Concubine—an illegal so-called wife. Source of trouble (Gen. 21:9–14), incompatible with Christianity (Matt. 19:5).

Concupiscence—sinful desire. Causes of: learning evil (Rom. 16:19), making provision for flesh (Rom. 13:14), not fearing God (Prov. 8:13; Prov. 9:10), not seeing consequences of sin (Ex. 34:6, 7; Rom. 6:23; Heb. 11:25). Fruits of: evil inclinations (Rom. 7:7, 8), temptations (James 1:14), unchastity (1 Thess. 4:5), reprobation (Rom. 1:21–32).

Polygamy—having more than one so-called wife. Causes of sinful sexual desire (2 Chr. 11:23). Contrary to: God’s original Law (Gen. 2:24), marriage covenant (Ps. 128:1–6), God’s commandment (Ex. 20:14), God’s equal distribution of the sexes (Gen. 1:27; 1 Cor. 7:2), relationship between Christ and the Church (Eph. 5:22–33). Productive of: dissension (Gen. 16:1–6), discord (1 Sam. 1:6), degeneracy (1 Kin. 11:1–4). Thomas Nelson Publishers. (1996). Nelson’s quick reference topical Bible index. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.