Christians who are Pentecostal in Experience
Response to comment [from a Catholic claiming to have the gift of tongues]: "The Catholic Church is the largest charismatic denomination in the world...Speaking to international leaders of the Charismatic Renewal in 1979, Pope John Paul II stated: "I am convinced that this movement is a sign of the Spirit's action … a very important component in the total renewal of the church." Today we can no longer afford to ignore this worldwide action of the Holy Spirit in 226 countries, as the number of Catholic Charismatics is reaching 100 million or more. And there is no sign that it has peaked..."
Believing the truth would come before any gift of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit will not pour gifts out to false teachers. Consider Re 19:19-21:
Response to comment [from a Christian accused by members "[B]etter ask godrulz to stay away, then, else he will go on a MAD/cessationist/cliche rampage..."Or a contingent/determined/open view/libertarian free will/ time-duration/omniscience-knowable rampage..."] "Proof that some Catholics are saved based on faith in Christ, despite their peripheral, non-Christological errors?"
Do you think that Christians can be deceived by false prophets? (Mk 13:22).
"Jim Jones, Charles T. Russell, Joseph Smith, David Koresh, etc. were false prophets that negatively influenced some Christians."
Can Roman Catholics be false teachers?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Yes, but so can some Protestants."
"Catholics are right about Christology"
Catholics teach that Jesus resides in a wafer. They officially teach that he can be called down from heaven and sacrificed again. The mass may honor someone, but it isn't Jesus. Thankfully, not all Catholics believe this. Jesus could never be contained in a box or a temple (2 Chron 6:18).
"...but wrong about their distinctive like rosary, purgatory, Mass, Mary, Popes, tradition, indulgences, priests, sacraments, etc."
Yes, that too.
"The teachers you quote are men of God, but Calvinists, I assume. I
disagree with their views on spiritual gifts and perseverance of the
saints, but am happy to rejoice in a common faith in Christ and the
Word of God."
I also think we must root out Calvinism where we find it too.
"Others dispute their commentary. Don't just accept everything John MacArthur says. He is a good teacher in some ways, but doctrinally wrong in other ways."
I love John MacArthur. I don't agree with him on everything either (which doesn't make him wrong).
Response to comment: "What a precious gift tongues is, thank You, o thank You, o thank You, o Lord..."
Does this mean you have the gift of tongues? If so, would you mind providing an interpretation of what you have learned from the Holy Spirit? (1 Cor. 14:27, 28). "Paul does not prohibit speaking in tongues in a public service (14:39). But he seems to assign it to a lesser place than the gift of prophecy. Paul claims for himself the gift of tongues-speaking, but apparently he exercised this gift in private and not in public (14:18–19)..."
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "At any given moment, one is either a believer or an unbeliever. This does not preclude the possibility of moving from faith to unbelief..."
When a person is saved (Jn 3:7), he is set on a new path. He walks down that path with the Lord (Jn 14:6). The world will see a difference if his faith is genuine (Mt 7:16). If a person professed faith and then moved to unbelief, they were never on the new road in a new walk (1 Jn 2:19).
"Translated: I, godrulz, reject that the sin/sins issue was dealt with in finality 2000 years ago, as I am clueless as to what happened there, and why, clueless as to the doctrine of justification, and the righteousness of God, rejecting it, and assert that the LORD God would put on trial again dead men, and deny that justice was served, and assert that justification is reversible, that adoption is reversible, and that circumcision is reversible, and assert that the seal of the Holy Spirit can be broken, and preach what most of the world preaches, i.e., religion-bad news, and reject the good news. His "difficult believism" is a perversion of the gospel of Christ."
Jesus dealt with sin at the cross. It is why he came out of time and eternity. Man's sin problem was real. It took drastic measures to deal with it. The cross should show every man what God thinks of sin. Justification is the act of God (Isa 50:8; Ro 8:33) promised in Christ (Isa 45:25; 53:11).
Dead men are not on trial. God has already declared men guilty before them (Ro 3:23). Death is separation from God forever. Eternal life comes by trusting Christ (Ro 6:23). Only God knows what is easy or difficult for a person. Only he knows if a person is saved (Ro 10:9) and the condition of their heart toward Jesus (Ro 10:13).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Paul encourages this gift [tongues] for all...1 Cor. 14:4; Paul said to not forbid the gift and to earnestly desire it."
I do not deny that the gift of tongues is given to some. But it is not given to everyone (1 Cor 12:9-10). And love is superior to tongues (1 Cor. 13:1–13).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I Jn. 2 is about fakes who never believed in Christ. This is one scenario, but not the only scenario. The other possibility is that they were true believers who fell away/apostasized/reverted to godless unbelief (Heb. 3; 6:4-6; 10)."
The Bible does not teach that you can loose your salvation. When a person is truly born again, Satan may continue to attempt to convince him that he can loose his salvation, but a study of the word of God will put the believer at ease. He can get back on the road in his walk with the Lord (Eph 6:16).
Christians who are
Pentecostal in Experience