Compromise at Liberty: Glenn Beck, a Mormon, to Give Commencement Address
"MADISON, Wisc., April 24
/Christian Newswire/ -- In today's confusing times, we need clear Biblical
messages. By allowing Glenn Beck, a Mormon, to speak at Liberty University's
Commencement, Liberty's message becomes off-focus.
According to the Liberty University's website, Glenn Beck will address Liberty
University's Class of 2010 Commencement on Saturday, May 15. He will be joined
by popular Baptist preacher Dr. Paige Patterson.
Beck, a popular FOX NEWS announcer, is a well-known Mormon. In 1999, Beck and
his wife became members of the Mormon Church after his daughter recommended
Mormonism. Before this, he took a Yale University theology class called "Early
Christology," but dropped out.
While Beck presents many factual presentations on his popular FOX NEWS show, he
should not be allowed to speak at a university that demands its students to
believe that Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation..." Story.
We must let people know that Mormons are cultists not Christians.
False claim of Mormonism:
Jesus is the spirit brother of Lucifer.
False teaching about the trinity (tri-theism: Jesus was a created being) and the
Spirit-brother of Lucifer, who became a god.
Mormons teach that there are many gods and we too can become gods.
Not so.
Bad decision Liberty. There are fine Christians who could give the commencement address. We don't need more compromise.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "I harbor doubts that Beck really believes the Mormon tenets..."
I get that impression, too. He may not understand that Mormon beliefs about Jesus puts them in the kingdom of the cults not the kingdom of God.
Nevertheless, we do him no favors to pretend that Mormons are Christians. As my pastor likes to say say, "If you get it wrong about Jesus, it doesn't matter what you get right (Geraci)."
It sends a terrible message--we love personalities not Christ. Beck says a correct thing or two--and a broken clock is right twice a day--so what.
at Liberty: Glenn Beck, a Mormon, to Give Commencement Address