Christians: What are you reading?
The Jesus I Never Knew by Philip Yancey
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [A Mormon] "I'm impressed."
The thread is entitled
Christians: What are you reading?
Your religion is work-based. Christianity is faith-based (Ro
Eph 2:8).
Say a farmer hires temporary workers for a day. He pays
the workers who had been there all day the same wage as those who showed up
later in the day? Was he right to do this?
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Are you talking about Catholicism, or Mormonism?"
They are both work-based faiths. Christianity if faith-based (Eph 2:8).
"...[Y]ou're merely parroting a hackneyed and long-refuted anti-Catholic stereotype. You should probably educate yourself regarding what Catholics actually believe..."
If people disagree with your belief, they are uneducated? They cannot
understand what the Roman Catholic Church teaches?
[Farmer paying full day's wage to temporary workers] Absolutely (Matt. 20:1-16).
What should a priest tell a dying person on his/her deathbed? What if they had not adhered to all of the sacraments of Catholicism during their life? Is there hope for them? According to Roman Catholic teaching, what should they do? Would the priest have a word of encouragement? What word of encouragement would you offer?
"If people misrepresent Catholic belief (as you did)..."
Proof please.
How have I misrepresented the
Catholic faith?
[ People cannot understand what the Roman Catholic
Church teaches?] "No, rather they have so far failed to understand what
the Catholic Church teaches."
Is it possible that
understand what the Roman Catholic Church teaches and they reject it?
"I'm not a priest."
Should one confess his/her sins to a priest?
What if you were the only one at said person's deathbed. They're plum tuckered
out of luck?
You aren't the sole friend of a dying person are you?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Questioning make-believers] "Take your erroneous irreverent babble elsewhere.
Let the stories be told
Let them say what they want
Let the photos be bold
Let them show what they want
Let them leave you up in the air
Let them brush your rock and roll hair
Hos 3:1
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [How have I misrepresented the Catholic faith?] "Your religion is work-based. Christianity is faith-based [Ro 16:25, Eph 2:8]."
Why did you remove Ro 16:25 and Eph 2:8 from the quote? These verses aren't going away (Mt 5:18).
"This is a direct misrepresentation of Catholic soteriology."
Take it up with the apostle Paul.
What must a person do to be saved? It's not a unique question. Man naturally
asks this question--he believes he must do something. The rich, young
ruler asked what he must do (Lk
18:18); The Philippian jailer asked what he
must do (Ac
16:30). Christianity is not about what you
do. It is about what God has done (Jn
[Should one confess his/her sins to a priest?] "If one is a Catholic, definitely."
Is this teaching biblical?
No Mediator
[What if you were the only one at said person's deathbed (no priest
They're plum tuckered out of luck?] "Of course not. I've already discussed, in a
previous post (#41), the basis upon which God would judge them."
I did not ask on what basis God would judge them.
I asked what word of encouragement you would a person on his deathbed who did
not participate in the Roman Catholic sacraments. You have more than "See
post 41," don't you?
[Why did you remove Ro 16:25 and Eph 2:8 from the quote?] "Didn't need to include them, since they in no way contradict Catholic teaching."
Do you like the
Book of Romans? How about chapters 1-3? Do they give
you great confidence that your works will earn you a place in heaven?
As one Christian put it, you cannot bat a thousand in baseball if you've already
struck out at bat once. No matter how many hits you get from here on out, you
will never bat a thousand. God demands perfection (Mt
5:48). Can you meet his high standard? Have you
fallen short of his demands? If you have sinned even once, you are in danger of
hellfire (Jas
2:10). No plan or program can save you.
Ever put a ding in another person's car? The police officer would love to let
you off with a warning--the roads were icy after all and you unintentionally
slid into him. But the damages still must be paid for. They will be paid by you
or by the owner of the other car. Jesus paid your sin debt (Ro
6:23) by his sacrifice (Isa
53:5) not your priest's. You come to God his
way (Jn
14:6) not your own (Jude
Mass is a blasphemous ceremony: "What blaspheme to say that there is another
sacrifice! Jesus suffered once for sin--the just for the unjust." ~ David
The penalty for breaking even one Commandment is death!
"...[Y]ou've carefully selected [Bible verses] in your favor."
What I think is irrelevant. What does the word of God say? The Bible does not contradict itself (Ps. 19:7, Jn 10:35). We understand scripture by comparing it to the rest of scripture (2 Pet. 1:20, 21).
You are a modern-day Pharisee ( Mark 7:9–13). Your type hasn't changed much (Acts 28:25–29). Your distortion of the word of God was predicted (2 Tim. 4:3, 4).
[Is this teaching (mediator) biblical?] "Absolutely."
This is a false teaching.
No Mediator
Our dying friend is out of luck when no priest is to be found?
"I would encourage him to trust wholeheartedly in Jesus Christ..."
Is that what you do? Our man is hanging on your
every breath. He needs answers.
"...[I]f no priest was available, would baptize him myself."
Is this official Roman Catholic teaching? You do this
when in a bind? Was the priest needed in the first place?
Do men need a mediator? Is the priest a potted plant or can he save you? Why was
curtain torn in two?
What about Mary? Do you pray to her? If Mary could hear your prayer, wouldn't
that make her something other than human being? Can Mary save you? Why did she
need a savior herself?
Lk 1:47.
Did you ever take the
"Are You a Good Person?" quiz? How'd ya score?
Do you believe that baptism saves a person?
No Assurance in Infant Baptism
Why do you go to everything and everyone for salvation when it is available in Jesus? Ex 20:2,3; De 5:7, Jn 14:6.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [What should a priest tell a dying person on his/her deathbed? What if they had not adhered to all of the sacraments of Catholicism during their life?] "I'm not sure what you're asking, because a sacrament is a gift one receives; not something one "adheres" to..."
The Roman Catholic Church requires its membership to jump through many hoops (Mt 23:4, Mt 11:30). Cruciform has nothing to offer a dying person because his work-based gospel is a false (Ac 20:24). He knows this and peddles it anyway (2 Th 1:8,9).
What are you reading?