Are homosexuals lying that they were "born that way"?
Did ye not read, that He who made them, from the beginning a male and a female made them (Mt 19:4).
Ex-gays?: A Longitudinal Study
Homosexuals "Born that Way"--A Con Job Pt 1
What does the Bible say about hermaphrodites? What is the cause of
hermaphroditism? Should a hermaphrodite have a 'gender selection' surgery?
What does the Bible say about homosexuality? Is homosexuality a sin? Is
homosexuality a choice, or are homosexuals born that way?
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to be born the wrong sex?
Also see:
Why sin is sin Larry King interview with Chad Allen and John MacArthur
Why Homosexuality Destroys Families Larry King interview with Chad Allen and John MacArthur
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...the force of politically correct public opinion making their ever questioning it very unlikely."
Many are taught in college that homosexuals are born that way (Actually, that is why I quoted so many links to articles because gender studies tend to open up a whole can of worms).
The author of, Homosexuals "Born that Way"--A Con Job said on radio recently that homosexuals laugh and joke that the public is accepting that they are born that way. Many, according to him, say that it is a political tool--and it is working for them to claim this. But they themselves don't even believe it. I wondered how they might respond to this.
"For most homosexuals there's no conspiracy to hide the truth here. They really do believe this and you can't blame them considering."
Could they be deceiving themselves?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Homosexuality is a very aggressive, boisterous, attention seeking spirit..."
That's right. Homosexuals seek acceptance. If we relent and remove the stigma, they loose. We stop sharing the gospel and they die in their sin. This would be apathy and hatred. Loving the homosexual means telling him the truth.
"[I]t is impossible to both practice a sin and be repenting of it at the same time."
Right, we are headed in one direction or the other. The Bible has a solution for one who is sinning--stop it. Repentance means you were headed in one direction. You stop, and head in another direction. Jesus gave a simple message--repent (Re 2:5,16; 3:3).