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Response to comment [from a Christian]: "'I'm making progress, I almost converted Gerald!' That's what I've been saying for a long time Gerald. You should convert just so you can get to Heaven and you will have eternity to tell me how wrong I was about all of my debates and positions..."


He's here for the entertainment (Ro 9:30).


Response to comment [from an atheist]: [Gerald wants to stomp a Christian's face in eternity] "After giving this some serious thought, reflection and soul searching..., weighing up all the likeliness of a supernatural loving caring involved God existing who loves me (and Gerald), I am forced to conclude that no one really wants to actually physically stomp on your face."


You don't believe him? Ps 37:32; 1 Jn 3:12; Mt 23:35


"Who, Gerald or God?"


Gerald said:  "If I can't stomp on your face for a few million years at least, then there's no point in me going to Heaven."


In heaven we will praise Jesus for who he is and what he has done (1 Jn 4:19).  Gerald is interested in violence.  God can help with that (Heb. 11:34) but he isn't interested in him (Ps 69:27)


When wicked people speak, we can believe that they mean what they say.


[Ps 2:9]


Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel [Ps. 2:9].
"Do you think this is the gospel of the grace of God we are to preach today? It is not. This passage hasn’t any reference to Christ’s first coming. This speaks of His second coming, when He comes to this earth to judge.
This is the way He will come the second time—to judge the earth. He has not asked me to apologize for Him, so I won’t apologize. He says that He intends to come to this little planet and put down the rebellion that has broken out—and He will break them with the rod of iron. Maybe you don’t like that. Well, you take it up with Him. He said it, and He is going to do it just that way.
Now I have a question to ask you, if you think He ought to do it the way some of our political leaders are suggesting. Suppose Jesus came back to this earth tomorrow, like He came some two thousand years ago, the man of Galilee, the carpenter of Nazareth, the gentle Jesus. Suppose He went to the Kremlin and knocked at the door. Whoever keeps the store over there would come and say, “Yes?” He would say, “I’m Jesus. I’m here to take over.” Do you think they would say, “My, we have been waiting for you”? No, they’d put Him before a firing squad in the morning. My friend, how do you think He could take over if He came to Russia today? He would have to break them with a rod of iron, would He not? Apparently that is what He is going to do. Now suppose He goes to France. They don’t want Him. Suppose He went down to Rome. I was there just a few weeks ago. I went over the Tiber and listened to a man speak. Although I could not understand what he was saying, I was told that he was telling the world how they ought to do it. He would like to take over. Suppose our Lord would go and knock on the door of the Vatican. The man with the long garment would come to the door, and the Lord Jesus would say, “I’m here to take over.” What do you think he would say? I think he would say, “Now look, You’ve come a little too soon. I’m having trouble with some of my priests, but I’m going to work that out. I don’t need You.” I don’t think he would want Him. Suppose He came to this country. Suppose He went to the Democratic headquarters, or the Republican headquarters, and said, “I’m here to take over.” They would say, “We’re getting ready for a presidential campaign, we’ve already got our candidates; we don’t need You.” Now maybe you think their reaction would be different. Maybe you are saying, “Oh, they would take Him.” Then why don’t they take Him? They will not because they won’t have Him! Suppose He went to the World Council of Churches today, and He said to Protestantism, “I’m here.” Would they receive Him? Then why don’t they receive Him today? When He comes the second time He will come exactly as God said: “Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.” He intends to put down the rebellion when He comes to this earth the next time. Oh, my friend, this namby-pamby way of thinking that our God is not going to judge! You and I are living in a world that is moving to judgment day, and God is going to judge."
McGee, J. Vernon: Thru the Bible Commentary. electronic ed. Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 1997, c1981, S. 2:669-670

Response to comment [from an atheist]: "SD, why do insist on quoting bible verses to atheists? You may as well try and debate a Frenchman while speaking Chinese. Its all babble."

We give out the word of God. What men do with it is their business (McGee).


Response to comment [from an atheist]: "...[W]hat do you suppose is the percentage of True Christians among all those folks who merely claim to be Christian?"


"I didn't mean to bug ya." ~ Bono

There are those who: pervert the gospel (way of Cain), those who prostitute the gospel (error of Balaam) and those who protest the gospel (rebellion of Korah).


Snakes in the Garden (MP3 right click and 'save target as' to download) Adrian Rogers

"I'm not in the mood for riddles. Go away."


Check out this Obituary of a local Atheist