Convert or pay a fine
Another reason to convert. Blogger JohnnyBeGood writes: "Obamacare does in fact acknowledge each Americans Right to reject Forced Health insurance under the 1st Amendment. It's called an [exemption]. Do an internet search and you'll see that Native Americans, the Amish, Muslims, and other religious beliefs are Exempt. Why? Because each American has a 1st Amendment right to entrust God with their body, something our Constitution protects and which people have embraced for thousands of years. I've never had health insurance and would rather pay down my mortgage and trust in God. Therefore, you don't have to be Amish to exercise the same 1st Amendment right. The current media blitz is to brainwash you away from your Constitutional rights and put a government boot on your throat, however you are legally exempt from IRS harassment and penalties. The statute is hidden in the House Bill but clearly explained under Senate Bill 3590, pages 273-274 exemptions from individual responsibility requirements. Learn and apply it." Full text: CNS News
Should States challenge Obamacare? Should individuals challenge Obamacare on religious grounds?
Obama is attempting to flex "Fed'" muscle lately.
Consider the immigration issue in Arizona (Obama:
Ariz. immigration measure 'misguided').
Do you believe states will be successful if they challenge healthcare takeover?
Tom Tancredo said on his radio address today that Christians will be paying for
Muslim's healthcare.
Is this possible in an ObamaNation? Prov 22:6. It sure makes buying and selling tough when we pay their bills (Re 13:17).
Don't blame me. I voted for the American.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "[D]o you also decline medical care when you are sick or injured, trusting in God to preserve and/or heal you if it be His will?"
Why would a Christian refuse medical care? Are you confusing us with Jehovah's false witness?
"...a willful clinging to life and health makes you the most base of hypocrites."
Christians should cling to death? :confused: No, Satan and his minions love death, disease and destruction. We love life and propose things that lead to its abundance (Jn 10:10). :o That's a good way to tell the believer from the make-believer by the way.
"So, serpentdove, are you a hypocrite?"
We are looking forward to going home (2 Cor 5:8); However, we have work to do here (2 Cor 5:10-11).
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "No one took over healthcare. That was just some of that stuff from the people who spit on their opponents and called them racial slurs."
Do you believe that those who are opposed to Obamacare
are racist?
"Tancredo has a few screws loose..."
Ad hominem.
You knew that was coming.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "So serpentdove I'm going to assume that was a no to Gerald's question concerning whether when you are sick or injured you trust in God to preserve and/or heal you if it be His will..."
A Christian can pray for people who are ill. If it is 1. our will to be well and 2. God's will that we get well--we'll get well. We live in a fallen world. Once our world was perfect (Ge 1:31) no disease, no death, no suffering. Now, it is not perfect.
We ask God for healing. Sometimes his answer is "yes". Sometimes his answer is "no". We cannot demand healing. We are sinners by nature and by our own actions (Ps 51:5). Sinners die (Eze 18:20). We can be made alive in Christ (Eph 2:5).
"So you opt into healthcare only when it's really obvious you need it (and soon) rather than when you might need it and not urgently, i.e. hypocrite."
Healthcare is not the business of government.
"You trust in your god only when it is safe to do so, but ridicule others who hedge their bets in a similar way except slightly more cautiously."
Ridicule people who purchase healthcare? No, purchasing healthcare is a good idea. Stealing from others to pay for their healthcare? That is a bad idea. Socialism violates God's command "Do not steal". Ex 20:15. Enyart.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Why does he single out Muslims? What is he talking about?"
I'm confused myself. I've written to the Congressman,
asking him to update his site. When he updates his page, I'll provide more
detailed notes. He mentioned something about Islamic laws and the US bowing to
them. I think Muslims get a break due to the [Senate Bill 3590, pages 273-274].
I'm not a lawyer. I'm a serpent, remember? It might take a few days, but I'll
follow up.
You'd think they'd be a bit more tech saavy--like us TOLers, hmm?
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [Do you believe that those who are opposed to Obamacare are racist?] "Spitting on people of other races and calling them racial names is a pretty good tip-off for racism, yes."
I see you've witnessed some leftist plants in the
Racist Left Seeks To Employ Racist Plants To Falsely Depict ‘Evidence’ Of Tea
Party Racism
You believe those who oppose Obamacare are racist. I do not. The Right believes their opponents are foolish (Eccl 10:2). The Left believes their opponents are evil.
Tactics of the Left
Allah Smiles on Obamacare by Tom Tancredo
Response to comment [from other]: [Ad hominem! Ad hominem! Ad hominem! Ad hominem!] "It's like a perturbed dalek..."
A who?
Response to comment [from other]: "A dalek is actually designed to be devoid of any emotion, so for it to feel perturbed, annoyed, or inclined to remonstrate with inferior lifeforms regarding etiquette is somewhat impossible given the constraints of its nature."
We base our beliefs on the promises in the Bible not on our emotions.
Response to comment [from a Messianic Jew]: "[I]t doesn't matter who got in...."
You're probably right.