More Catholics Perverted Priests are Diddling Deaf Kids Now
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Repent]
I share your outrage.
Laura Ingraham today on her program defended this apostate Church (Rev.
3:14–22)...again. I grow weary of praying for her.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Watch as all the Catholic apologists come out and defend the whore of Rome and her demonic practices and behavior."
Are you related to Nostradamus?
"God will judge that religion and send it to the eternal lake of fire where
she belongs. Along with all her popes, priests, cardinals, bishops, etc., whose
hands are filled with the blood of martyrs.
I can't believe I was in that Satanic religion for 20 years. What a waste. God
brought me out of her and into the light. Praise God for that! For I was hell
bound being entangled in that demonic religion that is known as Roman
God is good! Lk 4:18.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Catholic popes apologize a lot. Sometimes with good reason, sometimes without, sometimes it's just too little too late."
Most of the time it is because they've been caught.
Response to comment [from other]: "Why do mods allow capitals in thread titles? Is that not considered SHOUTING..."
What are you doing to do?
Mk 1:3.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Proof, please."
The following are false teachings of the Roman Catholic Church:
Year | Tradition |
431 | Proclamation that infant baptism regenerates the soul. |
500 | The Mass instituted as re-sacrifice of Jesus for the remission of sin |
593 | Declaration that sin need to be purged, established by Pope Gregory I |
600 | Prayers directed to Mary, dead saints, and angels. |
786 | Worship of cross, images, and relics authorized. |
995 | Canonization of dead people as saints initiated by Pope John XV. |
1000 | Attendance at Mass made mandatory under the penalty of mortal sin. |
1079 | Celibacy of priesthood, decreed by Pope Gregory VII. |
1090 | Rosary, repetitious praying with beads, invented by Peter the Hermit. |
1184 | The Inquisitions, instituted by the Council of Verona. |
1190 | The sale of Indulgences established to reduce time in Purgatory. |
1215 | Transubstantiation, proclaimed by Pope Innocent III. |
1215 | Confession of sin to priests, instituted by Pope Innocent III. |
1229 | Bible placed on Index of Forbidden Books in Toulouse. |
1438 | Purgatory elevated from doctrine to dogma by Council of Florence. |
1545 | Tradition claimed equal in authority with the Bible by the Council of Trent. |
1546 | Apocryphal Books declared canon by Council of Trent. |
1854 | Immaculate Conception of Mary, proclaimed by Pope Pius IX. |
1870 | Infallibility of the Pope, proclaimed by Vatican Council. |
1922 | Virgin Mary proclaimed co-redeemer with Jesus by Pope Benedict XV. |
1950 | Assumption of Virgin Mary into heaven, proclaimed by Pope Pius XII. |
Do you believe that Popes are infallible?
"Sorry, try again."
Love the Saul Alinsky tactics.
Tactics of the Left
Let me guess--you endorse these false doctrines.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "COEXIST. I believe in all paths to God."
If all paths lead to God, then Christianity leads to God....But Christianity says only one path leads to God (Jn 14:6). How can your claim be true? :rolleyes:
More Catholics
Perverted Priests are Diddling Deaf Kids Now