Creation Is Religion Pt
[An except: Creation Is Religion by Ken Ham] “At one seminar, I stated that we must build all of our thinking upon God’s Word. That must be our starting point. One minister, in a rather irate manner, made the comment that he should be able to go to the Bible to find out how to fix his car. Obviously, he did not understand that the principles that govern our thinking in every area must come from the Scriptures. These principles are immutable. The Bible certainly does not contain the details on how to fix a car. On the other hand, modern science, which enabled the development of the car, arose when people began to base their science upon the Bible. Therefore, this machine runs according to the laws which God made. We should be able to investigate these laws which God made and apply them in different areas. No informed evolutionist would question the fact that modern science arose from a biblical foundation. In other words, what we believe and how we think depends upon the basis with which we start. The Bible contains the very foundational principles and details necessary to develop correct thinking in every area.
Unfortunately, too many people have started with the word of men and then judged what the Bible states. What an arrogant position this is! We cannot tell God what He should say. We must be prepared to come totally under His authority and listen to what He says to us. Yes, creation is religion, but it is based on revelation from the all-knowing Creator. Evolution is religion, but it is not based on revelation from God. Instead it is based on the words of men who were not there—men who (by their own admission) do not know everything. And these men, the Bible informs us, are biased against God and His Word…” Creation Is Religion, Ham.
Response to comment [Scientists base their science upon God's natural laws] "More irrationality from the Hamster."
Take it up with: da Vinci, Copernicus, Bacon, Galilei, Kepler, Newton, Pasteur, Einstein, etc. Same empirical data--different interpretations.
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[URL=""]Do real
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beautiful [1 Cor 12:8]).