Christianity Is Under
Attack Pt V
[An excerpt Christianity Is Under Attack by Ken Ham]
“…Many people misunderstand bias, thinking that some individuals are biased and
some are not. Consider an atheist, for example. Such a person believes there is
no God. Can atheists entertain the question, “Did God create?” The answer is,
“No.” As soon as they even allow it as a question, they are no longer atheists.
So, to an atheist scientist looking at the fossils and the world around him, it
would not matter what evidence he were to find. It could have nothing to do with
biblical events, such as Noah’s flood. Even if he found a big boat on the top of
Mount Ararat he could never allow that evidence to support the claims of the
Bible regarding Noah’s ark. As soon as he did, he would have abandoned his
atheistic religious framework. An atheist is one hundred percent biased. This
should be kept in mind whenever one reads a textbook or sees a television
program produced by an atheist.
I have seen many examples of bias exhibited in various ways. I was on a
talk-back radio show in Denver, Colorado, and the radio announcer said I had
seven minutes to give the evidence for creation. He would just sit back and
listen. So I went into detail about what the Bible says concerning Noah’s flood,
the Tower of Babel, and other related topics. I explained how evidence from
various cultures and from the fossil record supported what the Bible said.
Various other aspects of creation were explored to demonstrate the truth of the
Bible. At the end of the seven minutes the announcer made this comment on the
air, “Well, I didn’t hear any evidence for creation at all; so much for that!”
Of course, what he meant was that he was not prepared to accept the evidence
that I had given him because he wanted to hold on to his own bias—agnosticism.
An agnostic is one hundred percent biased. He believes one cannot know anything
for sure, so, no matter how much evidence he hears, he can still say, “I do not
know.” As soon as he knows, he has stopped being an agnostic. From a biblical
perspective, Romans 1 teaches that the evidence for creation is all around us
and, therefore, anyone who does not believe in the Creator and Saviour is
condemned. It is also important to recognize that one does not have to see the
Creator to recognize the fact of special creation. Just because one cannot see
the architect and builder who designed and constructed a house does not mean
that there was not an intelligent designer behind it…” Full text:
Christianity is Under Attack by Ken Ham
Response to comment [from other]: "Hey serpentspam. If a big boat was found on the top of Mount Ararat..."
As it happens, I spoke with Dr. Morris about this.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "...[I]f the "ark" were found, well, there would be a big change in my thinking."
Were you overjoyed when
soft tissue cells were found in a T-Rex bone? Were you
in any way impressed when Nabu's
tablets were found? Lk 16:31.