Creation on the Job

Not everyone is called to a foreign mission field or a full-time pastorate, but almost any workplace can become a mission field. Here are some ideas to spur you on:

  • Start a lunchtime Bible study on creation or apologetics. Or meet at a coffeeshop with one or two people to study these topics.
  • Display creation materials somewhere obvious at your desk. Coffee-table books with stunning photos make great conversation starters, as do coffee mugs or mouse pads with creationist themes.
  • Keep an interesting fossil or two at your desk and strike up a conversation about how and when they were formed.
  • When discussions about dinosaurs, evolution, the age of the earth, and other creation-related questions come up, share gospel-proclaiming and apologetics websites.
  • Leave creation-related resources, including copies of this magazine, at your company’s breakroom for others to read.