Creation Is Religion Pt VI

[An excerpt:  Creation Is Religion by Ken Ham]

In the public school system I tried to ensure that my students were taught a correct understanding of science and how to think logically. However, when first teaching creation in the public schools, my approach was different. I would show the students the problems with evolution and how evidence supported the creationist view. However, when the students went to another class where the teacher was an evolutionist, the teacher would just re-interpret the evidence for them. I had been using what can be called an evidentialist approach—trying to use the evidence to convince students that it showed evolution wrong and creation true. 

I then changed methods and taught students the true nature of science—what science can and cannot do. We looked in detail at the limitations that scientists have in relation to the past. They were told that all scientists have presuppositions (beliefs) which they use in interpreting the evidence. I shared with them my beliefs from the Bible concerning creation, the Fall, Noah’s flood and other topics, and how one may build scientific models upon this framework. It was demonstrated how the evidence consistently fitted with the creation framework and not within that of the evolutionists. I had begun teaching from what could be called a “presuppositionalist” approach. The difference was astounding. When students went to the other classes and their teachers tried to re-interpret the evidence, the students were able to identify for the teachers the assumptions behind what the teachers were saying. The students recognized that it was a teacher’s belief system that determined the way in which he looked at the evidence. The question of origins was outside of direct scientific proof. 

This so perplexed some teachers that, on one occasion, a young teacher came to me and abrasively stated that I had destroyed her credibility with the students. She had taught her students that coal formed in swamps over millions of years. I had taught the students that there were different theories as to how coal could be formed. Since this teacher had not indicated the limitation of science and had taught her swamp theory of coal as fact, her credibility was undermined in the eyes of the students. The reason she was so angry was that she had absolutely no comeback and knew it. So did the students.


Creationists are not out to make naturalists the "bad guys".  They attempt to identify assumptions that naturalists make often without even realizing it.  Which worldview are you more likely to believe?  Evolutionary thinking:  time, chance , struggle and death produces new and improved life forms   Or, change and struggle which came from the fall (Ge 3:6,11,12; Ro 5:12,15,19) producing disease, decline and death?  Which worldview makes more sense to you?  Which interpretation of the evidence is more logical?

Response to comment [from a Catholic]:  "Coal forms over millions of years."

Coal does not lack C14.  Why do you think that is?

"AiG will lie when they think it serves their purposes. (examples on request)."

Creationists do not claim that naturalists lie.  You realize that AIG quotes papers from many doctors in their respective fields.  Why would they lie?  Many naturalists believe that creation is a legitimate scientific concept.  There is no need to demonize them.

"Regrettably many science teachers are ill-equipped to deal with the dishonesty peddled by creationists."

Why is the naturalist's view more valid when he makes an added assumption to maintain his belief?  Even if you disagree with a creationist's worldview, don't you want students to have a healthy scientific skepticism?

"Telling them fairy tales is not promoting skepticism."

Shouldn't they be given the information to decide for themselves?  Christians have not done a good job training children (De 4:9; 11:19) with Bible "stories".  They are told science is fact and the Bible is filled with nice fairy tales.  Their happy ending is heaven if they believe the "stories".  We should teach them that the Bible is true (Jas 1:18, Da 10:21) and it is an accurate account of history (Pr 6:23; 2Pe 1:19).  Do you recognize the mixed messages that we send?

Creation Is Religion Pt VI