"The Republican Party has not given African Americans a good reason to vote for the party," Republican National Committee Chair Michael Steele said Tuesday night.
"You really
don't have a reason to, to be honest -- we haven't done a very good job of
really giving you one. True? True," Steele said at DePaul University, the
Chicago Sun-Times reports..."
Who sticks his
foot in his mouth more--Biden or Steele?
Let's review...shall we? [Feb 18, 2005] "Grand Old Party...Blacks might be surprised to compare Republican history with the Democrats..’" NationalReview.com
Should Tea Party attendees vote Republican...again?
"...[I]t comes to no surprise that he associates with a left-wing donor such as George Soros. In fact, according to a late-breaking World Net Daily article, John McCain has been funded by George Soros since 2001!" Full text: [Feb 12, 2008] John McCain and George Soros
Where is an
actual conservative to go?
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "When Steele had
the nerve to criticize Rush Limbaugh he was quickly reminded of his place, and
he humbly apologized.
"I just feel more comfortable in the Republican party." - David Duke."
You believe most Republicans are racists?
Again, the difference between the Left and Right--Those on the Right believe the other side is foolish (Eccl 10:2); Those on the Left believe the other side is evil.
That is why they name call (sexist, Islamophobic, xenophobic, homophobic, racist, bigot) and then dismiss you.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "African Americans voted mainly Republican up until the 1960's. So what happened since then?"
"As for blacks, their virtually unanimous voting for the Democratic Party makes even less sense. For one thing, most blacks tend to have socially conservative views (considerably more so than their fellow Democrats). Blacks tend to be religious, have traditional views on homosexuality and abortion, and believe in school vouchers, a policy strongly opposed by the party nearly all of them vote for. Moreover, while the Democratic Party has brilliantly portrayed itself as the party that made civil rights possible, a greater percentage of Republicans voted for the landmark civil rights bills than Democrats. None of this is meant to suggest that there are no Democratic Party positions that appeal to blacks and Jews. The great majority of blacks apparently do support affirmative action, a position entirely identified with the Democratic Party. And the majority of Jews do support larger government and higher tax rates, fundamental Democratic positions. But if each party's policy positions were the sole determinants of Jews' and blacks' voting habits, the two groups should evenly divide their votes between the two parties. Clearly then, it is not Democratic Party positions that explain why so many Jews and blacks vote Democrat. Something deeper must be at work. That something is fear in the case of Jews and anger in the case of blacks..." Full text: Why Jews and Blacks Vote Democrat: Part I by Dennis Prager
Don't let the Left get away with accusing us of racism. Whose policies lead to poverty in the black community? Their policies keep blacks "on the plantation". If anyone is a racist, it is the Leftist.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [Racists in the Republican party] "I said that?"
What was your purpose for mentioning David Duke? Are all Democrats like Robert K-K-K Byrd? (Hannity).
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [Asked: Why bring up David Duke? Are all Republicans like him?] I see serpent did a little creative editing to make it look like I said things I did not."
No answer
as to why
you brought up David Duke. So be
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Martin Luther King was a Republican because he was a principled man."
Principled men do not plagiarize their speeches--especially such big ones. And principled men do not commit adultery. Ro 3:12.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "...[R]acists are more welcome there [in the Republican party]."
You believe Republicans welcome racists. I do not (I am not a Republican). Again, the difference between the Left and Right--Those on the Right believe the other side is foolish (Eccl 10:2); Those on the Left believe the other side is evil.
That is why they name call (sexist, Islamophobic, xenophobic, homophobic, racist, bigot) and then dismiss you.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [Hannity's use of the term for the Klan leader Robert Byrd--"KKK Byrd"] "Hannity isn't a racist; he just plays one on TV."
No answer on the Robert Byrd question. Do you believe Hannity is a racist? (I'm no Sean Hannity fan).
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "I'm bringing up a whole lot of history that serpent ignored."
In the same way you ignored the David Duke question? I concluded that you only want to answer easy questions. How 'bout this one: What's your favorite color?
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "David Duke says he feel more comfortable there [in the Republican party]."
...And Robert K-K-K Byrd feels more comfortable in the Democrat party. Again, what's your point? Are you suggesting that Republicans are racist? I have no dog in this fight. I am not a Republican.
"[Hannity] merely has used racists to build his base of listeners..."
Hannity uses race. You believe that. I do not (and I'm not a Hannity fan).
It is the Left that uses race to divide. We remind people that we are one race and one blood according to the Bible (Ac 17:26). If you believe we came from monkeys, I guess it's ok to keep acting like one.
“Although racism did not begin with Darwinism, Darwin did more than any person to popularize it.” ~ From Darwin’s Plantation
Darwin’s Plantation: Evolution’s Racist Roots by Ken Ham & Dr. Charles Ware
...It was written by a
white guy--and a black guy!
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "[T]hey [the Republicans] like using the issue [of abortion] to get elected."
They like using Christians, too.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "All humans sin every day of their lives. Are you saying you don't sin ever?"
No. A Christian is not sinless--he sins less.
I just wonder why an adulterer and a plagiarist gets his own holiday when George
Washington and Abe Lincoln lost theirs. It must be a white guy thing?
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "historical voting patterns"
"The US. Supreme Court's 1954 decision in Brown, declaring that state-imposed school segregation was unconstitutional, increased the politics of education rather than decreased its importance in the school desegregation. This article describes the political activities in school desegregation after Brown by the two major political parties, republicans and democrats. In summary, the Republican Party placed its major activities toward winning southerners' votes in order to change the majority in the US. Congress, slowing down the desegregation process, creating alternatives to public school desegregation (such as school-choice option), and making conservative appointments to the federal judiciary. The Democratic Party sought to retain its southern political base by promising an orderly process for implementing the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Brown, providing legal remedies through the courts with assistance by the Office of the US. Attorney General, and providing financial support to local school districts seeking to desegregate their schools. Nevertheless, the conservatives, over a 50-year period, lost a few struggles but won the political war against court-ordered school desegregation. The national political struggle over school desegregation is discussed in this article, and that struggle continues. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]". Brown, Frank. "Nixon's ‘Southern Strategy’ and Forces Against Brown." Journal of Negro Education 73.3 (2004): 191-208. MasterFILE Elite. EBSCO. Web. 24 Apr. 2010.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Are you black? Just curious."
Me? No, I'm yellow.
"He/she "should" sin less, no doubt but not sure all Christians do sin less."
Thankfully, God is not finished with us. Christians are works in progress.
"Babies cannot eat meat but some adults like milk." ~ J. Vernon McGee
"Some religions seem to think they can just do whatever they want, without even trying to stop something that I would consider sinful and go to ..........um.........say confession and do the same thing the next day."
Some religions are just window dressing.
"Ritualism is nothing more than a rut, and the only
difference between a rut and a grave is the length and the depth." ~ Chuck Smith
"Personally, I believe you're suppose to try not to live in the flesh but since
I'm not God, I don't know what he will do with those that continually do the
same thing without any intervention in old behaviors."
J. Vernon McGee used to say when you realize you cannot
live the Christian life, you've got it.
"Martin Luther had issues just like probably approximately 100% of the
rest of the human race."
Sure. I just don't think we should put him on a pillar.
Incidentally, one reporter notes: "Obama only briefly mentioned King, along with other U.S. legends but emphasized on Malcolm X. Obama used quotations from King but never mentioned him by name at several speeches." Boyd, Herb. "The Dream Realized. (cover story)." New York Amsterdam News 100.3 (2009): 1-32. MasterFILE Elite. EBSCO. Web. 24 Apr. 2010.
Our culture lionizes King but forget Reagan who was supposed to be on the fifty dollar bill.
Poll: Most oppose Reagan on the $50 bill
All of this political correctness is going to get us
killed. When you can't call evil evil, your country is headed downward.
"I admired the man in most ways."
I admire the way he preached peace (as opposed to Malcolm X). That was helpful.
Response to comment [from other] [W]hat I'd really like to know is if serpent understands the irony of presenting somebody's opinion that the left uses various tactics like presenting opinion in place of actual argument to stereotype them in place of actual argument. I'm guessing not.] "Say what now?"
I'm guessing PB cannot create a coherent sentence.
I think your sin is catching up to you,PB.
Isa 59:4.
Response to comment [from other]: "As I'm evidently in somewhat of a masochistic mode today I finally decided to check this link and what can I say...? What a wonderful surprise! Far from being a biased and subjective sample of unsubstantiated ignorance it was completely objective, informed and without even a hint of bias."
Response to comment [from other]: "...[T]he irony of your position is lost on you..."
That clears things up.
Alright, try removing me from the equation. See if that helps any.
"The Republican
Party has not given African Americans a good reason to vote for the party." ~ Steele