Buckley or Limbaugh Rule
"...[u]nder William Buckley's rule of
thumb that conservatives ought to support the rightwardmost
viable candidate in a given race...Yesterday Rush Limbaugh
expressed his disagreement with the Buckley rule and suspended
it in favor of the Limbaugh Rule: 'In an election year when
voters are fed up with liberalism, you vote for the most
conservative Republican in the primary -- period.'" Full text:
Rush suspends the Buckley rule
Do you agree with Buckley or Limbaugh? Will the Tea Party change
Washington? Will the Republicans (Enyart) become
conservative all of the sudden?
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "[I]t is time to clean house."
Agreed. Throw the bums out--there are more bums behind
them--but, oh well. "No sacrifice, no victory!" Captain Witwicky.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "They're all bums. If you want it done right, do it yourself!"
I was sort of thinking that, too.
Alright, who at TOL will step up to the plate and run for
Let's get behind him or her--(no one on:
Satan Inc (TOL Heretics List)-- How
Knight? Doesn't he want to retire? Let's put him back to work.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Enyart is not conservative enough?"
I am crediting Enyart with the thought "Republican" (Lu 3:13, Lu 19:8). His name is therefore in parenthesis.
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "[D]id SD finally cross a line or what?"
Your biblical illiteracy is
showing again.
Have another martini (Re 22:11).