite cannot simply be assumed: that mutations can pump information into a DNA strand..."  Full text:
  Dawkins’ weasel revisited

Response to comment [from other]:  "This is why mutations are the fuel for the natural selection engine."

Not "molecules to man evolution". Visit a museum that tells the truth:

“Evolutionists use natural selection as evidence for evolution, believing that given enough time (millions of years), natural selection could account for the larger changes required for molecules-to-man evolution,” museum founder and president Ken Ham explains. “Our new exhibit will clear up the differences between natural selection and what would be required for evolution to occur in the molecules-to-man sense—for example, reptiles to birds—as one kind of animal turns into a totally different kind."

The exhibit, entitled “Natural Selection is Not Evolution,” includes an aquarium that resembles a real cave. This cave aquarium will feature live blind cavefish, showing how natural selection allows organisms to possess characteristics most favorable for a given environment—but again, it is not an example of evolution in the molecules-to-man sense.
There is also a series of wall displays with professionally produced models that examine, among other things, antibiotic-resistant bacteria (which are commonly cited as an example of “evolution in action”). Instead, the Creation Museum exhibit will point out how antibiotic resistance in bacteria points away from macro-evolution, rather than toward it. The new display also contrasts evolution’s “tree of life,” showing that all organisms have descended from one single-celled creature, with the “Creation Orchard,” which illustrates the family tree of each original kind of created plant or animal life of Genesis chapter 1.

A display entitled “Three Blind Mice” will show the devastating effects of mutation and how natural selection works to preserve animal kinds. A dog skull display will demonstrate how natural and artificial selection has led to variation within the dog kind. The exhibit will also include a mounted display of Darwin’s finches based on Darwin’s own studies and observations from the Galápagos Islands..." Full text:  Where Darwin Got It Right

"[Y]ou can add new information while also adding or improving function."

Not so.

"There is no need to talk about types of mutation in order to answer these questions."

State any disagreement that you have with the information refuting the possibility of "molecules to man" evolution so far.  

Young earth creationist interpretation:

"Yeast Genome"


The Natural History of Retroviruses Exogenization vs Endogenization

"Trypanosome parasites"


Proceedings of the Microbe Forum

"How would you know if the information you are getting from AiG is sound science done by legitimately or not?"

The scientists who write papers for Answers in Genesis are repeatable and trustworthy.  You disagree?


They update their work.  I own many of their author's book myself.  When I get online I find even more updated materials.  You believe they are outdated and uninformed? 

"You have made two seemingly mutually exclusive suggestions:

A) That mutations do not add new information.

B) That the ratio of new beneficial information being added vs the damage done by mutation renders evolution as a mechanism of the origin of species impossible. The implication of which is that some new beneficial information is added."

I have made the statement that evolutionary model of "molecules to man" evolution is impossible.  Mutations are hailed as a dominant mechanism for pond-scum-to-people evolution and "proof" that the Bible's history about creation is wrong.  


Are mutations part of the “engine” of evolution?



A Creationist Perspective of Beneficial Mutations in Bacteria

Antibiotic Resistance of Bacteria: An Example of Evolution in Action?

The Role of Genomic Islands, Mutation, and Displacement in the Origin of Bacterial Pathogenicity

Natural Selection Exhibit Opens at Creation Museum News (Super Bacteria Example)

"In that article on AIG you linked to, they suggest that almost all mutations are deleterious and/or lead to a loss of information in the genome.  I guess they must be waking up a bit to the stupidity of this position."

Stupidity is believing that pond scum becomes people.  Creationist have a much more logical--and biblical answer.  

"Animals on the ark actually had less genetic diversity..."

Animals that came off the ark held all of the genetic information to create the "kinds" we see today.  A poodle, for example will never again have the genetic information to be a wolf.  There is a loss of information.

"They [Scientists] are not trustworthy however."

Ad hominem.  You believe that I do not. 

"[D]o you even bother reading the material you post?"

I am familiar with the content of most of these articles.  I own many of the materials myself (not all).  If the reader would like additional information, he/she should click on the link at the bottom of each page.   The sources are heavily footnoted. 

"[S]ometimes the mutations are beneficial for the organism..."

Naturalists claim this.  What they call a "benefit" can be debated.  That is another subject.  Suffice it to say, still--"molecules to man" as a basis for evolution is impossible.

"AiG is not a trustworthy scientific source or even trustworthy just based on the facts. Unless of course, God is happy with people who misrepresent things, well then I guess they are just wonderful."

Jukia, we get it.  You do not find Answers in Genesis a trustworthy scientific source.  Did you have anything else to add?

[Ad hominem]

Yes, it is an ad hominem.  You are attacking the credibility of the scientists.  You have that right.  You think they are all evil (your word not mine).  We disagree.

"[I] have no idea what is meant by "information" in an evolutionary theory sense."

This was addressed earlier in the thread.  It refers to genetic information. 


Did God Create Poodles?

"[S]hare some of this overwhelming evidence with us. I know I'd love to see it."

A good place to start; however, it should be noted, you spend most of your time attacking the scientists at Answers in Genesis (ad hominem).  If you discount any sources that they reference, what's the point?  This link was provided earlier but you have already dismissed it. 

At any rate, if you are interested, it may provide a few thoughts:

What’s the best “proof” of creation?

Response to comment [from a Mormon]:  "As usual, you misuse the term."

Alleged Certainty.  Jukia stated that the scientists at Answers in Genesis are all evil.  That is an ad hominem attack on reputable people.  

["The scientists who write papers for Answers in Genesis are repeatable and trustworthy."] "Again- how would you know?"

That is my belief based on their credentials.  Of course it is absurd to dismiss them all, but people love to be lied to (Eze 13:19).     


List of Creation Scientists

So do mutations add new information or not?

I answered your question earlier:  "Not even one mutation has been observed that adds a little information to the genome [Ibid., 159–160]..."  Full text:  Is There Really a God?  Is There Really a God?

"On what basis do you put their credentials above the majority of scientists who accept ToE, an old earth..."

I don't.  I do not disparage secular scientists that accept the theory of evolution or an old earth.  I am sure that their credentials are equal to that of their biblical creationist counterparts.  Empirical data is neutral.  It is the interpretation of that data which is at  issue.       

"That is not what was stated."

Jukia stated:  "AiG lies and misrepresents. It is an evil group. There I said it. Evil, bad etc." This is what we call ad hominem attack (loved by the left)--dismiss the person so that you do not have to deal with the argument.   

"You really need to stop using the phrase ad hominem since you have a track record of approximately 0% accuracy..."

Alleged Certainty.  Just for fun, why don't you stick to the issue at hand. 

"YEC isn't based on interpreting neutral data. It is about trying to make the data fit a preconceived notion..."

You believe that those observing data in their respective fields are lying?

"As you seem to have difficulty with your reading comprehension and also don't appear to have really looked at the only web site you seem to cite, I have capitalized the relevant words and put them in bold to help you."

I quoted a portion of the page (about two thirds down the page):  "Not even one mutation has been observed that adds a little information to the genome [Ibid., 159–160]..."  Full text:  Is There Really a God?  Is There Really a God?

"... The sixth allele (sienna yellow, Asy) is also the result of AN INSERTION, in this case of a NOVEL SEQUENCE upstream from exon 2 (Argeson, Nelson, and Siracusa 1996; Michaud et al 1994)....From Answers in Genesis..."An insertion" is a type of mutation..."Novel" means "new". So according to AIG, a mutation can create new information...according to AIG, a mutation can create new information."

Cows and mice can change coat color.  That is not "molecules to man" evolution.  The text in context you reference reads: 

"...An IAP is an endogenous retroviral-like element that can be copied from one place in the genome and inserted elsewhere via an RNA intermediate and reverse transcriptase. Each of theses four alleles has the IAP in a different location prior to the coding exons, and all insertions are in the antisense direction. Transcription originates from a cryptic promoter in the 5' long terminal repeat (LTR) of the IAP. Since this promoter is stronger than the normal ASIP promoter, it creates a dominant allele. The sixth allele (sienna yellow, Asy) is also the result of an insertion, in this case of a novel sequence upstream from exon 2 (Argeson, Nelson, and Siracusa 1996; Michaud et al 1994).

Interestingly, not all animals carrying one or more of the above alleles exhibit the dominant yellow phenotype. The expression of the gene can be modified by epigenetic factors..."Full text: Genetics of Coat Color II The Agouti Signaling Protein (ASIP) Gene by Jean K. Lightner June 10, 2009 link

"If there is no new information added, in what way can a previously unseen beneficial trait occur? Would that not require new information?...[I]f you concede that there is a ratio between non-beneficial and beneficial mutations?"

See post #218.

An additional consideration:

"...It is obvious that the major premises on which evolutionary pseudogene-based arguments rest are steadily crumbling. Some evolutionists are now recognizing the widespread functionality of pseudogenes. In the light of this fact, the notion of ‘shared mistakes’ yields to ‘shared engineering and/or artistic similarities’—as is recognized by creationist scientists for all homologies encountered between living organisms. Pseudogenes must be recognized as non-canonical genes as well as truly disabled genes. The two categories are not mutually exclusive, and the creationist scientist must accommodate both eventualities.

The striking degree of identicalness between the ‘lesions’ of presumably non-functional pseudogenes, unrelated by evolutionary ancestry, clearly dispenses with organic evolution as a necessary explanation for this overall phenomenon. Moreover, it reopens the consideration of such pseudogenes being one-time functional genes that became independently disabled sometime after the Fall. Much more must be learned about the thousands of pseudogenes in various genomes before detailed generalizations about them can be made in a scientific creationist context..."  Full text:  Potentially decisive evidence against pseudogene ‘shared mistakes...’ link

"What data are YECers observing? What science are they doing? They AREN'T doing science."

There are many fine creation scientists.


List of Creation Scientists

"Who wants to bet that serpentdove will call ['[Y]ou have a track record of approximately 0% accuracy.'] an ad hominem?"

Alleged Certainty.

"They aren't making predictions based on the principles of young earth that could be tested and disproven in a way that shows an old earth and evolution to be in dispute."

They offer a theories  of origins and the age of the earth based on empirical data.

"YEC may be their stated belief but they aren't doing science that supports YEC."

Creation scientists engage in research and offer their theories for consideration to the scientific community.

"The current movement of young earth creationism isn't practicing science."

Young earth creationists practice science as any other scientist.


List of Creation Scientists

"They have decided on what the outcome is before they get the data, and then cherry pick the data that comes along according to what agrees with them."

If you believe that, then you will dismiss them.

"They are never permitted to revise their paradigm..."

They continue to theorize based on available empirical data as any other scientist.

"If they stopped pretending that they were in any way scientific, there would be no problem."

Creation Scientists need not apply, right?


Support Academic Freedom

"[T]hey try to put their ideas on a par with modern science at every turn..."

Their ideas are on par at every turn.  It is a matter of being willing to challenge long held beliefs.  The theory of evolution is a house of cards. 

"...trying to get their ideas taught in the classroom no matter how little supported they are, and forgo the rigors of peer review and consensus so that they can teach whatever they like."

Teachers should be free to provide alternate theories of origins and the age of the earth.


The Rights of Christians in America’s Public Schools

"...evidence that a mutation can introduce new information."

We have discussed that in detail.  Reread the thread.

"I suggest that you read these articles before you past their URLs into your posts...The authors admit that mutations can add information, that mutations can be beneficial for an organism..."

I have read the articles.  Reread the papers more carefully: 

"Not even one mutation has been observed that adds a little information to the genome [Ibid., 159–160]..."  Full text:  Is There Really a God?

Cows and mice can change coat color.  That is not "molecules to man" evolution. 


See post #218.

Also see:

Potentially decisive evidence against pseudogene ‘shared mistakes’

Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "So far, it appears that everybody who has answered your posts in this thread has already decided..."

It is obvious that many in this thread will not be moved from their position.  It is for others who may read to decide for themselves.   

"Feel free to play the "persecuted martyr" card any time now..."

Ad hominem.

You keep saying the same thing so let me just summarize.

Yes, creation scientists are "real" scientists.


Can creationists be “real” scientists?

Generally, worldviews are the true issue.


War of Worldviews

[Quote If:  "It'll take you two minutes just to basically sum up..because the slithery nature implied in your name holds true in your debating..."] "I'd guess that Serpentdove's name is in reference an exhortation of Paul of Tarsus regarding Christians: "Be ye as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves."  But I know what you mean though."

I answered your question.  Ad hominem.  Gossip on your own time and all wisdom comes from God.

"Ken Ham has no significant scientific training, so its hard to consider his input as relevant. Second, Dr Jason Lisle does have a PhD, but it's in Astrophysics. His input is much less relevant because it's not in an area he has any expertise in."

Ad hominem.  Ken Ham and Jason Lisle are well respected by those who are intellectually honest and without prejudice.

"Ken Ham has no significant scientific training, so its hard to consider his input as relevant. Second, Dr Jason Lisle does have a PhD, but it's in Astrophysics. His input is much less relevant because it's not in an area he has any expertise in."

Duplicate post.  I'll restate:  "Ad hominem.  Ken Ham and Jason Lisle are well respected by those who are intellectually honest and without prejudice."  Try to spend your time addressing the issues rather than attacking the people presenting them.  You waste much time. 

Response to comment [from a Jew]:  "I'm waiting to see serpentdove's response to this.  Will he just ignore it?  Will he reject it because it isn't on answersingenesis?  What will he do?"

You would do well not to make me the issue.  Research the arguments for yourself.  Decide which theory is Swiss cheese and which theory is true based on God's word.  There is much evidence for young earth creation for those willing to take an honest look.

[Genetic variation] "You are foolish to keep arguing this point."

Ad hominem.  Let the reader decide.

[Creationist have a much more logical--and biblical answer.]  "Explain exactly how the YEC answer is more logical, if you please."

I don't care to debate with you.  The reader has a counterargument to your claim.  It is for him or her to decide what is true.

"I asked what you thought it meant, in your own words."

I've stated what I believe.  Suffice it to say--God's word not man's opinion.  You'll have to reread the thread.  

"Ha ha ha, this is retarded...More awesome science, this time from the Hamster himself."

"This reader is rapidly reaching a conclusion.  Perhaps a proper response to Paul (2 or 3 posts ago) would help change the conclusion I am reaching."

Just consider both arguments.  If we don't get you on mutations, young earth creationists have many answers for your consideration. 

It's like arguing with a typing clam.

If you are determined to believe your own lies, I cannot help you.  We should believe what is true not what we want.

"The New testament says this [inspired] about the "Old". Neither the "Old" or the New say this about themselves."

The old and the new go together.  There is a unity of scripture.  It is written over 1600 years by 40 authors in at least three different languages on all kinds of subjects.  66 books make one book. 

"[Biblical creationists good scientists] Not any more they don't. They may have with the limited information Francis Bacon had but they do not make even mediocre scientists now."

Your bias is evident.  If you choose to believe what is untrue, really there is nothing else to discuss.

"[Y]ou refuse to engage directly, preferring instead to argue by link proxy, you have yet to show that you have any understanding of the source material."

What is not clear?   

"Not even one mutation has been observed that adds a little information to the genome [Ibid., 159–160]..."  Full text:  Is There Really a God?

You have simply chosen to believe otherwise.    

"[E]very clock we know of shows a date significantly longer than 6,000 years."

Do you want to know if the "clocks" are right?  


Dating in conflict:  Which ‘age’ will you trust?

"Serpent's assertion: "It's not about's about one's worldview."  If this is true...then why is Serpent arguing about the science?"

There are biblical answers provided by sites like Answers in Genesis for consideration.  Mutations are only one of many problems for naturalistic evolutionists.  The bias is evident in this thread.  People will do anything to resist and refuse the truth found in the Bible (Ge 1:1). 

Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "Is Mark 16:18 true?"

All of scripture is true.  Understanding it is important.


They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover [Mark 16:17–18].
"If you want to accept any of these sign gifts, then you must take them all, brother. I’ll be glad to prepare a formaldehyde cocktail if you think you can drink it. What am I trying to say? These signs have followed the preaching of the gospel. But they are not signs to continue the preaching of the gospel. They disappeared even in the early church, but they do manifest themselves on some primitive mission frontiers even today. But if someone maintains that they are injunctions for today, then one must accept them all, even the drinking of a deadly poison. Even before the end of the first century, the sign gifts were no longer the credentials of the apostles. The test was correct doctrine (see 2 John 10). It is the Word of God that is the great sign in this hour."
McGee, J. V. (1997, c1981). Thru the Bible commentary. Based on the Thru the Bible radio program. (electronic ed.) (4:236). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

Response to comment [from other]:  "Aside from the fact that Genesis 1:1 makes no statement about resisting the truth..."

Of course it does.

"[T]his one verse refutes all of man’s false philosophies concerning the origin and meaning of the world:
(1)     It refutes atheism, because the universe was created by God.
(2)     It refutes pantheism, for God is transcendent to that which He created.
(3)     It refutes polytheism, for one God created all things.
(4)     It refutes materialism, for matter had a beginning.
(5)     It refutes dualism, because God was alone when He created.
(6)     It refutes humanism, because God, not man, is the ultimate reality.
(7)     It refutes evolutionism, because God created all things.
Morris, H. M. (1976). The Genesis record : A scientific and devotional commentary on the book of beginnings. Includes indexes. (38). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.

"...[D]id God set up the natural world to confuse us?"

No (Ac 17:27).  The universe points to God.  Did you know that over 90% of astronomers believe in God?  Why?--they peer into the heavens (Ps 19:1).  Why don't you get a telescope?

"Answers in Genesis may provide Biblical answers, fine, just do not expect it to provide answers based in real science."

Not for those determined to believe lies (Eze 13:19). 

Response to comment [from a Mormon]:  "Yet some Christians believe that the creation account is not literal history and some believe it is. It isn't a matter of appealing to the Bible. It is a matter of appealing to a particular interpretation of the Bible."

Some men prefer lies (Eze 13:19) and resist truth because their deeds are evil (Jn 3:19).  There are not interpretations of the truth.  There is one truth (Jn 14:6).  The man and mind that rejects God will easily believe the lie of evolution. 

Cults and 'isms know enough to lay their lies next to the truth so that they appear the same (Ga 5:9).     

Response to comment [from a Mormon]:  "Every dating mechanism points to something much older than 6,000 years."

You have no interest in the truth.  But for others:

"...[T]he thought of creation occurring about 6,000 years ago is frequently mocked by non-Christians—and also by many Christians.

Even James Ussher (1581-1656), the famous and respected Archbishop of Ireland in the seventeenth century, is today greatly ridiculed for declaring that the world was created in 4004 BC.

However, this date was widely accepted until people began to believe in ideas such as billions of years of Earth history. In other words, they started trusting in the latest secular findings based on fallible dating methods, instead of the only absolutely reliable method—consulting the history book provided by the Eyewitness account (the infallible Word of God)..."  Full text:  The World: Born in 4004 BC?  Usher and the Date of Creation

[Chosen to believe otherwise.]  "No I haven't, I simply read a more recent and more relevant AiG paper."

I thought you were allergic to any truth revealed at Answers in Genesis.  

Response to comment [from an agnostic]:  "If that article is correct, then how come e. coli have displayed previously unseen adaptations in a 20 year long trial?

I never saw you answering that."

Discover if e-coli really "evolves":

"It is clearly very difficult for E. coli to evolve this function. In fact, the mutation rate of the ancestral strain from Cit- to Cit+ is immeasurably low..." Full text:
 A Poke in the Eye? Lenski and the Adaptive Acrobatics of E. Coli

Response to comment [from a Mormon]:  ["Not even one mutation has been observed that adds a little information to the genome [Ibid., 159–160]..."  Full text:  Is There Really a God? "absolutely false".

Let the reader decide who has more credibility.  You sure work hard to undermine Christianity and the Bible.  No surprise there (Eph. 4:14). 

It takes more faith to believe in "molecules to man" evolution, than it does to believe God in the Bible.  But, you are free to believe lies (Eze 13:19) if you prefer (Jn 3:19).  

Response to comment [from other]:  "The proper terminology...lost on the different information."

Your explanation only rearranges what God gave in the first place.  Nice try.

For those who wish to stop believing their own lies:   

The Highly Efficient Genome

Evidence of New Genetic Information?

The End of Irreducible Complexity?

Response to comment [from other]  "As I have observed previously, the second statement is an admission by an AIG researcher that mutations can add information to a genome and that these mutations can be positive..."

So, a quote out of context that you believe makes your point--you make my point.  Your bias is apparent. 

New information and changed information are two different things.  "Molecules to man" evolution is impossible not matter what lengths you go to to try to explain this life without God so as not to be responsible to him.     

Let the reader decide:

"Not even one mutation has been observed that adds a little information to the genome [Ibid., 159–160]..."  Full text:  Is There Really a God?

Response to comment [from an atheist]:  [Being a Christian] "What evidence can you give?  Beliefs are the easiest thing in the world to fake."

You are an atheist.  Are you interested in the claims of the Bible?

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  [Evidence of being a Christian?]  "That's because you're apparently a nincompoop..."

That's what I thought.  You really don't give a damn about Christians.  You have no natural love for the brethren (1 Pe 1:22).  In fact, you are first to interrogate them.  You are not a believer but a make-believer.

"Don't confuse your personal interpretation with the word."

There is no personal interpretation of the word of God (2 Pe 1:20).  A Christian knows this. 

To understand the word of God, you need the spirit of God.  Repent (Jer 5:3).   

"I'm not obligated or inclined to defend my faith to you."

Exactly.  You also feel no accountability toward other Christians (1 Pe 3:8, Lk 12:47, 48).  You are a fraud.

I retract my retraction.  A review:

Add PlastikBuddha (non-trinitarian) who states: "Is "1+1=2" the same kind of truth as "I had a burrito for lunch"? Is "the capitol of France is Paris" the same kind of truth as "entropy increases in closed systems"? Is "Circles aren't square" the same kind of truth as "Christ is the Son of God"?" 3 Oct 09, 11:20 PM

SD:  [Do you believe in the doctrine of the trinity]

PB:  "Yes...Show me where I said anything to that effect or retract your statement."

SD:  I must have misunderstood:  "Circles aren't square" the same kind of truth as "Christ is the Son of God"..."  

[Satan Inc. ToL Heretic List] Updated 7 Nov 09:

"So you got nothing, eh?  What a surprise."

I think you are careful about what you say, but you do not fool me.  You are no Christian.  You are out to deceive.

I did not misunderstand "circles aren't square".  You slipped once when you stated this.  Circles aren't square anymore than Christ is the Son of God, you meant.  We gave you the opportunity to explain your comment.  You did but never really elaborated much.  One month later you continue to mock true biblical Christians. 

So tell us, what is it about Jesus that you hate?  Why do you interrogate his real followers?  We know you are a liberal who does not have a Christian worldview.  I wish they had an honest "cultural Christian" option to choose from at TOL. 

"I would suggest you stick to the subject instead of trying to challenge my faith."

Faith in what?  It certainly is not in God's word.  You've never revealed to TOL what your faith is in.  Who would continue to listen to a deceiver? 

"It just reveals the paucity of your 'argument'."

Of course this what you think of scripture.  You are consistent in that much.  You have been exposed to much light here at TOL no doubt. 

You get it--you just won't repent (Jn 9:41).  Mocking Christians and the word of God is a sport for you.  Christians respond to the word of God.  You do not (Eph 5:13).     

"That isn't evidence for 6,000 year old earth, is it."

I would suggest you call yourself "other" not "Christian" so as not to continue to deceive others at TOL. 

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "Can we say the same things back to you..."

You could.  But you would have to actually make a point for anyone to listen to you.

"You, alone, do not have the authority to decide the manner of his faith.  God does."

And who or what would I need to discern?  

A discerning spirit is necessary (1 Thess. 5:19–21).  PB does not have a Christian worldview but claims to be a Christian.  He/she believes that there are "personal interpretations" of the word of God (not biblical).  He does not see the need to defend his/her faith to other believers (1 Pe 3:8, Lk 12:47, 48) I identify PB for who he is (1 John 2:18, 19).  If I am wrong, PB may by all means correct my error.  [7 Nov 09 8:46 a.m.]

You, ShiftingOrthodoxy, will soon be on Satan, Inc. (ToL Heretic List) anyway.  Didn't you volunteer your own name?  Who are you to question a Christian about Christianity?

Response to comment [from other]:  "I urge them to go...[link] ...make up their own minds on whether Serpentdove was actually able to understand what he read or not."

Ad hominem. 

Again, cows and mice can change coat color.  That is not "molecules to man" evolution.  The text in context you reference reads: 


"...An IAP is an endogenous retroviral-like element that can be copied from one place in the genome and inserted elsewhere via an RNA intermediate and reverse transcriptase. Each of theses four alleles has the IAP in a different location prior to the coding exons, and all insertions are in the antisense direction. Transcription originates from a cryptic promoter in the 5' long terminal repeat (LTR) of the IAP. Since this promoter is stronger than the normal ASIP promoter, it creates a dominant allele. The sixth allele (sienna yellow, Asy) is also the result of an insertion, in this case of a novel sequence upstream from exon 2 (Argeson, Nelson, and Siracusa 1996; Michaud et al 1994).

Interestingly, not all animals carrying one or more of the above alleles exhibit the dominant yellow phenotype. The expression of the gene can be modified by epigenetic factors..." Full text: Genetics of Coat Color II The Agouti Signaling Protein (ASIP) Gene by Jean K. Lightner June 10, 2009

Response to comment [from a Mormon]:  "[W]hy are you so anti-evolution when you just said that beliefs concerning origins is not an issue of salvation?  If the above statement is true then why bother if someone believes evolution?"

It matters what we believe.  If we fail to believe God in one area, it opens up the flood gates to fail to believe him in other areas of our life as well.  We can believe him from the first verse of the Bible.  

Response to comment [from a "Christian"]:  "See, here's the thing. You have the arrogance to assume that he isn't a real follow of Jesus, unlike you.  Way to be pompous."

This from one who come from a work-based faith but will not identify which one?  Your name is soon to appear to Satan Inc TOL Heretic's list.  You volunteered it remember? 

Christians have discernment.  Sometimes it takes a while to figure out who is who, but eventually all things become clear (Mt 13:30).  I gave PB the benefit of the doubt on his/her "oopsy" but when you spend all of your time undermining the word of God, it becomes pretty evident who is a believer and who is a make-believer.   

Response to comment [from other]:  " does that change the fact that an insertion of code has changed the expression of the gene in a way that is fixed in the genome?"

Are you still going to be debating this genome problem of yours until the pit of hell opens up?

You are right when you say "change".  "Change" is not "new"--just thought I'd add my two cents.  Carry on...

Response to comment [from an agnostic]:  "What is new...?"

What is truth?  (Jn 18:38).

As a reminder:  "Not even one mutation has been observed that adds a little information to the genome [Ibid., 159–160]..."  Full text:  Is There Really a God?

God got it right when he said he created the world (Ge 1:1). 

Response to comment [from other]:  "The distance between my views and Christianity is fairly vast, because I'm not really convinced by the evidence available to support the argument that Jesus really was a supernatural person, or that the bible is more or less inspired than any other religious text. But I suppose that gap could be breached by some sort of personal revelation."

Jesus promises to provide understanding for any man who will repent of their sins and turn to him (Ac 17:27).  It is a wicked generation that seeks a sign (Mt 16:4).  I suppose it is because God has given men all the proof that they need:  internally (Ro 2:15), externally (Ps 19:1) and the scriptures.  


Inspired Scripture

"I would never, ever consider becoming a YEC unless God personally told me otherwise (hint: a book is an intermediary)."

God did tell you in the scriptures.  Once you believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God and once you repent of sins and receive the holy spirit, you will understand with ease. 

I can tell you that apple pie is good and you can tell me it is not.  If I've just tasted apple pie and it is good-- no one can tell me otherwise.  Jesus says, taste and see that he is good (Ps 34:8).

"YEC requires too much of a suspension of reason and critical faculties..."

Not once you explore the facts.  Our culture accepts evolution as the gospel truth when it is directly opposed to the Bible.  Evolution is not truth.  It is a lie.  It is man's opinion.   

"In my wanders through AIG I see they're still advocating that the marsupials migrated to Australia from the Middle East and their counter evidence for the evolutionary version for the events is that the fossil record for the evolution of the platypus is poor."

Look at a world map.  Does it appear to you like the landmasses were once together?  To me, it makes sense that animals migrated. 

The platypus really keeps them guessing.  How else can you explain an animal like this but that God created it?  The mantis shrimp, too.  There is no other creature like it in the world.  And giraffes, the way they get blood to their brain.  They could not have evolved.  And on and on...

"It's a childish worldview that makes a mockery of the complexity and richness of nature and purports to wear the clothes of reason and inquiry when it actually stifles and distorts truth and evidence in favor of unreasoning myth."

Then become like a child and you will understand (Mt 19:14).  It takes age for us to override our common sense and what we know to be true. 

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "Won't repent of what?"

Sin.  A person who is indwelled with the spirit of the living God responds to the word of God.  He does not seek to undermine it.  That would be rather the spirit of antichrist (1 Jn 4:3). 

"You have been asked to provide evidence for a specific claim-- a 6,000 year-old earth.  Instead of doing so you are trying to call into question my faith."

I provided a starting point for those truly interested in the truth.  However, since "Intelligent Design" and "Ardi" and now "Waskily Behemoths", you have sought to undermine the Bible at every turn.  You can image that believers would figure that something is not right--the spirit of God would point to Jesus and the word of God.  But you only point away from God and his word.  I would warn anyone--buyer beware.     

People are going one of two ways--toward God or away from him.  Can you honestly say that you are headed in a direction that honors and glorifies God?  Because all I've seen is opposition to his word (which is him [Jn 1:1]).

"If you can't provide any evidence then just admit that you accept this age of the earth on faith, without scientific evidence."

You discount me, you discount Answers in Genesis, fine.  We can differ. 

"As it is you appear to be dishonest."

If you believe that, fine.  I would ask the reader to check everything I say by the word of God. 

I am irrelevant.  But the Bible is not.  

"Mocking stupid people is a sport for me and pretty much everyone else here at TOL."

Fair enough.  I do not claim to be brilliant (1 Cor 1:27).

"Welcome to the internet.  Now explain what you think I have to repent of."

Sin.  I don't know what that might be.  But here is the question:  are you beginning to believe your own lies?  This is dangerous.  If sin gets a foothold, it leads to death (Jas 1:15). 

I am not saying that believing in young earth creation is a salvation issue.  It isn't.  That issue aside--doubting God in one area leads to doubt in another.  And there are many people who believe they are Christians, when they are not. 

I don't know what "other" means as you describe yourself.  But you do not come from a biblical worldview.   

[Responding to the word of God (Eph 5:13).] "You mean I don't respond in the way you think I should..."

Maybe.  But I don't care about "me".  I care about the authority of the word of God. 

"Do you have any particular sin in mind?"

Whatever you thought of when you wrote that--that would be it. 

"You aren't going to say that accepting theory of evolution is a sin, are you?"

You do not believe God's word.  The Bible calls that sin (Ro 14:23). 

"I am not undermining the word of God. If anyone here is doing that it is you, by trying to tie acceptance of God's redeeming Love to accepting an interpretation of Genesis that is not at odds with history and science. You are trying to throw the baby out with the bath water."

I stated clearly that acceptance of young earth creation is not a salvation issue. 

"ToE does not undermine the Bible."

I do not believe you know God at all (Eph 5:13).

"Truth honors God, Serpentduh. Therefore there is no honor or glory for God in closing your eyes to truth-- even if you don't think this truth is one that honors or glorifies God to your satisfaction."

[Discount me, Discount Answers in Genesis, fine. We can differ.]  "So now you're willing to call it a draw, eh? Is it that much trouble to actually produce just one piece of evidence?]

A draw?  One in rebellion against the authority of the word of God?  (De 9:7, Jos 1:18).  You have plenty of evidence:  Ps 19:1, Ro 2:15 and the scriptures.

"Christ stands as redeemer of man and Son of the Living God whether mankind was created as is 6,000 years ago or evolved over billions."

Christ is the redeemer of man. 

I think you are dishonest, so please discuss the matter with someone else. 

You said:  ""Is "1+1=2" the same kind of truth as "I had a burrito for lunch"? Is "the capitol of France is Paris" the same kind of truth as "entropy increases in closed systems"? Is "Circles aren't square" the same kind of truth as "Christ is the Son of God"?" 3 Oct 09, 11:20 PM.  Maybe I misunderstood, but it would not seem you are not a Christian at all.

Response to comment [from other]:  "There are lots of creatures like the mantis shrimp."

No other creature in the world has its unique weapon.  You seem determined to believe, not truth, but what you'd like truth to be.  Facts don't matter so good luck with that. 

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "Not faith in a literalist interpretation,"

When do you start believing the Bible?

"He is Christian if he believes in the works done through Christ, clothes himself in Christ and becomes Gods limbs in the world through the Holy Spirit."

If someone is a Christian, the spirit inside him responds to the truth.  That is between PB and God. 

In my opinion, this person is intellectually dishonest and has no interest in the truth.  I don't mind the others.  They do not claim to be what they are not.  PB cannot get through a sentence without an ad hominem attack.  There are Satanists at TOL who are more intellectually honest.  

"Maybe you could explain how/when and why the mantis shrimp became such a ruthlessly effective predator?"

Ask him.  If your theory is true, maybe he will be talking soon.

"...if I don't define what pakistani's are, any factual statement I make is of no use."

If I understand your analogy, information is within the DNA.  I'm not a geneticist.  You'd have to ask one that agrees with you.

Response to comment [from other]:  "Just as I figured. No answers in Genesis."

I don't know if they have ever addressed the mantis shrimp.  You would discount what Answers in Genesis said anyway. 

I would suggest you discuss young earth creation with someone else.  I would prefer to dialogue with someone willing to consider the opposing arguments.  Nothing personal.  There are many at TOL that agree with you.     

Response to comment from PB:  "Then stay out of it."

Well that is the point.  You have wasted much time in a variety of threads--addressing not the claims--but attacking me or attacking Answers in Genesis.  I am sure you would love for me to just go away and the whole creation argument too for that matter. 

Was that your intention?  Just waste time with ad hominem attacks?  What is your preferred ratio?  One claim to 40 ad hominem attacks?  Enough. 

Funny, you claim to be a Christian but do not give a damn what God says in the Bible.  So, I'll avoid your threads and please avoid mine.

"How is PB intellectually dishonest? If anything is intellectually dishonest here it is creationist science who goes against well established science using non-scientific methods and draw false conclusions from data."

So if you believe that post one statement of disagreement not forty ad hominem attacks.

"And there are plenty of non-Christians on this board that are intellectually honest and in general far more intellectual than the many Christians on this forum."

"PB is a Christian as far as I know. He might not meet your fanatic requirements, but that is hardly a bad thing."

Only God and PB can answer that question.  I don't buy it.  I had hoped to bring up spiral galaxies but that isn't going to happen.  There is not getting by this one mutation problem for the evolutionist (in my opinion, I'm sure you disagree).    

"Define new information, without linking an article."

Well, it's helpful to have an article for further study if a person is interested, but whatever.  I understand the genome to be what holds all hereditary information in an organism.  This was addressed in context earlier.

"I you complain about ad hom attacks, but yet use them yourself?"

I wish to discontinue dialogue with anyone who attempts to ad hominem attack 40 times to my one statement of fact, yes.  There is no convincing such a person.  Facts become irrelevant.  I have an achieve for anyone interested.  It's not just this person.  There are many guilty of these tactics (plurium interrogationum/ad hominem).  Just don't be surprised if in the future, I do not respond, that's all.

"And you claim to be interested in the truth, yet you know nothing about the science that backs it up?...You're very dishonest, Serpent. And a hypocrite."

Ad hominem.  Who is the hypocrite?  

More evidence for a young earth if there are any honest seekers of truth in the vicinity:

"The RATE project (a joint research initiative between the Institute for Creation Research, and the Creation Research Society) has carefully investigated the method of radioisotope dating: a method that allegedly shows rocks to be millions or billions of years old. Of course, the biblical text indicates a much more recent creation—a fact confirmed by RATE researcher and Hebrew scholar Dr. Steven Boyd. So it is exciting (but not surprising) that the RATE researchers have uncovered powerful evidence that supports a recent creation, and explains the radioisotope data within the biblical timescale..."  Full text:  RATE research reveals remarkable results—a fatal blow to billions of years

[Articles]  "You don't read them anyway, Serpent..."

Your charge is foolish.

"Assume for the moment that we are all eager for you to provide us with the truth, the simplest thing to do then is to answer the question."

I've answered the question. 

It's a lovely thought, but I cannot assume that you are eager for the truth.  When you are given the truth, you call the men presenting it "an evil group. There I said it. [e]vil, bad etc." (your words not mine).

I would suggest that you continue dialogue with those who agree with you (Re 22:11).

"Why can't you give a short definition as you did with genome before?"

Why would I give a definition?  You will dismiss any truthful conclusion.  Remember, if it comes from me or from Answers in Genesis, it must of necessity be dismissed--do anything and at all costs--to avoid the truth of God's word. 

God knows you could care less about him.  I'm just a messenger, like a Western Union carrier.  All this chit chat establishes the fact that you dismiss God and what he says in his word.  Don't be surprised if this little dialogue comes up at your trial.  You have a very definite appointment on your Daytimer.  No postponing that one (Re 20:11).

Response to comment [from an agnostic]:  "It's interesting that you are basically admitting avoiding making meaningful arguments." people who I believe will avoid the truth at any cost, yes--that's correct.

"So if you'd like to quit hiding behind your prejudices about me, we can talk openly. If not, then bye bye."

I know your tactics.  They are ugly.  I named them at every turn.   

I would ask the reader to reread this debate and decide if my conclusion is well founded--you (and a few others in this thread) are intellectually dishonest and have no intention of being persuaded by the truth.  That is your right.  But , I prefer to dialogue with people who love the truth.  I find that when a person loves the real truth (not the imagined one [Ro 1:28]), it just so happens that he loves Jesus too (Jn 14:6).    

"How long until SD isn't responding to anyone who doesn't agree with him? Anyone taking bets?"

Haven't you posted enough ad hominem attacks yet?  Imagine discussing issues not people.  Do you even know how?  Only those who argue from a weak position need to adopt such tactics. 

You make it clear by your methods and your motives that you are no Christian.  This thread and others has been good for that at least.    

Response to comment [from a "Christian"]  "Show me one ad hom, hypocrite."

One?  Well, there is one right there.  But let the reader decide.  Anyone interested could check out your tedious ad hominem debate style more thoroughly at any one of these threads:

Nessie Underwater Ally

Intelligent Design


There are others.  But I believe any reasonable person would come to that conclusion.  I don't mind disagreement.  But you have a long history of arguing in a ridiculous manner.  People should just know who they are dealing with before giving you any more of their time. 

"You have been unable to provide even one piece of evidence supporting your position..."

I would suggest to the reader, reread the thread and see if that is true.  Information in genomes has been discussed in this thread.  If you disagree that changes in information leads to "molecules to man" evolution, fine.  You are free to come to that conclusion if you'd like.  I would just say that that takes more faith than believing the Bible.

"...instead just posting and reposting the same links to AiG"

I post links to be helpful for the reader interested in truth and just in case they would like to look into it more.  I can see you will not consider any link if it comes from Answers in Genesis.  You will not give their claims serious consideration.  You are just here to mock those who believe God's word. 

"...with no commentary or any hint that you have read or understood either their material or the "problems" they are meant to address."

I understand what I excerpt for the reader's consideration.   It's sort of foolish to argue over what I understand and what I don't understand.  Why don't you start concentrating on issues not attacking the people who present them.  

"Show me one example of a legitimate ad hom, SerpentDuh."

You make my point.  Maybe you really are not aware of your apparent coping technique.  Are you that opposed to the truth of scripture?  You are so determined to believe and promote lies.   

"Your inability to converse intelligently with people who disagree with you is pathetic."

I prefer dialogue with those who seek the truth.  This is what Christians do (Jn 14:6).  You're funny.  

"I have told you exactly why I don't think AiG is credible or involved in actual science."

I know you have.  Say it once and move on please.  We all know that you reject everything from Answers in Genesis.  We will never accuse you of being a supporter of theirs.

"I am determined to know the truth. That means looking unblinkingly at the actual evidence..."

Good. Then we both want the same thing. 

"You seem to be interested only in that which supports your preconceived notions."

I have admitted my bias.  I have a preconceived notion that the Bible is true.  I am out to brainwash every last unbeliever into trusting God's word. 

"I know, I'm hysterical: demanding things like "evidence" for things like "empirical claims"...It's a riot."

Well good.  You said it, not me.

Response to comment [from other]:  [[W]e...share about 50% of our DNA with bananas.]  "Oddly enough I was just thinking that when I read your last crop of replies."

Always the insults but what has been factually inaccurate in what young earth creationists have claimed?   "Not even one mutation has been observed that adds a little information to the genome [Ibid., 159–160]..."  Full text:  Is There Really a God?

Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "What do you mean by information?..."

You keep saying the same thing.  You are going to have to re-read the thread.  If you need additional help, I would suggest you contact a geneticist.  I am not an expert in genetics. 

What is factually inaccurate in the statement:  "Not even one mutation has been observed that adds a little information to the genome [Ibid., 159–160]..."  Full text:  Is There Really a God?

You cannot get "molecules to man" evolution.

I hear crickets chirping...

"I found your definition."

That's nice.  I have read your link.  They do not even present the correct argument.  Bottom line:  Creationists do not argue against micro-evolution.  They argue against macro-evolution.  "Molecules to man" evolution is impossible. 

Response to comment [from a "Christian"]:  "Because AiG says so."

Where is Answers in Genesis factually inaccurate?

"Where it says "Not even one mutation has been observed that adds a little information to the genome," for starters."

You believe that information (aside from change) can be added to the genome? 

Do you understand that the creationist does not argue micro-evolution but rather macro-evolution ("molecules to man")?

Do you believe that "molecules to man" evolution is possible?

"Where do you draw the line between change and new information?"

I am not an expert in genetics; again, you would have to ask a geneticist for additional information on that topic.  The fact remains that changes (as seen in micro-evolution [e.g. coat color], etc.) can never lead to "molecules to man" evolution.

"...[T]he statement that no new information is added, just changed, is a complete false dichotomy."

No it is not.  Change is not "new".  Change is different but it is not additional information.  "Not even one mutation has been observed that adds a little information to the genome [Ibid., 159–160]..."  Full text:   Is There Really a God?

"Creationists are not confined to the idea that all mutations must be accidents or happenstance occurrences. Research in an important pigment gene, the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) gene, suggests that some genetic changes in animals may be directed. One example involves repeated nucleotides in the DNA. Kingsley describes similar patterns as “very prone to copying errors during the process of DNA replication.” In the MC1R gene, these patterns appeared in a region prone to deletions, usually resulting in a black phenotype. Since similar patterns of rearrangement and mutations appear in very diverse animals and the changes in the gene produce interesting variety, it is easy to question whether these changes are really purely chance events acted on by selection.  It has been suggested that these repeat patterns may actually format the genome for future potentially adaptive changes..." Full text:   Are Some Mutations Directed?

"Another important point is that most mutations in DNA are not selectable even though they seem to be making a big deal out of one that is. In order for a mutation to be selected for or against, it must make some change in the organism at the phenotypic, whole-organism level. The change must be large enough to give the organism an increased or decreased fitness in its environment. Most mutations in the DNA are either silent (leading to no change at the phenotypic level), lethal (leading to death of the organism), or slightly deleterious (not altering phenotype sufficiently to be specifically detected by any selection process). It is unusual to find one mutation that leads directly to a selectable trait in a higher organism (although this does happen commonly in bacteria, as is seen in antibiotic-resistant bacteria).

The mutation, although beneficial to the beach mice, still leads to a loss of genetic information. The mutant Mc1r protein does not bind as well to MSH and thus, the mice have decreased melanin production leading to lighter fur color..."  Full text: 
Evolution or Adaptation?

Both of those papers have semi-technical links as well.

Response to comment [from an agnostic]:  [I find that when a person loves the real truth (not the imagined one [Ro 1:28]), it just so happens that he loves Jesus too (Jn 14:6).]  "Ad hom, as you would say."

That is a truth claim.  It is either true or it is false.  I agree with God.    

Those Waskily Behemoths That Died Out Long Before Man