Creation: Where's the Proof?
"Evidence: "Creationists and evolutionists, Christians
and non-Christians all have the same evidence—the same facts. Think about it: we
all have the same earth, the same fossil layers, the same animals and plants,
the same stars—the facts are all the same.
The difference is in the way we all interpret the facts. And why do we interpret
facts differently? Because we start with different presuppositions. These are
things that are assumed to be true, without being able to prove them. These then
become the basis for other conclusions. All reasoning is based on
presuppositions (also called axioms). This becomes especially relevant when
dealing with past events..." Full text:
Creation: ‘Where’s the Proof?’: When the person you talk to on creation insists
that you ‘leave the Bible out of it’, they are really saying the deck should be
stacked one way by Ken Ham
["Exposing a person's presuppositions will help them to see how they filter the
facts..." Evolution Exposed, Second Ed.]
Response to comment [from other]: "Ah, thank you Ken of the people who finally, finally, got me to realize that Christianity is just so..much hokum."
Ad hominem.
Response to comment [from a Muslim]: "Science is trying to come up with accurate information."
Same data. Different interpretations of that data.
Response to comment [from other]: "Lack of intelligent interpretation of the data."
Ad hominem. Did you have a particular scientist in
Or, did you wish to discredit all creation scientists?
Poisoning the well.
Response to comment [from other]: "...It applies to all of them. They are either simply ignorant of the facts, the science or..."
Or they are telling the truth? Is that a possibility?
"...sometimes they just do not tell the truth."
Then, they know the truth but are intentionally lying.
You believe that. I do not. Eze 13:19.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Why are you doing this? The bible is an accumulation of ancient texts that has nothing to do with the scientific method. It contains no observable facts and no theory to explain. It is a spiritual document that involves spiritual matters. It's not a textbook. What is wrong with you?"
Why would this thread bother you?
Do you believe God's word (the Bible) or man's fallible opinion (the "textbook")?
[Edited Sermon Notes: How to Be Certain the Bible is the Word of God by Adrian Rogers] "Why believe the Bible? Because your salvation depends upon it. If you want someone to be saved they must have something to believe. Your growth depends upon the word of God. Your sanctification depends upon the world of God. Your assurance depends upon the word of God. It is important to have a solid conviction that the Bible is the word of God.
We can believe the word of God (1) because of the scientific accuracy of the Bible. Some say: "Of course the Bible is not scientifically accurate because it was was written thousands of years ago." Before you say that, make sure of two things--make certain that you know science and make certain that you know the word of God. The Bible does not always agree with science--and for that I am infinitely glad. If you've been to Paris, you may have visited the Louvre. There are 3 1/2 miles of books on science and almost every one of them is obsolete. Science is changing. What is scientific fact in one era is not in another era.
In 1861 there was an anti-God French academy of science that gave 51 facts that prove the Bible wrong. Today, more than 100 years later, there is not a reputable scientist who believes one of those 51 facts. Aren't you glad the Bible did not agree with that science? Had the Bible agreed with that science the Bible would have been wrong. Give the scientists enough time, perhaps they'll catch up with the Bible.
The Bible teaches about science:
The earth suspended in space (Job 26:7). How did Job know that?
Ancient Egyptians believed that the earth was supported on five pillars. Greeks believed that the earth was held on the back of a giant named Atlas. Ancient Hindus believed the earth stood on the backs of huge elephants. When the elephants shook that created earthquakes. Someone asked, "What are the elephants standing on?" On the back of a huge tortoise. They asked, "Then, what's the turtle on?" The turtle is on the back huge coiled serpent. They asked, "Then, what is the serpent on?" The serpent is swimming in a cosmic sea.
Earth is a sphere. Isa 40:22. How did Isaiah know that?
By observation you would think that the earth is flat. Columbus sailed west. Men said you'd better be careful or you might fall off the edge. It was not until 1492 that time that men conceded that the earth is round.
The stars are without number (human number, uncountable) [Jer 33:22].
Hipparchus counted stars, the noted astronomer of that day. He said there are 1022 stars. That was the science. 250 years later, another Ptolemy checked up on Hipparchus and he laughed. There are 1026. 1300 years later that Galileo created telescope and gave a gasp--millions and billions of stars in the canopy of space. Now, with the Hubble telescope---stars upon stars. Jeremiah said the host of heaven cannot be known. How did Jeremiah know that?
How did they know? All scripture given by inspiration of God (2 Ti 3:16).
Now move into physiology and biology. Blood is in the life. We that that for granted. It was not until 1615 that William Harvey discovered that blood even circulates in the body--the incredible properties of human blood. In relatively recent times when men got sick they would attribute it to blood. The barber pole represented a bandage. They would bleed men in the hopes that they would get well. The father of our country George Washington got sick and they bled him three times. They bled him to death. Lev 17:14, blood--it is the life of all flesh, an incredible scientific statement.
In the Middle Ages there was a Bubonic Plague, called the Black Plague. 1 out of 4 died. They could not figure out what caused it. It was one of the greatest natural disasters in human history. The word of God was the solution. If a man had the plague quarantine him (Lev 13:46).
1840, in hospitals in Vienna 1 out of 5 mothers were dying of infection. They would go in for inspections and they were getting infected. Doctors did not wash their hands. Dr. Semmelweis said from now on, you will wash your hands before you examine. They would go from the morgue to make examinations. 1 out of 84 died. After this policy 11 out of 12 died. Then he said, you will wash between every examination. Doctors said, no we can't do that. Nu 19:14-19, when men die in a tent they shall be unclean 7 days (time for the bacteria to die) every open vessel is unclean, if you touch one slain, or a dead body or bone or one in the grave, they shall be unclean 7 days. They had no idea about a germ. God says don't contaminate.
"The Bible is not a science book but it is scientifically accurate..." How to Know the Bible is the Word of God
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "...[A] confirmed lie promoted by AiG..."
Alleged certainty
...and feather problem.
Response to comment [from other]: "It is not a possibility that a creation scientist is telling the truth about science. Yep, some are intentionally lying."
Response to comment [from a Muslim]: “[R]eligious people aren't after
anything but making sure the evidence agrees with scripture and traditional
beliefs. Science is trying to come up with accurate information.
Plain and simple.”
Should supernatural creation be a “science stopper” and not a “science starter”?
Most of the founding fathers of science believed the Bible and in a supernatural
creation. Should we stop asking questions?
"God is simply presented. Not argued--presented." Ge 1:1 ~ Adrian Rogers
How to Have a True Foundation by Adrian Rogers