China Cares More About Panda Cubs than Human Babies
What do you think of a nation that fights to retain possession of a panda cub born in the U.S. but will send authorities to the home of an expectant mother to forcibly murder her unborn child? (Ps 139:13).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Bill Clinton sent that young Cuban boy back the meat grinder."
That was handled well by his administration.
However, that was different. "The issue is not that the American government will not let Elián's father come to America -- it is that the Cuban government will not allow Elián's father and family to leave." (
We are talking about an enforced one infant policy in China. Their policy has lead to increased sexual trafficking as well. Because girls are mostly murdered in the womb, China has experienced a shortage of woman. So, girls are trafficked from North Korea to serve as sexual slaves.
Emigration and infanticide are two different things. I don't stick up for Cuba by any means, but sending a girl back to China is worse than sending a boy back to Cuba. See: Infanticide, Abortion Responsible for 60 Million Girls Missing in Asia,2933,281722,00.html
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "They have us beat when it comes to capitalism. It's all about supply and demand to them."
How sad. Nowadays you are probably right.
Really wise of us to borrow from them instead of working on our own energy
independence. Our country is like a teenager with a credit card.
China Cares More About
Panda Cubs Than Human Babies