Cosby Is a Serial Rapist
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Cosby is also a democrat and a liberal."
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "It appears that some of the accusations against Mr. Cosby cite events in which the victim was unknowing and not at all willing to participate in these behaviors."
Good reason not to be alone with a dirty old man.
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: [Discussing politics and Bill Clinton] "So it looks like staying on topic's just not possible for you guys. Good to know."
Jn 3:8
Response to comment [from other]: "...I'd like a full and impartial appraisal of the facts before his peers..."
One corrupt judge will do just fine.
Mic. 7:3
Response to comment [from other]: "His admittance to giving women Quaaludes (which he stocked up on) is an extremely convincing piece of evidence that he denied them of the ability to consent."
ConsentResponse to comment [from a Catholic]: "You get away with it as long as you support the feminist agenda..."
fight to be used like whores. Prov. 30:20
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Can't roofie yourself (which is what willingly taking a lude amounts to) then blame someone for raping you while you're out. If he DID rape you while you're out, he should hang. But you made it happen."
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "At that time we thought he was a nice guy. That was his persona. But I think the entertainment media, in general, is a place of very broad acceptance of a variety of behaviors."
If a woman is not a good judge of character, her husband should help to clue her in (Ge 31:4–16, 1 Cor 14:34, 35). She should not be alone with a man to whom she is not married.
Response to comment [from other]: [She should not be alone with a man to whom she is not married.] "Yup, if it's good enough for Egypt, ISIS and the Taleban, it should be good enough for America."
Islam is a perversion of Christianity (Ge
Woman can be foolish (Jb
2:10) and gullible (2
Tim. 3:6).
Response to comment [from other]: "There does seem to be a mentality of "they shouldn't have accepted a drink or have been out drinking in the first place". IF that is the standard, then the only reasonable solution would be to ban alcohol. That way there is no picking and choosing of who should or shouldn't be out drinking."
If a man has a
drunken, loose woman on his hands, he covers her up and takes her home. He
doesn't take advantage of her unless he's an animal.
Gal. 5:19
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Agreed. He's an animal. And what is she?"
Seemingly the victim of a crime (Ex. 21:16).