Christian Ministers Pray for Obama's Death
Response to comment [from other]: [Christian Ministers Pray for Obama's Death]
You could pray 1 Cor 5:5, but I think Satan likes Obama's handiwork.
"I bet you voted for W."
I don't like him either.
The point is, Obama is clearly an antichrist. He has no business leading our nation. I wouldn't put him in charge of a lemonade stand. He stands for everything that America once stood for (e.g. Judeo-Christian values). He would like to "fundamentally" change the nation. Conservatives need to stop arguing that Obama is a liar. He told the truth when he said that he wanted to change our nation. People got what they wanted in Obama. Now we will suffer the consequences. Sometimes God has to judge a nation (Pr 29:2).
With that said, I do pray for Obama (1 Ti 2:1-2). I would not wish for anyone to go to hell--even an extraordinarily wicked man like him.
Response to comment [from a Mormon]: "So ... you just didn't vote? Or, where you a Democrat during the Bush years and a Republican now?"
I changed my affiliation over and over again. They got tired of me at the DMV. I do vote. I voted for Alan Keyes this last election and I will be voting for him again in the coming election.
Response to comment [from an athiest]: "[P]raying
for politicians to die is a waste of time. Although, I certainly wouldn't miss
Obama (or any other political, for that matter) if their "god" threw me a bone
and offed this fool..."
That would be terrible for our country. Besides, anyone who would replace
him is likely just as wicked. God is still in control (Dan. 4:25, 37).
Do you think that American can come together at this time with such a divide in
our country?
Christian Ministers Pray
for Obama's Death